Script Classes: WsfAssetManager

processor <name> WSF_ASSET_MANAGER

   filter_dead_tracks <boolean-value>
   max_track_grouping_distance <length-value>
   max_assignments <integer>
   assignment_delay <time-value>
   decision_update_delay <time-value>
   log_status <boolean-value>

      subord_yellow_timeout <time-value>
      subord_red_timeout <time-value>
      report_position_every <length-value>
      or_every <time-value>
      report_status_every <time-value>
      aggregate_unit_status <boolean-value>
      stationary_opns_only <boolean-value>
      weapon_required <boolean-value>
      require_all_weapons <boolean-value>
      ew_required <boolean-value>
      tar_required <boolean-value>
      ttr_required <boolean-value>


WSF_ASSET_MANAGER is a script base class for the HELIOS-based asset manager models to inherit from. It is not meant to be used as a processor in it’s own right, instead, asset manager models use it to provide common scripting functionality found in all asset management processors.

Script Interface

WSF_ASSET_MANAGER utilizes capabilities of the Common Script Interface and WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR.

Asset Manager Commands

filter_dead_tracks <boolean-value>

If true, makes a truth call to see if the target is alive before considering for inclusion in the threat array.

Default: False

max_track_grouping_distance <length-value>

Sets the grouping distance for track strength deterinations. Note that tracks are not merged if grouped, simply incremented in strength count.

Default: 50 meters

max_assignments <integer>

This command sets the maximum number of active assignments for the asset.

Note: Subordinate assignments count against this total.

Default: 0

assignment_delay <time-value>

This command sets the assignment delay for the Asset Manager.

Note: Assignment delay occurs prior to queueing outgoing messages for processors with commit authority, and prior to processing received messages for processors without commit authority.

Default: 0 seconds

decision_update_delay <time-value>

This command sets the routing for assignments.

Note: This is a directed message so will generally be set to ‘dynamic’.

Default: 0 seconds

log_status <boolean-value>

This command sets status logging on or off for the Asset Manager.

Default: True

Status Settings Commands

Block for defining the HELIOS Asset Manager status settings.

subord_yellow_timeout <time-value>

Specifies how long to wait without a status report before setting subordinate status to YELLOW (unavailable).

Default: 15 seconds

subord_red_timeout <time-value>

Specifies how long to wait without a status report before setting subordinate status to RED (unavailable).

Default: 30 seconds

report_position_every <length-value>

Specifies how often position messages should be transmitted if the platform is moving.

Default: 100 meters

or_every <time-value>

Specifies how often position messages should be transmitted.

Default: 300 seconds

report_status_every <time-value>

Specifies how often status messages should be transmitted.

Default: 10 seconds

aggregate_unit_status <boolean-value>

Include GREEN status subordinates when determining if requirements for status GREEN are met.

Default: False

stationary_opns_only <boolean-value>

Require the asset be stationary for status GREEN.

Default: False

weapon_required <boolean-value>

Require a weapon with ammunition for status GREEN.

Default: False

require_all_weapons <boolean-value>

Require all weapons on the platform to have ammunition for status GREEN.

Default: False

ew_required <boolean-value>

An EW radar is required for status GREEN.

Default: False

tar_required <boolean-value>

A TAR radar is required for status GREEN.

Default: False

ttr_required <boolean-value>

A TTR radar is required for status GREEN.

Default: False

Asset Manager Example

   subord_yellow_timeout 120 secs
   subord_red_timeout    180 secs
   report_position_every 100 meters
   or_every              300 secs
   report_status_every   10 secs
   aggregate_unit_status true
   weapon_required       true
   require_all_weapons   false
   ew_required           false
   tar_required          true
   ttr_required          true
   stationary_opns_only  false

max_assignments        10
assignment_delay       0 secs
decision_update_delay  0 secs
log_status             true