Script Classes: WsfBattleManager

processor <name> WSF_BATTLE_MANAGER
   ... WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR Commands ...

   commit_authority <boolean-value>
   project_tracks_by_delays <boolean-value>
   project_targets_forward <time-value>
   by <time-value>

      unknowns <boolean-value>
      neutrals <boolean-value>
      friendlies <boolean-value>
      hostiles <boolean-value>


WSF_BATTLE_MANAGER is a script base class for all HELIOS-based battle managers to inherit from. It is not meant to be used as a processor in it’s own right, instead, other battle managers use it to provide common scripting functionality found in all battle managers.

Script Interface

WSF_BATTLE_MANAGER utilizes capabilities of the Common Script Interface and WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR.

Battle Manager Commands

commit_authority <boolean-value>

This command sets commit authority on or off. If the associated asset manager is not set to filter_dead_tracks, stale or invalid tracks may be assigned to a weapon. Additionally, unusually high or low purge intervals on track processors can cause unusual assignment behavior.

Default: False

project_tracks_by_delays <boolean-value>

This command sets track projection by assignment delays on or off for assignment creation.

Default: True

project_targets_forward <time-value>

This command allows configurable forward projection times of targets for weapon assessment purposes. Note that HELIOS defaults these depending on the model, but they can be overridden by this scripting setting.

Default: 60 seconds

by <time-value>

This command allows configuration of the forward projection time increment for weapon assessment purposes.

Default: 10 seconds

Engage IFF Permissions Commands

Any IFF type with a true value will be allowed to be engaged by the battle manager. Values of false will not be given engagement clearance for the battle manager.

unknowns <boolean-value>

Default: False

neutrals <boolean-value>

Default: False

friendlies <boolean-value>

Default: False

hostiles <boolean-value>

Default: False

Battle Manager Example

commit_authority         true
project_tracks_by_delays false

    unknowns   false
    neutrals   false
    friendlies false
    hostiles   true