

WsfBMAssessmentRecord is the script interface to the record of an engagement assessment performed by an IADS C2 Battle Manager.


void SetWeaponTypePriority(int priority)

Set priority of weapon type.

int GetWeaponTypePriority()

Get priority of weapon type.

void SetWeaponSubtypePriority(int priority)

Set priority of weapon subtype.

int GetWeaponSubtypePriority()

Get priority of weapon subtype.

void SetWeaponExcluded(bool excluded)

Set whether weapon is excluded in this assessment.

bool IsWeaponExcluded()

Get whether weapon is excluded in this assessment.

void SetPriority(double priority)

Set priority.

double GetPriority()

Get priority.

int GetDirectC2ID()

Get direct C2 ID.

int GetDirectC2SubID()

Get direct C2 SubID.

void SetDirectC2ID(int ID, int subID)

Set direct C2 idRecord ID and SubID.

int GetTrackID()

Get track record ID of assessed threat.

int GetTrackSubID()

Get track record SubID of assessed threat.

WsfBMAssignmentMessage GetExistingAssignment()

Get assignment if one already exists. Empty assignment otherwise.

int GetAssetID()

Get id record ID of assessed asset.

int GetAssetSubID()

Get id record SubID of assessed asset.

int GetWeaponID()

Get weapon record ID of assessed weapon.

int GetWeaponSubID()

Get weapon record SubID of assessed weapon.

int GetAssessedZoneTypes()

Get integer mask of assessed zone type enum values (OTHER = 1, AOR = 2, SUR = 4, MEZ = 8, FEZ = 16, JEZ = 32, GEZ = 64, DA = 128, COR = 256).

WsfGeoPoint GetPredictedInterceptPt()

Get the assessed engagement’s predicted intercept point.

bool CanInterceptTrack()

Return if a successful intercept has been predicted.

bool IsInterceptInsideC2Zone()

Return if a successful intercept has been predicted in a C2 Zone.

bool IsInterceptInsideMaxRange()

Return if a successful intercept has been predicted inside the weapon’s maximum range.

bool IsInterceptInsideZone()

Return if a successful intercept has been predicted inside a zone attached to the weapon.

bool IsInterceptOutsideMinRange()

Return if a successful intercept has been predicted outside the weapon’s minimum range.

bool IsLOSMasked()

Return if the Line Of Sight to the predicted intercept point is masked.

int GetPotentialShots()

Get number of predicted potential shots in assessment.

double GetAssignmentTime()

Get predicted assignment time including anticipated delays.

double GetDeflectionAngleRads()

Get angle offset from track’s current direction of travel to asset.

double GetDistanceToPCA()

Get distance from weapon to predicted threat Point of Closest Approach.

double GetInterceptDistance()

Get distance from weapon to predicted intercept point.

double GetInterceptPK()

Get Probability of Kill of predicted intercept.

double GetInterceptTime()

Get time of predicted intercept.

double GetMaxRange()

Get assessed weapon max range.

double GetProjectedTime()

Get time threat was projected prior to calculating predicted intercept.