- WsfBMDisseminateC2
Navigation: Script Types
Derives From: WsfProcessor, WsfPlatformPart, WsfObject
WsfBMDisseminateC2 is the script interface for invoking methods on the IADS C2 disseminate C^2 base class. This class provides common interfaces that all IADS C2 dissemination processors derive.
- void SetAssetManager(WSF_BATTLE_MANAGER battle_manager)¶
Couples the asset manager to the dissemination processor responsible for handling outgoing messages for the processor. Required Initialization
Note: Sets asset manager reference to the asset manager referenced by the battle manager.
- void Run()¶
Runs the dissemination processors main message retrieval loop for pulling messages from the battle manager.
- void ClearOutgoingMessages()¶
Clears messages retrieved from the last call to Run() and that have not been pulled with a variant of the GetOutgoingMessages* interface.
- Array<WsfBMAssignmentMessage> GetOutgoingAssignmentMessages()¶
Retrieves outgoing assignment messages with proper heading information based on the Dissemination C^2 routing settings. These messages will then need to be sent by the dissemination processor within AFSIM script.
- Array<WsfBMAssignmentStatusMessage> GetOutgoingAssignmentStatusMessages()¶
Retrieves outgoing assignment status messages with proper heading information based on the Dissemination C^2 routing settings. These messages will then need to be sent by the dissemination processor within AFSIM script.
- Array<WsfBMStatusMessage> GetOutgoingStatusMessages()¶
Retrieves outgoing status messages with proper heading information based on the Dissemination C^2 routing settings. These messages will then need to be sent by the dissemination processor within AFSIM script.
- Array<WsfBMTrackMessage> GetOutgoingTrackMessages()¶
Retrieves outgoing track messages with proper heading information based on the Dissemination C^2 routing settings. These messages will then need to be sent by the dissemination processor within AFSIM script.