
advanced_behaviors are similar to normal behaviors, with the addition of 3-state and blackboard functionality, as well as additional visualization features.

advanced_behavior <type-name>
  enabled <boolean>
  name <string>
  desc <string>
  color <color-value>
  script_variables ... end_script_variables
  on_init          ... end_on_init
  on_message       ... end_on_message
  precondition     ... end_precondition
  on_new_execute   ... end_on_new_execute
  on_new_fail      ... end_on_new_fail
  execute          ... end_execute
  <finite state machine inputs>
  <zero or more nodes>


Advanced behaviors allow the scripter to return based around 3 states rather than 2.

Inside of precondition and execute blocks, return statements should return either a double/float for weighted_random and priority_selector, or one of the 3 states below. These return statements will inform the behavior tree of what state to set for the node that tick. An optional string may be given that will set the tooltip text for the node in the Behavior Tree Tool in Mystic. This can be useful for seeing what the node is currently doing.

return [Running(<string>) | Success(<string>) | Failure(<string>)];


name <string>

Name the node. The new name will be displayed on the node in the Behavior Tree View in Mystic.

desc <string>

Define a description for the node. This will show when the node is hovered over in the Behavior Tree View in Mystic.

color <color-value>

Set the color to display as a platform trace line in Mystic to indicate when the behavior is running.