
advanced_behavior_tree … end_advanced_behavior_tree

Advanced Behavior Trees build upon Behavior Trees, allowing for 3 states (Running, Success, Failure) rather than two (Success, Failure). The addition of a third state allows the AI to be more complex and reactive.

   <one or more nodes>

There are two basic node types:

  • Advanced Behavior Nodes - the leaf nodes of the tree, contain user defined script that performs a particular behavior or action. See the advanced_behavior page for more info.

  • Composite Nodes - useful for building & organizing the tree. These nodes specify how behavior nodes are related to each other.

Composite Nodes

Composite Node Structure & Syntax

   name <string>
   <one or more nodes>

Currently, there are seven supported composite-node-types: sequence, sequence_with_memory, selector, selector_with_memory, parallel, priority_selector, and weighted_random.

There are also 4 decorator nodes: repeater, inverter, succeeder, and negator.

Composite nodes may have any number of children nodes. These children can subsequently have any number and type of children as well, and so on. Decorators may only have one child.

selector … end_selector

Selector nodes execute all children in order (top to bottom in script, left to right in the behavior tree tool). If any child succeeds, the selector will succeed and all children after it will be skipped (they are not considered by the tree). If all children fail, the selector will fail.

selector_with_memory … end_selector_with_memory

Selector nodes with memory work exactly like normal selector nodes with one caveat: If a node fails the selector will move memory forward, and will not check that child until memory is reset. Memory is reset when a node succeeds, or all children fail.

sequence … end_sequence

Sequence nodes execute all children in order (top to bottom in script, left to right in the behavior tree tool). If any child fails its precondition or execute script, the sequence will fail and all children after it will be skipped (they are not considered by the tree). If all children succeed, the sequence will succeed.

sequence_with_memory … end_sequence_with_memory

Sequence nodes with memory work exactly like normal sequence nodes with one caveat: If a node succeeds the sequence will move memory forward, and will not check that child until memory is reset. Memory is reset when a node fails, or all children succeed.

parallel … end_parallel

Parallel nodes will execute all children at the same time, regardless of ordering. Parallel nodes make use of a success policy to determine success/failure (See the success_policy command below) If all children have finished executing and the policy has not been hit, the parallel node will fail. By default, parallel nodes use succeed_on_one, which means only one child node needs to succeed for the parallel node to succeed.

priority_selector … end_priority_selector

Priority-Selector nodes choose and execute whichever child is highest valued. The value of a child is determined by its precondition script block. Priority-Selector nodes always execute their highest valued child.

weighted_random … end_weighted_random

Weighted-Random nodes are connector nodes used in the behavior tree in order to randomly choose and execute a child. A uniform weighted random selection is performed, and the weights for each child are determined by their precondition script blocks. For example, if a Weighted-Random node has two children and both return a value of “3”, then they are equally likely to be chosen.

Decorator Nodes

Decorator nodes are similar to composite nodes, but with only one child. Decorators modify how the child below them behaves.

decorator inverter … end_decorator

Inverter nodes will invert the return status of its child node. If the child returns success, the inverter will return failure, and if the child returns failure, the inverter will return success.

decorator negator … end_decorator

Negator nodes will return failure regardless of the return status of the child.

decorator succeeder … end_decorator

Succeeder nodes will return success regardless of the return status of the child.

decorator repeater [ repeat <int> | for <time> | until_done ] … end_decorator

Repeater nodes will execute their child repeatedly until the criteria set has been fulfilled. Repeater nodes return success after reaching this criteria. Repeat <int> will tick the child node an <int> amount of times before succeeding. for <time> will tick the child node until an amount of <time> has passed. Until_done will repeat the child node until it returns either success or failure.

Defining an advanced_behavior_tree

Advanced behavior trees are simple to declare. Similar to normal behavior trees, each tree has an invisible root node that is a parallel node. All nodes directly under the root node will be executed in parallel.

advanced_behavior_tree ... end_advanced_behavior_tree

Behavior trees can contain [theoretically] and infinite depth of nested connector nodes and behaviors. Here is an example of a behavior tree that doesn’t use any connector nodes, and has a depth of one, by attaching only behavior nodes themselves to the [invisible] root node of the tree.

Example Shallow Behavior Tree:

# all these named behaviors are assumed to be pre-defined
   behavior_node check_fuel
   behavior_node check_instruments
   behavior_node drink_coffee

Example Simple Behavior Tree:

# sequences over the "check_fuel" and "check_instruments" behaviors every update
      behavior_node  check_fuel
      behavior_node  check_instruments

Example Nested Behavior Tree:

# all these named behaviors are assumed to be pre-defined
    behavior_node drink_coffee
      behavior_node check_fuel
      behavior_node check_instruments


Trees may also be defined within other trees. This is useful for visually separating sections of a tree, as well as reusing the tree.

advanced_behavior_tree … end_advanced_behavior_tree

Example Behavior Tree With Subtree:

# all these named behaviors are assumed to be pre-defined
     behavior_node wake_up
           behavior_node eat
           behavior_node exercise

Other Commands

name <string>

Name the tree. This will display on the root node and in the tree selection combo box in the Behavior Tree View in Mystic.

desc <string>

Define a description for the tree. This will show when the root node is hovered over in the Behavior Tree View in Mystic.

btt <boolean>

Define whether or not the tree sends the required data to show a tree in the Behavior Tree View in Mystic.

root_node_type [parallel | priority_selector | selector | selector_with_memory | sequence | sequence_with_memory | weighted_random ]

Set the composite node type for the root node of this tree.

success_policy [threshold <int> | succeed_on_one | succeed_on_all ]

Sets the success_policy for a parallel node or an advanced_behavior_tree using root_node_type parallel. Three policies may be set for handling success on a parallel node: Threshold will take an integer amount of nodes that must succeed for the parallel node to succeed. Succeed_on_one will make the parallel node succeed if any child succeeds. Succeed_on_all will make the parallel node succeed only if all children succeed.