Mystic 2.9 - 25 Feb 2022

Visit the AFSIM 2.9 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Mystic 2.9.0 - 25 Feb 2022


  • The AFSIM Windows installer will now associate AER files with Mystic. (AFSIM-1981)

  • Hidden objects on the Map Display can no longer be selected. Additionally, when selected platforms and annotations are hidden, they are now automatically deselected.


  • Fixed a bug in the Event List where filters would not import correctly. (AFSIM-1042)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented selecting cells in the Event List results table.

  • Corrected satellite orbits in 2D map displays. (AFSIM-1331)

  • Corrected satellite orbits in ECEF mode. (AFSIM-1361)

  • Corrected the reprojection of several field-of-view volumes when displayed in flat maps. (AFSIM-1323)

  • Volumes will not draw beyond 600,000 km to avoid display problems. (AFSIM-1420)

  • Eliminated warnings caused by not loading the P6DOF data plugin by default. (AFSIM-1096)

  • Corrected a crash that occurred when a platform was deleted while a zone’s color was being changed through the Zone Browser. (AFSIM-1124)

  • Fixed an issue where polygonal zones defined using lat_lon or MGRS coordinates were not visualized as Earth-tangential. (AFSIM-1195)

  • Corrected an issue where the time controller<../wkf_plugin/rv_time_controller>` would not display correctly at narrow widths. (AFSIM-2406)

  • Corrected an issue which could cause a crash when displaying routes and loading a new scenario. (AFSIM-1740)

  • Displayed platforms’ mach values are now calculated by the simulation. (AFSIM-1393)

  • Corrected altitude unit in platform details plot. (AFSIM-1553)

  • Corrected an issue where having more than one range_ring on a platform would cause only the last defined ring to display. (AFSIM-1950)

  • Corrected an issue where trying to set an alpha value for a zone’s lines via line_color wouldn’t take effect. (AFSIM-1247)

  • Corrected an issue where a WsfWeaponEngagement using a weapon with no platform would not render an explosion at the target. (AFSIM-1040)

  • Corrected a lighting bug that caused polygonal zone line colors to appear incorrectly. (AFSIM-1104)

  • Corrected an issue where zone color changes would revert during a replay if the owning platform was destroyed. (AFSIM-1105)

  • Some visualizations no longer appear offset from their respective platforms when far away from the center of the 2D Map Display. (AFSIM-398)

  • Fixed route waypoint labels clipping through the Map Display. (AFSIM-394)

  • Fixed double-clicking a platform with a route causing the platform to remain unselected, but its route’s labels visible. (AFSIM-393)

  • Corrected visualization of routes which include waypoints using the goto command. (AFSIM-396)

  • Corrected an issue where platform-defined zones appeared to be affected by the platform’s pitch and roll. (AFSIM-1258)

  • Corrected an issue where platform-defined zones wouldn’t respect minimum_altitude and maximum_altitude commands for display in Wizard, Warlock, and Mystic. (AFSIM-1259)

  • Corrected an issue where zone colors (fill_color and line_color) weren’t inherited through references. (AFSIM-1369)

  • Improved the load times of scenarios which use many routes. (:issue: AFSIM-1570)

  • Prevent Mystic’s views from getting stuck below the map surface when dealing with subsurface platforms. (:issue: AFSIM-1815)

  • Corrected an issue where coastline segments that cross the dateline would draw across an entire 2D map.


  • Added units to plot dialogs. (AFSIM-1024)

  • Made unrecognized messages only display a warning if they are used in the scenario. (AFSIM-1133)

  • AFSIM Event Recording files can now be loaded by dragging/dropping into the Map Display. (AFSIM-1162)

  • Added track ID labels to tracks. This can be enabled/disabled from the track preferences. (AFSIM-1383)

  • Improvements to Battle Management’s Platform Status dialog: default color may be set separately for each column, default color no longer applies to ‘n/a’ values, and shortened aux data column titles. (AFSIM-1273)

  • Added the ability to right click and minimize a nodes children, as well as a way to view if a node is a tree, if it has its children hidden, and how many blackboard variables a node currently has in the Behavior Tree View. The blackboard has been updated to show WsfTrack and WsfPlatform variables. (AFSIM-977)

  • Changed the icon for Sequence nodes to a question mark and the icon for Parallel nodes to three arrows down for a more intuitive look in the Behavior Tree View. (AFSIM-1186)

  • Added a ‘Center Tree in View’ context menu option and precondition tooltips to the Behavior Tree View. (AFSIM-1298)

  • In the Behavior Tree View composite nodes now will show their node type symbol when they are a tree rather than the root node symbol. (AFSIM-1298)

  • Hiding/showing children will now collapse and expand tree layouts as necessary in the Behavior Tree View. (AFSIM-1298)

  • Added the option to hide columns in the Event List results table by right-clicking on the column header.

  • Zone color preferences are now shared across Wizard, Warlock, and Mystic. (AFSIM-1112)

  • Added support for the Map Display to correctly display nonzero minimum_radius values for circular and elliptical zones. (AFSIM-198)

  • Added support for coloration of individual contours in shapefile generated by sensor_plot horizontal_map. (AFSIM-1141)

  • Added additional options to control the visibility of Map Annotations. (AFSIM-1163)

  • Added duration as a type of units to unit preferences. Duration is distinguished from the previously existing Time Format options in that the former specifies units for an amount of time that passes, and the latter specifies the manner in which a single instant in time is displayed.

  • Added capability for Coverage Overlay panel to respond to unit preferences, and label the legend with values in the units according to the user’s preferences.

  • Visual applications now give some indication of what went wrong prior to closing for most crashes. (AFSIM-1565)

  • Labels in the Map Display for platforms, routes, and tracks will now load and run faster, and use the Qt system to render. (AFSIM-1679)

  • Exception logs are now saved to a file when the application unexpectedly closes due to an exception. (AFSIM-1733)

  • Added keyboard shortcuts to hover info for interface controls. (AFSIM-2244)


  • Added virtual methods GetUnitsX() and GetUnitsY() to rv::PlotUpdater which should return the units of the data on the axis. Default implementation returns empty string (unitless).

  • Added macro WKF_UNIT_NAME(TYPE) to WkfUnitsObject.hpp to get the name of the user’s prefered units for type TYPE. E.g. WKF_UNIT_NAME(Length)

  • Added macro WKF_UNIT_FROM_STANDARD(TYPE, VALUE) to WkfUnitsObject.hpp to convert a VALUE of type TYPE from the standard value to the user’s preferred units. E.g. WKF_UNIT_FROM_STANDARD(Length, altitude)

  • Added pymystic module, which allows Python3 script access to event_pipe data in AER files. (AFSIM-1210)

  • Modified CMake to prevent unnecessary rebuilds due to time-stamp changes in the event_pipe auto-generated-code. (AFSIM-1236)

  • Missing plugin dependencies will now cause a CMake error. (AFSIM-1029)

  • Renamed wkf::MainWindow::AddDialogToViewMenu() to wkf::MainWindow::AddDockWidgetToViewMenu() to more accurately reflect what the function does. (AFSIM-1386)

  • Removed wkf::StdRedirector. Instead declare ut::log::Subscriber consoleSub{ "raw" }; to access the console output.

  • Deprecated text drawing classes UtoTextShape, VaAttachmentLabel, VaOverlayLabel, VaOverlayText, VaOverlayTextBox, VaOverlayWindow. The VaDecoratorNode class should be used in their place. (AFSIM-1682)

  • Classes VaAttachmentZone, VaAttachmentZoneBase, VaAttachmentZoneCircle, VaAttachmentZoneEllipse, VaAttachmentZonePolygon, VaAttachmentZoneSphere, and VaZonePoint have been deprecated, use the wkf namespaced ‘AttachmentZone’, ‘AttachmentZoneBase’, ‘AttachmentZoneCircle’, ‘AttachmentZoneEllipse’, ‘AttachmentZonePolygon’, ‘AttachmentZoneSphere’, and ‘ZonePoint’ instead.(AFSIM-1522)