Results Visualization 2.2.1 - 13 Apr 2018


  • None noted.

Known Issues

  • None noted.


  • ** Corrected a bug in which early draw commands might be received out of order.**

  • ** Fixed intensity and saturation map controls.**

  • ** Corrected camera zoom controls when running in an Earth-centered-inertial view.**

  • ** Corrected a miscalculation in the rulers estimated time-to-arrival tool.**

  • ** Corrected an issue that would display an OpenGL error/warning at startup.**

  • (Issue 529) Improved shader compatibility with AMD graphics chips.

  • ** Qt outputs text to the console when using file-browsers.**


  • ** Make the interaction lines reproject properly when the map projection changes.**

  • ** Added LifeTime as a plotting metric (time - startTime).**

  • ** Show proper units on plots.**

  • ** Added the ability to set the time by right clicking on a plot with time on the X-Axis.**

  • ** Added map contrast control.**

  • ** Added an option to color tracelines by platform name (hash).**

  • ** Selecting a platform will automatically scroll the platform browser to make its entry visible.**

  • ** Added Ctrl-Shift-T as the default key-sequence to tether to the current platform of interest.**

  • ** Improvements made to map hovering.**

  • (Issue 445) Added code to allow the visualization of platform subparts with given icons.

  • (Issue 473) Created a plugin to add display markers where weapons detonated and/or entities were destroyed.

  • (Issue 478) Made changes so that platform options are maintained between application sessions.

  • (Issue 491) Added a chat and logging window with integrated application linking.

  • (Issue 513) Added individual sensor visualization, and added jammer volume visualization.

  • (Issue 550) Added a feature to draw orbits.

  • (Issue 559) Added decorator icons that may be applied to platforms.

  • Added line width controls to interaction lines.

  • Added line width and line smoothing to trace lines.


  • None noted.