Wizard v1.10.0 - March 2015


Wizard 1.10 provides support for the new WSF 1.10.

New Features

  • Drag & Drop of files onto Wizard works for most files supported by Wizard, including external applications.

  • Added the multi-run manager for design of experiments.


  • Known issue exists where un-docked editor/browser tabs fail to re-dock on Linux


  • Fixed failure to launch external applications with paths/files containing spaces in Windows

  • Fixed failure to locate/load “colorname.xml” file from “data/vespa”

  • Fixed multiple Qt warnings displayed on Wizard startup and shutdown

  • Fixed crash when dragging a platform to “Unassigned Platforms” in the “Command Chain Browser”

  • Fixed crash when loading any map after having selected “No Map” in the “Map Window”

  • Fixed failure to display “Command Chain Organization Chart” by enforcing a “.svg” file extension on export

  • Fixed repeating “Configure Startup Files” dialog in “Project Settings”