Wizard 2.9 - 25 Feb 2022

Visit the AFSIM 2.9 Release Page on DI2E (Access Controlled) for more information and resources related to this release.

Release Dates

  • Wizard 2.9.0 - 25 Feb 2022


  • Improved functionality of options when right clicking on Wizard editor Tabs. (AFSIM-1527)

  • Hidden objects on the Map Display can no longer be selected. Additionally, when selected platforms and annotations are hidden, they are now automatically deselected.


  • Fixed the issue where moving a point-of-interest via Ctrl+Left-click drag, via the Rotate dialog, or via the Translate dialog would crash Wizard if the point-of-interest did not have a position defined. (AFSIM-1406)

  • Auto-complete popup no longer appears when requested on basic script types. (AFSIM-185)

  • Fixed case where attempting to view reference info through the Text Editor’s context menu would fail in some cases. (AFSIM-389)

  • Fixed bug where changing certain preferred units in Preferences would slightly alter Text Editor values. (AFSIM-400)

  • User actions applied to points-of-interest and bullseyes (including those from Rotate Dialog or Translate Dialog) can now be undone. (AFSIM-598)

  • Fixed an issue where externally editing a scenario file would cause an asterisk to appear by the file name when there are no unsaved changes. (AFSIM-615)

  • Corrected an issue where the asterisk would not appear after the file name in the Text Editor if there was only one file open. (AFSIM-809)

  • Corrected an issue where docking the Map Display with a Text Editor tab would make the Map Display tab unclosable. (AFSIM-809)

  • Corrected grammar rule for the filename used by the WSF_TSPI_MOVER to allow the parser to identify scenario dependencies. (AFSIM-974)

  • Fixed an issue where an erroneous heading command would be inserted in the Text Editor if a platform was dragged to a new location on the Map Display. (AFSIM-980)

  • Fixed issue where scenarios would partially run before Script Debugger breakpoints would break. (AFSIM-1072)

  • Fixed issues where Wizard would not append attributes to platforms and zones correctly. (AFSIM-1036 AFSIM-1045)

  • Fixed the issue where moving a platform via Ctrl+Left-click drag, via the Rotate dialog, or via the Translate dialog may corrupt input in the Text Editor. (AFSIM-1050)

  • Corrected an issue where polygonal zones defined using MGRS coordinates or polar coordinates were incorrectly displayed (AFSIM-1109)

  • Corrected some issues causing points in polygonal zones to display incorrectly (AFSIM-1110)

  • Clicking “Clear Recents” button on the Start-up Dialog will clear the File>Open Recent menu. (AFSIM-1116)

  • Corrected an issue where circular and elliptical zones had unexpected behavior while being dragged (AFSIM-1154)

  • Global routes containing offset waypoints now render correctly. (AFSIM-1176)

  • Fixed issue where zones defined on a platform would not be updated if the platform’s heading was changed. (AFSIM-1200)

  • Fixed issue where zone visualization would sometimes not match the simulation when using the reference_platform command. (AFSIM-1201)

  • Fixed issue where Wizard would not display members of a zone_set if they were included with use_zone or use_exclude_zone. (AFSIM-1202)

  • Corrected an issue where using both embedded inclusion zones and embedded exclusion zones in a zone set would cause a crash. (AFSIM-1203)

  • Fixed issue where Wizard would not display zones if they were in a references chain of length 2 or greater. (AFSIM-1249)

  • Corrected an issue where right-clicking a zone in the Zone Editor and clicking “Go to Definition” crashed Wizard, for zones defined on platforms using use_zone. (AFSIM-1316)

  • Corrected an issue where platform-defined zones, when defined using use_zone, could sometimes inherit their parent platform’s heading when they weren’t supposed to. (AFSIM-1349)

  • Improved scenario loading performance. (AFSIM-1385)

  • Fixed a Wizard crash that happens when the scenario input has a chain of include commands that is too long. (AFSIM-1654)

  • The “Select All” action (default Ctrl-A) now works in both editor and console windows (AFSIM-857)

  • Improved handling of code folding in text editor. (AFSIM-1917)

  • Fixed a crash where opening a project during a Wizard Debugger run would crash Wizard. (AFSIM-1848)

  • Added a user prompt to stop the current run or all runs when the Stop Debugging button is pressed while using the Wizard Debugger on a multi-run simulation. (AFSIM-1779)

  • Fixed a bug where recursive data was presented for script watches (AFSIM-1780)

  • Allow the use of script_variables for update_interval in the grammar. (AFSIM-2180)

  • Added base mover commands to the WSF_TBM_MOVER grammar.

  • Corrected the display of AGL in the Route Browser. All routes local to platforms now show at the proper altitude when AGL is selected. (AFSIM-852)

  • Now, the context menu documentation links support the revised event_output documentation format. (AFSIM-593)

  • The Wizard Comms Visualiztion plugin now supports multiple links per comm device. (AFSIM-1595)

  • Waypoint altitude now renders correctly when AGL altitude reference is specified. (AFSIM-841)

  • Fixed a crash which occurs when using Mission 2.7.X or older upon defining a WSF_SPACE_MOVER on a platform. (AFSIM-1159)

  • Fixed an issue where the current waypoint would inherit the previous waypoint’s ground level, instead of using its ground level, when AGL is specified. (AFSIM-1185)

  • Corrected satellite orbits in 2D map displays. (AFSIM-1331)

  • Corrected satellite orbits in ECEF mode. (AFSIM-1361)

  • Corrected error where mover agl routes would not take additional specified altitude information into account. (AFSIM-1970)

  • Improved route loading performance. Removed default index labels from routes. (AFSIM-2031)

  • Fixed an issue where a near-zero heading would be added to a platform after applying a translation with Ctrl+Left-click drag operation or the Translate Dialog.

  • Fixed an issue where the Rotate and Translate dialogs would look squished due to different screen resolutions.

  • Fixed an issue where polygonal zones defined using lat_lon or MGRS coordinates were not visualized as Earth-tangential. (AFSIM-1195)

  • Corrected issue where stopping the Script Debugger could cause a crash when the application was closed. (AFSIM-1520)

  • Corrected an issue where trying to set a breakpoint through the margin context menu (using “Set Breakpoint” or “Set Conditional Breakpoint…”) did nothing. (AFSIM-1623)

  • Fixed a bug which prevented Wizard from using the Script Debugger with sensor_plot. (AFSIM-1643)

  • Corrected an issue where breakpoints were shifting up lines instead of being removed when the lines that they were located on were deleted. (AFSIM-2413)

  • Corrected an issue with Astrolabe in which a spurious character would be erased from the input file when accepting a mission sequence, sometimes leading to malformed input. (AFSIM-1179)

  • Corrected an issue where trying to set an alpha value for a zone’s lines via line_color wouldn’t take effect. (AFSIM-1247)

  • Corrected an issue where a WsfWeaponEngagement using a weapon with no platform would not render an explosion at the target. (AFSIM-1040)

  • Corrected a lighting bug that caused polygonal zone line colors to appear incorrectly. (AFSIM-1104)

  • Corrected an issue where zone color changes would revert during a replay if the owning platform was destroyed. (AFSIM-1105)

  • Some visualizations no longer appear offset from their respective platforms when far away from the center of the 2D Map Display. (AFSIM-398)

  • Fixed route waypoint labels clipping through the Map Display. (AFSIM-394)

  • Fixed double-clicking a platform with a route causing the platform to remain unselected, but its route’s labels visible. (AFSIM-393)

  • Corrected visualization of routes which include waypoints using the goto command. (AFSIM-396)

  • Corrected an issue where platform-defined zones appeared to be affected by the platform’s pitch and roll. (AFSIM-1258)

  • Corrected an issue where platform-defined zones wouldn’t respect minimum_altitude and maximum_altitude commands for display in Wizard, Warlock, and Mystic. (AFSIM-1259)

  • Corrected an issue where zone colors (fill_color and line_color) weren’t inherited through references. (AFSIM-1369)

  • Improved the load times of scenarios which use many routes. (:issue: AFSIM-1570)

  • Prevent Wizard’s views from getting stuck below the map surface when dealing with subsurface platforms. (:issue: AFSIM-1815)

  • Corrected an issue where coastline segments that cross the dateline would draw across an entire 2D map.


  • Added support in Astrolabe for targeting a specified kinematic state in targeting-class maneuvers.

  • Added support in Astrolabe for optimizing orbital targeting events with a cost function. (AFSIM-1787)

  • Colored text in the Console Output display is now customizable. (AFSIM-1155)

  • Added Line Cap to the Console Output Preferences.

  • The Script Debugger now displays breakpoints in a table and shows the hit count for each breakpoint. (AFSIM-1466)

  • The Script Debugger now sorts breakpoints by file name and line number rather than by order created. (AFSIM-1469)

  • Right-clicking a breakpoint in the Script Debugger now displays a context menu with options for deleting the breakpoint, enabling/disabling the breakpoint, and editing the breakpoint’s condition. (AFSIM-1471)

  • The Watch Control and Callstack widgets no longer close themselves after completing a simulation in debug mode. (AFSIM-1488)

  • Breakpoints placed on an invalid line will be moved to the next valid line within the same file (when able) on debugger run. (AFSIM-1480)

  • The Watch Control now preserves watches added by the user across multiple simulation runs. (AFSIM-1519)

  • Reorganized Breakpoints, Callstack, and Watch Control into “Script Tool” submenu under View. (AFSIM-1536)

  • Modifying any file during a debug run will now prompt the user to set all breakpoints (if any) in the file to inactive or stop the debug run. Any future breakpoints added to the file will be inactive and locked until the run is over. (AFSIM-1596)

  • Added buttons to allow user to delete all/selected watches for script variables. (AFSIM-1782)

  • Re-ordered buttons in Wizard Sim Execution. (AFSIM-1784)

  • Modified breakpoint handling to disallow users from stepping into modified files. (AFSIM-1846)

  • Added “Profiling Output Path” to the Simulation Execution preferences page to support new Profiling plugin from Wizard. (AFSIM-1866)

  • Added “Extra arguments” to the Simulation Execution preferences page to support application-specific arbitrary arguments from Wizard. (AFSIM-1866)

  • Added restart button to Wizard Sim Execution. (AFSIM-2243)

  • Created option to go to definition for zones on map display. (AFSIM-1522)

  • Zone color preferences are now shared across Wizard, Warlock, and Mystic. (AFSIM-1112)

  • Added support for the Map Display to correctly display nonzero minimum_radius values for circular and elliptical zones. (AFSIM-198)

  • Added support for coloration of individual contours in shapefile generated by sensor_plot horizontal_map. (AFSIM-1141)

  • Added additional options to control the visibility of Map Annotations. (AFSIM-1163)

  • Added duration as a type of units to unit preferences. Duration is distinguished from the previously existing Time Format options in that the former specifies units for an amount of time that passes, and the latter specifies the manner in which a single instant in time is displayed.

  • Added capability for Coverage Overlay panel to respond to unit preferences, and label the legend with values in the units according to the user’s preferences.

  • Visual applications now give some indication of what went wrong prior to closing for most crashes. (AFSIM-1565)

  • Labels in the Map Display for platforms, routes, and tracks will now load and run faster, and use the Qt system to render. (AFSIM-1679)

  • Exception logs are now saved to a file when the application unexpectedly closes due to an exception. (AFSIM-1733)

  • Added keyboard shortcuts to hover info for interface controls. (AFSIM-2244)


  • Moved the parser/proxy timers from the text editor status bar to the Developer>Parser/Proxy Timers menu. In that menu are times for grammar parsing (Grammar T), input parsing (Parse T), proxy deserializing (Deserialize T), and proxy merging/GUI updating (Merge/GUI T).

  • Added MoveMode to the VtkInterface to allow custom behavior corresponding to different geometric transformations to the scenario. (AFSIM-980)

  • Added ProxyUtil::InvalidateInput to allow developers to invalidate input if the processing of the proxy data reaches an invalid state. (AFSIM-1176)

  • Fixed the issue where the WsfParser would record duplicate comment entries in the WsfParseSourceInclude object if a comment was inside of an input block. (AFSIM-1856)

  • Added line feed (\f) and vertical tab (\v) to the available whitespace characters for the WsfParser, so that it matches ProcessInput in terms of valid whitespace. (AFSIM-1938)

  • Missing plugin dependencies will now cause a CMake error. (AFSIM-1029)

  • Renamed wkf::MainWindow::AddDialogToViewMenu() to wkf::MainWindow::AddDockWidgetToViewMenu() to more accurately reflect what the function does. (AFSIM-1386)

  • Removed wkf::StdRedirector. Instead declare ut::log::Subscriber consoleSub{ "raw" }; to access the console output.

  • Deprecated text drawing classes UtoTextShape, VaAttachmentLabel, VaOverlayLabel, VaOverlayText, VaOverlayTextBox, VaOverlayWindow. The VaDecoratorNode class should be used in their place. (AFSIM-1682)

  • Classes VaAttachmentZone, VaAttachmentZoneBase, VaAttachmentZoneCircle, VaAttachmentZoneEllipse, VaAttachmentZonePolygon, VaAttachmentZoneSphere, and VaZonePoint have been deprecated, use the wkf namespaced ‘AttachmentZone’, ‘AttachmentZoneBase’, ‘AttachmentZoneCircle’, ‘AttachmentZoneEllipse’, ‘AttachmentZonePolygon’, ‘AttachmentZoneSphere’, and ‘ZonePoint’ instead.(AFSIM-1522)