WSF 1.5.3 - 13 March 2009


  • The scripting language will now issue a warning if an attempt is made to use a null reference. See the Enhancements section below.


  • (CR 6283) When using the horizontal_map function of sensor_plot, it is sometimes necessary to give the platform containing the sensor-under-test a route with a velocity in order to model doppler constraints (for instance, when testing a SAR sensor). This was incorrectly causing the platform to be moved during the map generation. This modification prevents the platform from being moved.

  • (CR 6284) Provided an alternative method for computing receiver noise power as ‘k * T_0 * B * Fn’. Specifying noise_figure alone will cause the new alternative method to be used. Specifying noise_figure along with antenna_ohmic_loss or receive_line_loss will cause the former method to be used.

  • (CR 6303) WSF was detecting targets that SUPPRESSOR was not. This was traced to an issue where the apparent target elevation angle (after the approximation for atmospheric refraction), was different from SUPPRESSOR by about 0.1 - 0.2 degrees. This was resulting in slightly different values for antenna gains, but was impacting the multi-path calculations to a greater extent. The angles differences have been reduced by an order of magnitude, and signal-to-Noise values are now within 0.1 dB.

  • (CR 6361) WsfAntennaPattern::GetPeakGain was returning 1.0 instead of the peak gain of the table when the pattern was defined by the Azimuth/Elevation Table command.

  • (CR 6367) Messages were allowed to be transmitted and received over communications links even if the transmitter or receiver was off.

  • (CR 6368) The ‘Intercept_Pk’, ‘Pk_Degrade’ and ‘Pk’ fields were not included in the WEAPON_HIT and WEAPON_MISSED event_output if the target was marked as ‘indestructible’.


  • Enhanced the WSF_SLB_EFFECT to blank targets based on probability draws and incoming signal (i.e. jamming signal) duty-cycle comparisons. Can set the type of target blanking to use via the target_blanking_effect. Target blanking also occurs for CW noise signals correctly as long as the main target signal return does not exceed the jamming signal by the blanking threshold.

  • (CR 6346) Added in the capability to degrade the electronic protect (EP) WSF_SLC_EFFECT effect via an Electronic Attack (EA) WSF_SLC_DEGRADE_EFFECT. This effect addition allowed the introduction of the Electronic Attack (EA) WSF_POL_MOD_EFFECT effect to be implemented also.

  • (CR 5485) Completed the implementation of the ‘strip’ mode in WSF_SAR_SENSOR. This also adds numerous methods to WsfImage.

  • (CR 6362) An event_output PLATFORM_OMITTED message will now be produced (if enabled) if a platform is excluded from the simulation by the platform_availability block or by the user-defined ‘on_platform_injection’ script.

  • Added the script methods WsfGeoPoint.Offset and WsfGeoPoint.OffsetWCS to WsfGeoPoint. This allows a point to be computed that can be supplied as a cue to a sensor, weapon or jammer, or as a point for navigation.

  • Added the script method WsfArticulatedPart.CueToPoint to WsfArticulatedPart. This is useful for cueing a sensor, weapon or jammer to a computed location.

  • Added new Fedora Core 6 compatible ATIF shared object libraries. Now SAGE/ATIF works with either fc2-compatible (“ln3”) or a fc6 compatible (“ln4”) libraries.

  • Added class WsfBroker, and WsfObserver::ExchangeEvent. Enables functionality for the exchange of commodities and/or services between platforms, whether internally or externally modeled over a DIS network. Initial implementation was for aerial refueling, but can also have application to many logistics exchanges as well.

  • (CR 6371) Added the capability to input frequency-dependent peak power outputs for transmitter with the power input command. This frequency dependency of the transmitter power is in addition to any frequency-dependent antenna_pattern_table gain table input.

  • Enhanced run-time error detection for script methods. Calling methods on null objects, and passing null objects as method parameters are now detected. If a script call error is detected, an error message is printed to the screen with details about the problem. A new related command script_abort_on_null_references has been added.

  • Added several script methods to WsfWeaponEngagement to make it more useful. In particular, it can query:

    • The location of the weapon and target at the point of closest approach

    • The miss distance at the point of closest approach

    • Whether or not the engagement is resulting in a hit or miss.

  • Added a WsfGeoPoint.ToString method to WsfGeoPoint to allow easier printing.

  • A steerable/slewable jammer transmitter being controlled externally can now be steered via the DIS emission PDU. The beam azimuth and elevation center will be used to cue the jammer transmitter to these centers, but restricted by the :command`slewing <_.articulated_part>` and steering limits set in the WSF definition for the jammer.