WSF 1.6.5 - 25 Feb 2010

Important Notes

  • In preparation for a change in an upcoming release, all uses of WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER, WSF_GUIDED_MOVER and WSF_UNGUIDED_MOVER and should be either:

    • replaced with the synonyms WSF_OLD_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER, WSF_OLD_GUIDED_MOVER and WSF_OLD_UNGUIDED_MOVER respectively.

    • or upgraded to use WSF_NEW_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER, WSF_NEW_GUIDED_MOVER and WSF_NEW_UNGUIDED_MOVER. These models have been available for quite some time and are in widespread use.

    In a future release(either 1.6.7 or 1.7.0) the new guided movers and guidance computer will become the default definitions:

    • WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER and WSF_NEW_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER will refer to the new implementation currently available as WSF_NEW_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER.

    • WSF_GUIDED_MOVER and WSF_NEW_GUIDED_MOVER will refer to the new implementation currently available as WSF_NEW_GUIDED_MOVER.

    • WSF_UNGUIDED_MOVER and WSF_NEW_UNGUIDED_MOVER will refer to the new implementation currently available as WSF_NEW_UNGUIDED_MOVER.

    The old models will continue to be available as WSF_OLD_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER, WSF_OLD_GUIDED_MOVER and WSF_OLD_UNGUIDED_MOVER.


  • (CR 7202) Corrected two problems related when creating SAR dwell_time plot in sensor_plot.

    • If ‘sar_constraint_plotting’ was enabled, reasonable dwell times were being returned for sample points in back of the array face.

    • If ‘sar_constraint_plotting’ was not enabled and the target was outside the electronic beam steering limits, the dwell time was incorrect. (It was being set to approximately the same value as would have been computed if right at the edge of the steering limits).

  • (CR 7303) Corrected a problem where WSF_SOSM_SENSOR did not have the correct position when the AttemptToDetect method was called directly from sensor_plot. This only affected plots where the sensor was being moved over the sample grid and the target was being held static (which is not the normal mode of operation).


    This would only affect programs that called AttemptToDetect directly instead of via Update.

  • (CR 7304) Corrected a problem where the WCS->NED transformation matrix for a sensor was not being updated after the host platform moved. This problem exhibited itself when performing a sensor_plot horizontal_map using a WSF_SOSM_SENSOR, and where the sensing platform was being moved over the sample grid instead of the target. The problem affected WSF_SOSM_SENSOR, WSF_IRST_SENSOR and some relative geometry output in event_output

  • (CR 7319) Fixed a problem where the source track number in the header of the J11.0 WIFT message was not correct when the comm device being used was not a JTIDS terminal. The track number was defaulting to the entity ID.

  • (CR 7358) Fixed a problem with the platform 3-D intercept script method. The altitude being returned was the track altitude not the intercept altitude.

  • (CR 7371) Corrected several issues in the WsfEM_SurfaceClutter model. Incorrect angles between the beam and the clutter patch were being computed, thus causing incorrect gains to be used in the computation of the Transmitted and Received Powers. Also exclude the contributions from clutter cells at extremely close range because these were dominating the result. The antenna patterns are not real accurate enough at high off-boresight angles and could result in gains that are just a little too large. The resulting clutter return for short ranges could therefore be way too large.

  • (CR 7372) The SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT event was not getting called because it was missing in the SALRAM AttemptToDetect function.

  • (CR 7373) Added default values for each of the native script types (bool (false), int (0), double (0.0), char (‘0’), and string (“”)).

  • (CR 7374) Fixed a bug where the Map::Exists method would cause a crash if a complex type was supplied as an argument to a map that contained native types.

  • Changed GotoLabel and Label script methods on the Waypoint script class to SetGotoLabel and SetLabel for consistency within the scripting language.

  • (CR 7436) When a weapon is fired a WsfStatusMessage is sent which is supposed to contain the name of the weapon that was fired and the track ID of the target as supplied in the firing request. Enhancements added to 1.6.4 resulted in the message containing a different track ID. This CR makes changes to once again have the message contain the track ID supplied in the firing request.

  • (CR 7442) Corrected an situation where the ‘apparent position’ of and object (i.e. the position of an object with respect to a viewer, accounting for atmospheric refraction) was sometimes incorrect if the ranges were very, very long (e.g.: a sensor interaction between geostationary satellite and near-Earth object).

  • (CR 7445) Corrected an issue in WSF_RADIUS_EFFECT where the incorrect value was being returned for hte effect due to a comparison error.

  • (CR 7469) Corrected an issue in WSF_NEW_GUIDED_MOVER that prevented empty non-terminal stages (stages other than the last that don’t consume fuel) from transitioning to the next stage.


  • Added script methods NetworkName, IsDefaultGateway, NetworkConnections and IsConnectionEnabled to WsfComm.

  • (CR 7317) Added script methods WsfMessage.SetSizeInBits and WsfMessage.SetSizeInBytes to WsfMessage to allow setting message size.

  • Added new script methods to execute global scripts and scripts on platforms and processors. See WsfPlatform.:method:WsfPlatform.Execute, WsfProcessor.:method:WsfProcessor.Execute, and WsfSimulation.:method:WsfSimulation.Execute

  • (CR 7341) Added in signal_power_gain and receiver_noise_power_gain in WSF_POWER_EFFECT, primarily to increase the receiver noise when using the WSF_SLC_EFFECT effect.

  • Added WSF_DIRECTION_FINDER_PROCESSOR, a specialized processor that is used to fuse multiple bearing-only tracks into a track with valid location. It provides the effect of implementing a triangulation algorithm.

  • Added bank_angle_limit to the route commands. The route movers will now respond to bank angle limits either on the mover or the route.

  • (CR 7344) Added the aimpoint_altitude_offset, aimpoint_azimuth_offset, aimpoint_range_offset and commanded_azimuth_offset commands to WSF_NEW_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER to aid in generating approach geometries that meet sensor constraints.

  • Numerous enhancements for ballistic missile engagements:


    launch computer data must be regenerated to make use of this feature.

    • Added many methods to WsfLaunchComputer to facilitate battle management decision making processes.

  • (CR 7354) Added to set of conditions required for successful WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER communication relay. Two additional conditions have been applied to the receiver configured to relay. First additional: the relay receiver must be on the same subnetwork as the transmitter attempting to relay the message. Second additional: the relay receiver must be configured to relay to at least one transmitter that is on the same subnetwork as that of one of the receivers on the destination platform.

  • (CR 7381) Added support for dynamic casting in WSF script using the standard casting syntax (i.e. ‘(<type>)’). If a cast fails dynamically a NULL reference is returned.

  • (CR 7384) Added the ability to define the platform creation_time and the route start_time using a draw from a statistical distribution in addition to a constant value.


    Vespa has not been upgraded to handle the new syntax and will not be able to read files that make use of the enhancement. It will still, however, be able to read files that use old form where just a <time-value> is specified.

  • (CR 7386) Added a script ‘set’ container that mirrors the functionality of the STL set. It supports union, difference, and intersection.

  • (CR 7446) Numerous changes have been made to false_target, false_target_screener and WSF_FALSE_TARGET_EFFECT to aid in better input data encapsulation and to improve some runtime performance issues for this release. Please refer to these sections for changes and updates. More changes will be coming out in the next release further improving performance and capability.