WSF 1.6.7 - 30 Aug 2010


  • IMPORTANT NOTE: In the NEXT release AFTER this release the new guided movers and guidance computer will become the default definitions:

    • WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER and WSF_NEW_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER will refer to the new implementation currently available as WSF_NEW_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER.

    • WSF_GUIDED_MOVER and WSF_NEW_GUIDED_MOVER will refer to the new implementation currently available as WSF_NEW_GUIDED_MOVER.

    • WSF_UNGUIDED_MOVER and WSF_NEW_UNGUIDED_MOVER will refer to the new implementation currently available as WSF_NEW_UNGUIDED_MOVER.

    The old models will continue to be available as WSF_OLD_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER, WSF_OLD_GUIDED_MOVER and WSF_OLD_UNGUIDED_MOVER.


  • (CR 6790) Allow file names and path names to be quoted so they can contain embedded blanks.

  • (CR 7734) Fixed a bug where the script ‘Set’ container would fail with the list constructor (i.e. Set<string> s = { “1”, “2” };).

  • (CR 7782) The radar detection threshold and integration gain was being computed incorrectly if a Marcum-Swerling detector was employed. Because of the implementation is was primarily an issue for those radars that also employed ‘one_m2_detect_range’. Radars that provided another means to determine receiver noise power were only minimally affected.

  • (CR 7792) The Spectral Optical Sensor Model (SOSM) was incorrectly selecting the first state defined in the target_model rather than the last one if no state matched the target conditions at the time of the detection attempt. The documentation was also improved to more clearly define which state will be selected.

  • (CR 7917) A few colons were missing from the EM interaction data being printed out in an event output file. This was causing problems when parsing the file by relying on the colons to separate the values and their corresponding tags.

  • (CR 7922) Fixed a problem with the script methods MATH.AngleIsBetween and MATH.AngleWithinTolerence. Both methods expected angles in radians not degrees. This is inconsistent with other script functions.

  • (CR 7938) Fixed an issue with the WSF_AGILITY_EFFECT not properly changing frequencies and modes. The WSF_AGILITY_EFFECT now schedules frequency and mode changes for the sensors to execute at a specified time, or the next simulation frame if immediate. The scheduling of frequency and mode changes allow for the current interaction results to carry out with the current states and simplifies the logic required in the interaction when a change occurs mid-way through an interaction calculation.

  • (CR 7961) The SetCurrentTarget method assumed a local track as input and did not handle sensor track input correctly.

  • (CR 7970) Fixed a bug with how data was being packed into the 32-bit parameter type field. This field is part of the articulated part record, which is part of the entity state pdu.

  • (CR 7982) Fixed a bug where FileIO was unable to read multiple files in a row on Windows.

  • Fixed an issue when false target jamming each beam of a multi-beam beam radar with diverse frequencies. Each beam was not getting false target blips properly due to software name mismatches within the code.

  • Fixed a bug where the aux_data input inside sensor blocks was sometimes being applied to a receiver instead of the sensor.

  • (CR 8017) Corrected a problem where the SUPPRESSOR-compatibility script method WsfPlatform.RelativeOffsetOf of WsfPlatform was returning incorrect values. This problem was causing several anomalies that were being observed in the classified scenarios that had been converted from SUPPRESSOR.

  • (CR 8026) Corrected an issue where the false_target_screener would block the first real target track from being created within the sensors tracker without any false targets present. Issue was that the screener was not properly setup for the first track when a screener was attached.

  • Fixed some minor bugs related to using deferred_connection_time with WsfDraw or record.

  • Removed the source of several memory leaks. Major leaks were corrected in the write_str method, the MATH.LatToString and MATH.LonToString methods, and the routing methods within WsfRouteNetwork. Other leaks were corrected in capabilities that were infrequently used.

  • (CR 8192) Add raw-dted as an alias to raw_dted in the terrain block for compatibility with CME ‘geodata’ commands.

  • (CR 8197) Updated WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR to include two new report_methods which provide SUPPRESSOR-like track reporting. These help to eliminate problems associated with the bi-directional reporting of fused tracks.

  • (CR 8234) Corrected two problems hen using latitude/longitude limits with sensor_plot horizontal_map,

    • The column headers for gnuplot_file indicated columns 1 and 2 were down-range and cross-range when they should have read latitude and longitude.

    • pd_map_file wasn’t producing lat/lon values for the independent variables.
