Classification Commands

   level <string>
      color ...

   level <string>
   caveats ... end_caveats
   trigraphs ... end_trigraphs


The classification command is used to specify the classification level, caveats and trigraphs associated with a particular input file or scenario. If multiple classification blocks are encountered within the scenario, the trigraphs and caveats are aggregated (duplicates removed) and the level of the scenario is set to the highest level found. The highest level is determined by the classification_levels block, in which levels are defined in order of increasing degree of sensitivity, and optionally with a color to use when displaying the level in the GUI applications. In the example below, HIGHEST is more sensitive than HIGHER, which is more sensitive than HIGH. The aggregated scenario classification string, including level, caveats and trigraphs, is echoed to the console and displayed in a banner within the GUI applications. The classification string and color are also accessible via script with the ClassificationString and ClassificationColor methods of WsfSimulation.


The format of the scenario classification string is as follows: Level//Trigraph-1//Trigraph-2//…//Trigraph-N - Caveat-1//Caveat-2//…//Caveat-N


A classification command can be placed within any file in the scenario, but it must come after the classification_levels block that defines the levels. Therefore, there is an input file order dependency.


  level HIGH    color yellow end_level
  level HIGHER  color red    end_level
  level HIGHEST color orange end_level

  level HIGHER
  caveats ABC DEF end_caveats
  trigraphs RST XYZ end_trigraphs


  level HIGHEST
  caveats DEF GHI end_caveats
  trigraphs RST UVW end_trigraphs

The resulting aggregated classification string would be as follows: HIGHEST//RST//UVW//XYZ - ABC//DEF//GHI


classification_levels … end_classification_levels

Used to define the list of potential classification levels in a scenario, in order of increasing degree of sensitivity.


It is an error to define multiple classification_levels blocks.

level <string> … end_level

Defines a level that can be used in classification blocks.

color <color-value>

Optionally define the color to be used when displaying the level in the classification banner within the GUI applications.

Default: black


The alpha component of the color will not be used in the classification banner even if specified.

classification … end_classification
level <string>

Specifies the classification level of the input file or scenario. An error will occur if the level string does not appear in the classification_levels block.

Default: None

caveats <caveat-1> <caveat-2> <caveat-n> end_caveats

Specifies the caveats associated with the classification. Each caveat is a string literal specified by the user. The user can provide as many caveats as needed.

Default: None

trigraphs <trigraph-1> <trigraph-2> <trigraph-n> end_trigraphs

Specifies the trigraphs associated with the classification. Each trigraph is a string literal specified by the user. The user can provide as many trigraphs as needed.

Default: None