comm demo¶
This is a collection of demos that showcase comm and other related capabilities.
This simple scenario provides an example of transmitting tracks received from off-board platforms to other groups.
Platform 1 (p1) is the only platform that has their sensor ON in the simulation
Platform 1 (p1) can communicate tracks to platforms in FIGHTER_GROUP_1 (p1, p2)
Platform 2 (p2) can communicate tracks to platforms in FIGHTER_GROUP_2 (p2, p3)
p1 CANNOT communicate tracks to p3, but must go by way of p2
This scenario places ad-hoc enabled platforms randomly in a constrained area, and forms
a network based on rules defined by the ad-hoc protocol. A high velocity ad-hoc enabled
friendly passes through the area to highlight how linkage is created and removed between
members during runtime. An opposing aircraft moves through the area, creating tracks that
are reported through the network based on the resulting network topology.
Network connections and resulting message transmissions are visualized using WsfDraw.