Command Chains

Explicit Command Chains

A chain of command can be used by decision making routines to determine to whom orders can be issued and where reports should be sent. A command chain is constructed using the commander and command_chain commands on individual platforms.

Command chains consist of commanders, subordinates, and peers. Each command chain must have at least one commander (even if that commander is yourself). By building up layers of commanders using this input, a complex, multilayered hierarchy can be created.

Comm devices use command chains to send messages to recipients (see external_links). In the case of a commander, this is a single recipient; whereas in the case of peers and subordinates, there may be zero, one, or many recipients.


A platform may be a member of more than one chain of command, but may only be a member of each command chain once.


In this example there are two command chains:  ATC and AIRLINERS.
On the AIRLINERS command chain, 737-1, 737-2 and 737-3 report to 737-cmd-1 who reports to joint-cmdr.
In addition, 737-3 has a dual role and reports directly to the joint-cmdr on the ATC command chain.
platform joint-cmdr COMMAND_POST
  command_chain ATC SELF
  command_chain AIRLINERS SELF
platform 737-cmd-1 COMMAND_POST
   command_chain AIRLINERS joint-cmdr
platform 737-1 F-18
   command_chain AIRLINERS 737-cmd-1
platform 737-2 F-18
   command_chain AIRLINERS 737-cmd-1
platform 737-3 F-18
   command_chain AIRLINERS 737-cmd-1
   command_chain ATC joint-cmdr

Default Command Chain

The default command chain can be constructed using the commander command, using the command_chain command with a command chain name of “default”, or implicitly constructed. In the case where the default command chain is explicitly constructed, its behavior is the same as other explicitly constructed command chains.

An implicitly constructed default command chain occurs when an explicit command chain is specified but no default command chain is specified. If a platform is a member of exactly one named (non-default) command chain, the platform will have the same commander on the default command chain. If a platform is a member of more than one named command chain, the commander on the default command chain will be a commander from one of the named command chains. Which commander is chosen is not guaranteed and therefore, it is not recommended to use an implicitly constructed command chain along with multiple named command chains.


It is suggested to use named command chains over the implicitly constructed default command chain when a scenario consists of more than one command chain.

Deprecated since version 2.9: Usage of an implicitly constructed default command chain is deprecated and will be unsupported in a future release, as this behavior leads to ambiguity when multiple named command chains exist.