
console_output … end_console_output
   file <file-name> ... end_file

   preset      [ none | low | medium | high ]

   fatal       <boolean-value>
   error       <boolean-value>
   warning     <boolean-value>
   info        <boolean-value>
   debug       <boolean-value>
   developer   <boolean-value>
   type        <string> <boolean-value>

   single_line    <boolean-value>
   force_flushing <boolean-value>


The console_output block allows the user to specify the content and format of the console output.

The following types of messages may be displayed in the console:

Console Output Types


Indicates that the simulation has encountered an unrecoverable error.


Indicates that an error has occurred. The simulation may continue to run, but any results after this point may not be valid.


Indicates that something unexpected has occurred.


General information about the simulation’s state.


Any information enabled by debug flags.


Information intended for developers.

Additional types may be specified, but require WSF plugins written specifically to take advantage of this feature.

Each of the different message types can be written via script using variations of writeln.


These settings only take effect after the entire scenario has been loaded. Until then, the console uses the default settings.


file <file-name> … end_file

Specifies a file to write output to. As many different files with different settings may be specified as needed. The file block may contain any of the commands from the console_output block, except for other file blocks.

preset [ none | low | medium | high ]

Overrides the current output types with the preset.

  • none = (no output)

  • low = fatal, error, warning

  • medium = fatal, error, warning, info

  • high = fatal, error, warning, info, debug

fatal <boolean-value>

Enables or disables fatal output. Fatal output is prefixed with ***** FATAL:.

Default on

error <boolean-value>

Enables or disables error output. Error output is prefixed with ***** ERROR:.

Default on

warning <boolean-value>

Enables or disables warning output. Warning output is prefixed with ***** WARNING:.

Default on

info <boolean-value>

Enables or disables info output. Info output has no prefix.

Default on

debug <boolean-value>

Enables or disables debug output. Debug output has no prefix.

Default on


In order for script debug messages to be output, script_debug_writes must be enabled.

developer <boolean-value>

Enables or disables developer output. Developer output is prefixed with ***** DEVELOPER:.

Default off

type <string> <boolean-value>

Enables or disables the output of a custom type. Custom type output has no prefix, unless it is paired with a type that has one. In general, this command is only useful if a WSF plugin is written specifically to take advantage of it.

Default off

single_line <boolean-value>

Sets the output to single-line or multi-line format. In multi-line format, each piece of information is displayed on a separate line. Nested information is indented from the previous line. Example:

***** WARNING: Failed FireSalvo for track.
    T = 700
    Platform: sam-1
    Weapon: sam
    Track Id: sam-1.2

Single-line format is intended to be as compact as possible. All related information is shown on the same line and separated by punctuation. Example:

***** WARNING: Failed FireSalvo for track. T = 700; Platform: sam-1; Weapon: sam; Track Id: sam-1.2;

Default off (multi-line)

force_flushing <boolean-value>

Enables or disables automatic flushing of output to the console after every log entry.

Whenever logging output is occurring at a very fast pace, the I/O flushing at the end of every log entry can cause a significant bottleneck to overall performance of the application.

Regardless of the value of this field, all fatal, error, and warning messages will always be flushed immediately.

Default on


If forced flushing is turned off, and the executable crashes, it’s possible for some logged entries to be lost and not appear in the console/file.