Convert RIPR To Quantum Guide¶
If you are converting an old scenario from WSF 1.7.5 or earlier up to WSF 1.8 or later there are likely several issues to be resolves with your RIPR agents. Some issues are simple syntax enhancements and others require a little restructuring of your agent. This guide will also help you convert your agents from using WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR to the WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR. We will not be making any enhancements, adding any features, or making changes to the WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR from this point forward. We encourage you to migrate your agents to the Quantum Tasker.
Behavior Tree Changes¶
Before WSF 1.8, the behavior tree was specific to only the RIPR processor, but now all processors that derive from the script processor can utilize behavior trees (this includes the WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR, WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR, WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR, & WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR). Because of this, and other related enhancements, you will have to make the following changes:
When attaching behavior nodes to a tree, the syntax “behavior <name> end_behavior” is now just “behavior_node <name>”
The “query_bid_type” script blocks are no longer valid in behaviors. This is OK, most processors do not use jobs or bids anymore.
The “PROCESSOR” script object in behaviors now refers to a WsfProcessor (script processor). If your behavior is intended to exist on a tree on a special processor (like a WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR) and the behavior intends to utilize script methods on that processor script object, then the PROCESSOR variable must be cast to that processor type. E.G.
Introduction of the Perception Processor¶
Before AFSIM 1.8 all friendly perception was actually truth data. It was typical of agent behavior scripts to “cheat” and use real time truth data about friendly assets. The WsfPerceptionProcessor was introduced in AFSIM 1.8 and should be used when at all possible. Asset status reporting is very similar to track reporting. Please see WSF_PERCEPTION_PROCESSOR for an example of setting one up. When using a Quantum Tasker it is imperative to use a Perception Processor.
Use Quantum Tasker instead of Job Board¶
The job board feature resident on the WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR was a way to perform “bottom up” job allocation. If you are familiar with RIPR agents in AFSIM 1.7.5 or earlier then you have likely used this feature. Copied immediately below is a simple example of job board use. Notice how the commander adds jobs to its job board in its “on_update” script block. The subordinate bids on jobs, so the script for evaluating possible platform-job pairings is located on the subordinate and thus this system is considered “bottom up”. The subordinate also queries the commander for what job he has won, and this triggers the allocation algorithm on the commander (so it can run with the new bid data just provided).
Job Board Example using WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR:
platform commander WSF_PLATFORM //...other stuff (movers, comm, track manager, etc)... add processor ripr **WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR** update_interval 1.0 sec <span style="color:#ff0000">on_update foreach (WsfLocalTrack x in PLATFORM.MasterTrackList()) { WsfRIPRJob job = PROCESSOR.GetJobByData("id", x.TargetName()); if (job.IsValid()) continue; //do not add job again WsfRIPRJob temp = WsfRIPRJob.Create(PROCESSOR, "target", "description", 1.0, 1); temp.SetData("id", x.TargetName()); temp.SetData("track", x); PROCESSOR.AddJob(temp); } end_on_update</span> end_processor end_platform platform subordinate WSF_PLATFORM //...other stuff (movers, comm, track manager, etc)... commander commander add processor ripr **WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR** update_interval 1.0 sec <span style="color:#00aa00">query_bid_type target WsfTrack t = (WsfTrack)JOB.GetData("track"); return 1.0 / PLATFORM.SlantRangeTo(t); end_query_bid_type</span> on_update WsfRIPRProcessor commander = PROCESSOR.GetRIPRCommanderProcessor(); <span style="color:#00aa00">foreach (WsfRIPRJob job in commander.GetJobs()) { double bid = PROCESSOR.QueryBid(job); job.BidJob(PROCESSOR, bid); }</span> <span style="color:#0000aa">WsfRIPRJob myJob = commander.GetJobFor(TIME_NOW, PROCESSOR);</span> //do something with job end_on_update end_processor end_platformAn equivalent representation using the Quantum Tasker for top down task allocation is copied immediately below. Notice the color coded sections for help in comparing. Because this is a top-down task allocation system, you will notice an appropriate increase in script on the commander and a decrease on the subordinate. When considering all the varied behaviors that subordinate agents typically use, a subordinate will still have a substantially greater quantity of script attached to them.
platform commander WSF_PLATFORM //...other stuff (movers, comm, track manager, etc)... add processor quantum **WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR** update_interval 1.0 sec <span style="color:#ff0000">generator custom MyGenerator</span> <span style="color:#00aa00">evaluator custom MyEvaluator</span> allocator optimal_profit <span style="color:#ff0000">script Array<WsfTask> MyGenerator (Array<WsfLocalTrack> TRACKS, Array<WsfAssetPerception> ASSETS ) Array<WsfTask> tasks = Array<WsfTask>(); foreach (WsfLocalTrack lt in TRACKS) { WsfTask task = WsfTask.Construct(1.0, "WEAPON", lt); tasks.PushBack(task); } return tasks; end_script</span> <span style="color:#00aa00">script double MyEvaluator ( WsfTask TASK, WsfAssetPerception ASSET) WsfTrack track = PLATFORM.MasterTrackList().FindTrack(TASK.TrackId()); if (TASK.TaskType() == "WEAPON" && track.IsValid()) { return 1.0 / track.SlantRangeTo(ASSET.Location()); } return 0; end_script</span> end_processor end_platform platform subordinate WSF_PLATFORM //...other stuff (movers, comm, track manager, etc)... commander commander add processor quantum **WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR** update_interval 1.0 sec on_update <span style="color:#0000aa">WsfTaskList tasks = PROCESSOR.TasksReceivedOfType("WEAPON");</span> //do something with task(s) end_on_update end_processor end_platform