Cyber Overview

Cyberwarfare has been defined as “actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation’s computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption”. AFSIM implements cyberwarfare by providing the means for one platform called the attacker to disrupt the functioning of another platform called the victim.

The Cyber Engagement Lifecycle

Abstractly, a cyber engagement has a lifecycle that is defined by six phases. Following is a description of each phase along with a description of what might be occurring in real-life as well as what might occur in the simulated model environment.

  • Target Phase

    • Real world: Target(s) determined via OPE and intel.

    • Whoever has a plausible “way in” or an exploitable weakness. This can be a combination of:

      • Class of platforms

      • Single platform (by name)

  • Scan Phase

    • Real world: Something akin to a Nessus or ‘nmap’ scan to list or confirm vulnerabilities on victim.

    • This phase is optional, with accompanying visuals/sounds in the simulation and effects of the scan (E.G., two-way RF comm.)

    • Optional probability that victim will detect the interrogation and block the exploit.

    • Optional response from the victim indicating if vulnerability is present or not.

  • Deliver Phase

    • Real world: RF in the air or bits on the wire.

    • Delivery of exploit and payload … or trigger something pre-planted (remotely, timed, or logic bomb.)

    • Accompanying visualization and/or sound in simulation.

  • Exploit Phase

    • Real world: Privilege escalation, buffer overflow, use unexpected input/formatting - make the system act in the attacker’s interests.

    • Probability employment succeeds: high fidelity engineering details are abstracted into probabilities… agnostic to real packets/formats.

    • Optional probability attacker immediately has confidence in employment success or failure.

    • Optional probability target immediately knows of attack (via IDS, astute operator, etc.)

  • Effect Phase

    • Real world: The payload.

    • Inject and execute attacker’s malicious logic on victim and report success or failure of employment back to attacker, if applicable.

    • Effects include intended, unintended, direct, and indirect (second, third, n-ary order effects.)

    • Analyst can provide suite of unintended/indirect effects with associated probabilities.

  • React Phase

    • Real world: The response actions by both attacker and victim as appropriate based on their perceptions.

    • Attacker’s response to the employment and unintended side effects.

    • Victim’s reaction to the attack.

    • Optional probability that victim becomes immune to this capability in the future.

AFSIM Model of a Cyber Engagement

Cyber warfare in real life involves exploiting vulnerabilities in software and hardware to disrupt the operation of a system. AFSIM does not explicitly model what actually is required to exploit a vulnerability or the details of the resulting disruption, but instead utilizes three major object types and script support to model the effects of an attack:


cyber_effect objects provide the AFSIM functions that model the effects of some real-life attack. For instance, some real-life attack on a sensor might be simulated by simply marking the sensor non-operational, thus preventing it from detecting targets and reporting tracks.

AFSIM includes a number of predefined effects (such as disabling comm, sensor and weapon systems), but it also allows the user to create effects using WSF_CYBER_SCRIPT_EFFECT. With WSF_CYBER_SCRIPT_EFFECT the user defines the script methods ‘Attack()’ and ‘Recover()’ that implements the simulated model of an attack, and recovery from the attack.


cyber_attack objects provide the a list of one or more cyber_effect types that define the effect(s) of the attack on the victim. In addition to that it also contains:

  • The default victim responses should the victim not have a defined response to the attack.

  • A set of values governing how random numbers used in the engagement process are drawn.


cyber_protect objects define a victim platform’s response to a cyber attack. EVERY platform in a simulation has either an explicitly or implicitly defined cyber_protect object because every platform is potentially vulnerable to a cyber attack.

A cyber_protect object contains a set of attack responses. Each attack response provides:

  • The name of the cyber_attack type to which the response applies.

  • The probabilities that define the likelihood of occurrence of events in the cyber lifecycle.

    • Probability the victim will detect a scan.

    • Probability the attack will be successful.

    • Probability the attacker will immediately know if the attack has succeeded or failed.

    • Probability the victim will detect an attack has occurred.

    • Probability the victim will be able to attribute source of the attack to the attacker

    • Probability the victim will be immune to this attack type in the future.

  • Delay times for things that occur over a period of time:

    • The time it takes to detect it has been attacked.

    • The time it takes to recover from an attack once it has detected the attack.

  • Optional script definitions the analyst can supply to implement additional detail.

script commands and classes

In addition to the actual model, AFSIM also provides:

Details of the Cyber Engagement Model

This section describes in detail the process used to model the cyber engagement lifecycle.

Target Phase

The targeting node will utilize a WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR, WSF_QUANTUM_TASKER_PROCESSOR or some other processor to select the victim and attack type.

Scan Phase

This is an optional step. Using a target select in the previous step, the attacker will invoke the WsfPlatform.CyberScan script. The logic on the victim is as follows:

  1. Schedule an event to occur at the completion of the scan_delay_time from the cyber_attack type.

  2. Invoke the CyberScanInitiated observer callbacks.

  3. Issue WsfDraw commands to record visualization data.

At the completion of the scan_delay_time that simulates the scan duration:

  1. Locate the applicable attack_response in the cyber_protect object on the victim.

  2. If the user has defined IsVulnerable in the cyber_protect object on the victim, it is executed at this time. If the victim is not vulnerable, make the scan as ‘failed’ and proceed to step 5.

  3. If the victim has declared itself to be immune to the attack based on its reaction to a previous attack (see the processing for the evaluation of ‘future_immunity’ in ‘React Phase’), mark the scan as ‘failed’ and proceed to step 5

  4. Determine if the victim would detect the scan by performing the probabilistic evaluation for ‘scan_detection’ (see Probabilistic Evaluations below)

    1. If the draw is less than or equal to the threshold the scan was detected by the victim and it will be invulnerable to a future attack of the same type.

      1. Mark the scan as ‘failed’.

      2. Invoke the OnScanDetection script if one is provided in the attack response.
        1. Invoke the CyberScanDetected observer callbacks.

    2. If the draw is greater than the threshold then the scan was not detected by the victim and it will be potentially vulnerable to a future attack of the same type.

      1. Mark the scan as ‘succeeded’

      2. Determine if the victim would attribute the scan by performing the probabilistic evaluation for ‘scan_attribution’ #. Invoke the CyberScanAttributed observer callbacks.

  5. Issue WsfDraw commands to record visualization data.

  6. Invoke the CyberScanSucceeded or CyberScanFailed observer callback based on the status determined in the previous steps.

Deliver Phase

Simulate the delivery of the exploit to the victim. The attacker invokes the WsfPlatform.CyberAttack script method specifying the intended victim and the attack to be used as determined in the ‘Target Phase’.

In real life the delivery would entail some communication (wired or wireless) between the attacker and the victim, although some attacks could be embedded in the circuitry. The cyber engagement model does not make use of the AFSIM communication model because it would be difficult to modify existing scenarios to utilize explicit communication, and little would be gathered from requiring it.

  1. Schedule an event to occur at the completion of the delivery_delay_time from the cyber_attack type.

  2. Invoke the CyberAttackInitiated observer callbacks.

  3. Issue WsfDraw commands to record visualization data.

At the completion of the delivery_delay_time control is passed to the ‘Exploit’ phase.


In a future release documentation will be added here to describe the processing that will allow for delivery to fail due to operating conditions (could be probabilistic, could be geometric, etc.) At the current time delivery will always occur and processing will immediately resume with the ‘Exploit’ phase.

Exploit Phase

Determine if the victim is vulnerable to the requested attack.

  1. Locate the applicable attack_response in the cyber_protect object on the victim.

  2. If the user has defined IsVulnerable in the cyber_protect object on the victim, it is executed at this time. If the victim is not vulnerable, make the attack as ‘failed’ and proceed to step 6.

  3. If the victim has declared itself to be immune to the attack based on its reaction to a previous attack (see the processing for the evaluation of ‘future_immunity’ in ‘React Phase’), mark the attack as ‘failed’ and proceed to step 6 (no status is reported back to the attacker.)

  4. Determine if the attack is successful by performing a probabilistic evaluation of ‘attack_success’ (see Probabilistic Evaluations below)

    1. If the draw is less than or equal to the threshold the attack is consider to be successful.

    2. If the draw is greater than the threshold then the attack is unsuccessful.

  5. Determine if the attacker will immediately receive notification of the attack status by performing a probabilistic evaluation of ‘status_report’ (see Probabilistic Evaluations below)

    1. If the draw is less than or equal to the threshold the true status of the attack is reported back to the attacker. Report the status back to the caller.

    2. If the draw is greater than the threshold the attacker will not know the status of the attack.

  6. Issue WsfDraw commands to record visualization data.

  7. Invoke the CyberAttackSucceeded or CyberAttackFailed observer callback based on the status determined in the previous steps.

  8. If the attack was marked as ‘failed’, stop further execution of the cyber lifecycle.

Effect Phase

The ‘Exploit’ step has declared the victim to be vulnerable. For each effect in the cyber_attack object that represents the incoming attack, invoke the ‘Attack’ method to cause the simulated effect (e.g.: disable sensors, etc.)

React Phase

Determine if the victim could detect and react to the attack. Using the attack response determined in the ‘Exploit Phase’.

  1. Determine if the victim could detect the attack by performing a probabilistic evaluation of ‘attack_detection’ (see Probabilistic Evaluations below)

    1. If the draw is less than or equal to the threshold the attack is considered detectable by the victim. #. Determine if the victim could attribute the attack by performing a probabilistic evaluation of ‘attack_attribution’

    2. If the draw is greater than the threshold then the attack is considered undetectable by the victim and it is unable to notice or recover from the attack.

  2. Issue WsfDraw commands to record visualization data.

  3. Invoke the CyberAttackSucceeded observer callback.

The follow steps will occur if the attack is considered detectable by the victim:

  1. Simulate the time it takes for the victim to recognize it is being attacked (i.e.: schedule an event for the current simulation time plus the attack_detection_delay_time from the attack response.)

  2. At the completion of the attack_detection_delay_time

    1. Invoke any OnAttackDetection script defined in the attack response. This would allow the victim to do things like inform others of the attack.

    2. Simulate the time it takes for the victim to recover from the attack (i.e: schedule an event for the current simulation time plus the attack_recovery_delay_time from the attack response.)

    3. Issue WsfDraw commands to record visualization data.

    4. Invoke the CyberAttackDetected observer callback.

    5. If the attack was considered attributed, invoke the CyberAttackAttributed observer callback.

  3. At the completion of the attack_recovery_delay_time:

    1. Invoke any OnAttackRecovery script defined in the attack response. This lets the victim take any custom action that cannot be performed in the subsequent step.

    2. If the ‘restore’ command was present in the attack response iterate over each ‘cyber_effect’ that was part of the attack and invoke its ‘Recover()’ method.

    3. Determine if the victim is immune to future attacks of the same type by performing a probabilistic evaluation of ‘future_immunity’ (see Probabilistic Evaluations below)

      1. If the draw is less than or equal to the threshold the victim will be immune to future attacks of the same type.

      2. If the draw is greater than the threshold the victim will continue to be vulnerable to future attacks of the same type.

    4. Issue WsfDraw commands to record visualization data.

    5. Invoke the CyberAttackRecovery observer callback.

Embedded Attacks

Embedded attacks represent attacks that lie dormant in the host systems hardware or software and are triggered internally (i.e.: they are not delivered from an external source). Such attacks may be modeled by using a cyber_trigger that periodically checks for conditions that would initiate such an attack. Any logic cable of being written currently in the AFSIM script language can be utilized to describe the conditions favorable for the launch of a potential embedded attack via the cyber_trigger, and when these conditions are met, a defined attack may be launched against a target that models the embedded attack characteristics.

Platform Response Selection

A platform’s response to a cyber scan or attack is defined by its cyber_protect object. When a scan or attack is attempted, AFSIM must determine what response in the cyber_protect object should be used. Assume the following definitions:

cyber_attack AT_1 WSF_CYBER_ATTACK

cyber_attack AT_2 WSF_CYBER_ATTACK

cyber_attack AT_3 WSF_CYBER_ATTACK

# An attack type that inherits from another attack type.
cyber_attack AT_4 AT_2

cyber_protect PT_1 WSF_CYBER_PROTECT
   attack_response AT_1
   attack_response AT_2

cyber_protect PT_2 WSF_CYBER_PROTECT
   attack_response AT_2

If a cyber attack or scan is attempted using a cyber_attack type ‘<T>’, the algorithm executed on the intended victim platform for determining the response is:

  1. Attempt to locate the attack_response with the name ‘<T>’.

  2. If step 1 fails, for each cyber_attack type that ‘<T>’ inherits from, attempt to locate the attack_response whose name matches the inherited type.

  3. If steps 1 and 2 fail attempt to locate the attack_response entry named ‘default’.

  4. If steps 1, 2 and 3 fail use an internal response dynamically created from the default response values in the cyber_attack type ‘<T>’.

The following table defines the selected response on each protect type to each of the attacks. The cyber_attack types are in the top row and the cyber_protect types are in the left column. The intersection is the selected attack response along with the rule number in parenthesis that selected the response:






AT_1 (1)

AT_2 (1)

internal (4)

AT_2 (2)


default (3)

AT_2 (1)

default (3)

AT_2 (2)

The responses selected using rule 1 are obvious because they are exact matches, but the others may benefit from further explanation:

  • For those selected using rule 2: neither PT_1 or PT_2 have a response for AT_4, but they do have a response for AT_2. Because AT_4 inherits from AT_2 the response for AT_2 will be selected.

  • For those selected using rule 3: PT_2 does not have a response for AT_1 or AT_3 but it does have a default response that will be used.

  • For those selected using rule 4: PT_1 does not have response for AT_3 and it does not have a default response, so it will use the dynamically created response using the default response values from AT_3.

Probabilistic Evaluations

There are five different probabilistic evaluations that can occur during a cyber engagement. Associated with each evaluation is a probability threshold and a frequency at which random numbers are to be drawn. The following table shows the source of the threshold and draw frequency for each evaluation type.

Evaluation Type

Threshold Command

Draw Frequency Command






















All evaluations are performed using the same algorithm. As an example, consider the evaluation of ‘attack_success’:

  • Determine the ‘attack_success’ threshold:

  • Determine the random draw according to the attack_success_draw_frequency command from the current cyber_attack object.

    • If the frequency is ‘always’, perform a draw and return it.

    • If the frequency is ‘once_per_simulation’:

      • If this is the first time the attack is used, perform a draw and store.

      • Return the stored draw associated with this attack type.

    • If the frequency is ‘once_per_target’:

      • If this is the first time this attack type is used against the current target, perform a draw and store.

      • Return the stored draw associated with this attack type.

    • If the frequency is ‘interval_per_simulation’:

      • If this is the first time this attack type has been used, or if the time since it was last used exceeds the specified time interval, perform a draw and store.

      • Return the stored draw associated with this attack type.

    • If the frequency is ‘interval_per_target’:

      • If this is the first time this attack type has been used against this target, or if the time since it was last used against this target exceeds the specified time interval, perform a draw and store.

      • Return the stored draw associated with this target and attack type.

The same algorithm is employed for the other evaluations by simply replacing ‘attack_success’ with the appropriate evaluation name.