Build Instructions


This document describes how to build the AFSIM baseline applications, how directories may be structured, and how extensions and plug-ins may be included in the build. It is intended for software developers and end-users needing to compile AFSIM.


The following Operating Systems and Compilers are supported.

Operating System and Compiler

Operating System




Windows 10

Microsoft Visual Studio

2015, 2017, or 2019







The term supported infers AFSIM, as distributed, has been tested against these configurations. While AFSIM successfully compiles and runs in many configurations, only the listed configurations are fully tested by the development team.

Additional Tools



Required to



3.7 or higher

Generate build system

For Visual Studio 2019, CMake 3.14 or higher is required.



Run automated tests and build Sphinx documentation


2.1.x or higher

Build Sphinx documentation

Requires MikTex on Windows and additional latex and image packages on Linux

Sphinx 2.4.x or later is required to build LaTeX/PDF documentation


0.14.x or higher

Markdown support for Sphinx documentation


2.9 or higher

Build Sphinx documentation

Windows only



Build Sphinx documentation (LaTex/PDF)


1.8.5 or higher

Build Doxygen documentation

Requires Graphviz to be installed


2.38 or higher

Build Doxygen documentation

Requires Doxygen to be installed



Run Unit Tests


Windows: 8.1.0

Linux: 4.8.5

Build classified release

MESA Graphics Libraries


Build Graphical Applications

Debian: libglu1-mesa-dev and libgl1-mesa-dev

RHEL: mesa-libGLU-devel and mesa-libGL-devel

Linux JPEG Libraries


Build Graphical Applications

Debian: libjpeg62 and libjpeg62-dev


Verify User and System Environment Variables are correct, including PATH settings, to avoid tool execution issues.

Obtaining Software

AFSIM source and application files may be obtained using the following methods:

  1. Install AFSIM source and application files from an official distribution.

  2. Download AFSIM source files from the official AFSIM repository.

  3. Clone AFSIM source from the official AFSIM repository.


AFSIM software obtained from distribution files will include compiled AFSIM application executables in the release, such as Mission, Warlock, etc. Cloned repositories require a subsequent build to generate the target AFSIM applications.

Installing AFSIM and the AFSIM Source Code from a Distribution

The AFSIM Release Software may be obtained from the AFSIM Portal on Confluence by navigating to the desired release and downloading the release package (zip, msi, tar.gz, deb, rpm).


When a distribution package is extracted, a folder is created in the destination path specified for extraction (e.g. afsim-x.y.z-win64). This folder may be renamed to a user specific convention and moved to the desired location prior to performing builds.

See the AFSIM Install Instructions for additional information on obtaining AFSIM from a distribution.

The following is an example of the directory structure when installing AFSIM from a distribution file.

           |__ bin
           |__ demos
           |__ documentation
           |__ resources
           |__ swdev
           |  |__ src
           |      .
           |      .
           |      CMakeLists.txt
           |      .
           |      .
           |__ tools
           |__ training


The swdev directory contains the AFSIM source code when installing from a distribution file. The bin directory contains the AFSIM application executables and libraries.

Downloading the AFSIM Source from a Remote Repository

The AFSIM source for Windows and Linux may be downloaded from the afsim repository on Bitbucket by selecting the ellipsis icon and the Download option from the drop-down menu as shown below:


Once the download is complete, the .zip file may be extracted in the root directory by right clicking the zip file and selecting the root directory as the destination. An example of the resulting directory structure is shown below:

           |__ .gitlab
           |__ cmake
           |__ core
           |__ doc
           |__ mission
           |   .
           |   .


The Linux and Windows directory structures are the same.

Cloning AFSIM Source from a Remote Repository

AFSIM remote repositories may be cloned in both Windows and Linux using the “git clone” command, passing the URL of the remote repository, and optionally the desired name of the local repository.

The AFSIM project address for cloning may be found on the afsim repository on Bitbucket by selecting Clone from the ACTIONS menu and copying the highlighted text in the pop-up window as shown below:


The following git clone command example (Windows), will create the afsim sub-directory, and clone the afsim remote repository within:

git clone afsim

An example of the resulting directory structure is shown below:

           |__ .gitlab
           |__ cmake
           |__ core
           |__ doc
           |__ mission
           |   .
           |   .


Other AFSIM repos such as demos, tools, and training, may be cloned from Bitbucket in a similar manner. These repos may be found here:

Build Environment

Directory Structure

To maintain a clean source tree, out-of-source builds are preferred. Out-of-source builds are accomplished by providing a separate, dedicated BUILD directory, outside of the source directories. This provides the user the ability to delete the build tree without deleting source files, keeps the build artifacts generated by CMake out of the source directories, and protects source files from version control tools.

For this example, BUILD directories have been created outside of the source directories under path/to/afsim:

Directory Structure from AFSIM Distribution File

Directory Structure from AFSIM Download or Clone

           \|__ bin
           \|__ demos
           \|__ documentation
           \|__ resources
           \|__ swdev
           \|  \|__ **BUILD**
           \|  \|__ src
           \|      .
           \|      .
           \|      CMakeLists.txt
           \|      .
           \|      .
           \|__ tools
           \|__ training
           \|__ .gitlab
           \|__ **BUILD**
           \|__ cmake
           \|__ core
           \|__ doc
           \|__ mission
           \|__ mystic
           \|__ sensor_plot
           \|__ tools
           \|__ warlock
           \|   .
           \|   .

The top level source directories contain the main CMakeLists.txt files. The core directory contains the source code for the simulation framework (WSF) and its extensions. The application directories (mission, mystic, warlock, wizard, etc.) contain the source and test code for the managed applications.


The swdev directory contains the source code filesystem when installing AFSIM from a distribution file. The bin directory contains the AFSIM application executables and libraries.

The demos folder contains all the demos and scenarios for the AFSIM applications. The regression_tests sub-directory under demos contains the <application-name>_list.txt files that specify the test files for Running the Regression Tests.

|__ acoustic
|   .
|   .
|__ regression_tests
|   mission_list.txt
|   sensor_plot_list.txt
|    .
|    .
|__ route_finder_demos
|__ satellite_demos
|   .
|   .


The regression test suite is not distributed with the AFSIM release and is available only when cloning or downloading the demos repo.

Unit test source files (C++) are located in test sub-directories under those modules or libraries that have unit test suites.

|__ core
|__ doc
|__ mission
|__ tools
|  |__ geodata
|      |__ test
|        .
|        .
|  |__ util
|      |__ test
|        .
|        .
|__ wizard
|__ wsf_plugins

Including 3rd Party Libraries and Resources

The 3rd_party and vtk_resources artifacts may be downloaded from Confluence by navigating to the Developer Resources table for the desired release.

3rd party libraries and resources may be included in the AFSIM build by extracting the files in the AFSIM root directory (or other directory) and setting the SWDEV_THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE_SOURCES and VTK_RESOURCES_SOURCEDIR in the CMake build options to the directory the files were downloaded in. See Configuring 3rd party libraries and resources for additional information.

Including Extensions and Plug-ins

Extensions (also called optional projects) and plug-ins can be included in the AFSIM build by placing them in the AFSIM root directory (or other directory) and setting the WSF_ADD_EXTENSION_PATH in the CMake build options. Setting the WSF_PLUGIN_BUILD CMake option to TRUE enables plugins in the build executables. See CMake Options for additional information.

Extensions have a directory that collects all the files and directories that make up the extension. That main directory must contain a wsf_module file that CMake will use to include the extension in the AFSIM build. The wsf_module filename has no extension and the file itself has no content. This file exists with the plugin as an indication to CMake that the directory includes an extension.

It also includes the test_<application-name> directory that contains the test_*.txt files that will be run along with an application’s auto tests. See Running the System Tests for additional information.

Generating a Buildsystem

CMake is used to generate the AFSIM buildsystem and provides both a command line and GUI interface for generating the buildsystem. Additional documentation for CMake can be found at

CMake Command Line

One of the following CMake command signatures may be used to specify the source and build trees and generate a buildsystem:

cmake [<options>] <path-to-source>

Uses the current working directory as the build tree, and <path-to-source> as the source tree containing the top-level AFSIM CMakeLists.txt file. The specified path may be absolute or relative to the current working directory. See examples below:

CMake Command Line Using Path to “Source”

AFSIM Distribution File

AFSIM Download or Clone

path/to/afsim> cd BUILD

path/to/afsim/swdev/BUILD> cmake ../src

path/to/afsim> cd BUILD

path/to/afsim/BUILD> cmake ..

cmake [<options>] <path-to-existing-build>

Uses <path-to-existing-build> as the build tree, and loads the path to the source tree from its CMakeCache.txt file (which must have been generated by a previous run of CMake). The specified path may be absolute or relative to the current working directory. For example:

CMake Command Line Using Path to “BUILD”

AFSIM Distribution File

AFSIM Download or Clone

path/to/afsim/swdev> cd BUILD

path/to/afsim/swdev/BUILD> cmake .

path/to/afsim> cd BUILD

path/to/afsim/BUILD> cmake .

cmake [<options>] -S <path-to-source> -B <path-to-build>

Uses <path-to-source> as the source tree and <path-to-build> as the build tree, containing the top-level AFSIM CMakeLists.txt file. The specified paths may be absolute or relative to the current working directory. The build tree will be created automatically if it does not already exist. For example:

CMake Command Line Using Paths to “Source” and “BUILD”

AFSIM Distribution File

AFSIM Download or Clone

path/to/afsim/swdev> cmake -S ./src -B ./BUILD

path/to/afsim> cmake -S . -B ./BUILD


See CMake Options for a list of commonly used options.


Launch the cmake-gui application (or cmake3-gui on Linux which supports the same command line interface as cmake) to specify paths to source and build directories. If no arguments are given, these paths may be specified using the following steps:

  1. In the Where is the source code: field, enter the path to the source tree containing the top-level AFSIM CMakeLists.txt file, e.g. <path/to/afsim>/swdev/src. On supported windowing systems, you may also drag and drop the CMakeLists.txt file into the CMake GUI.

  2. In the Where to build the binaries: field, enter the path to the build directory, e.g. <path/to/afsim>/swdev/BUILD. You will be prompted to create this directory if it does not already exist. On supported windowing systems, you may also drag and drop a previously generated CMakeCache.txt file from an existing build into the CMake GUI.

  3. Make changes as necessary to the configuration options and then select the Configure button.


    If this is a new build (i.e. no CMake cache), you will have to specify the generator for the project (e.g. Visual Studio), and optional platform for generator (e.g. x64).

  4. Once the Configure step is complete, select the Generate button to generate the buildsystem.

  5. If using an IDE generator, such as Visual Studio, you may select the Open Project button to open the project file.

CMake Options

Options can be set in the CMake GUI or passed as command line arguments using -D<var>[:<type>]=<value>. The following variables are the most commonly used in modifying configurations:


Enables or disables each optional module (library extension or application).


Enables or disables each Mystic plugin.


Enables or disables each Warlock plugin.


Enables or disables each Wizard plugin.


Enables or disables each WKF plugin, which is loaded by multiple GUI applications.


Specifies the build type on single-configuration generators, such as Makefile Generators and Ninja, as opposed to multi-configuration generators, such as Microsoft Visual Studio. Possible values include Debug and Release (default).


Specifies the install directory when make install is invoked or the INSTALL target is built. Default is ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/wsf_install.


Enables or disables CMake unity build support (available in CMake 3.16 and later). This feature “enables batch compilation of multiple sources within each target”, resulting in significantly improved build times. Exact results will vary based on CPU, I/O subsystem, operating system, and compiler. Observed results with AFSIM generally show wall clock time improvements of at least 3x for clean builds.


When set, ut::PromoteHardwareExceptions(true) allows hardware exceptions, such as divide-by-zero and access-violation to be promoted to ut::HardwareException. On Windows, the function must be called on each thread individually. When the CMake flag is not set, the function is still callable but does nothing.

Marked as advanced and will only be seen in the CMake GUI if the “Advanced” box is checked.


Define additional search paths for extensions and plugins. Multiple paths may be specified with a ;-separated list.


Builds shared object or DLL libraries instead of static libraries and enables plugins in the resulting executables. Default is TRUE.


Enables or disables the installation of source files. Default is FALSE.


Enables or disables the installation of Doxygen directory and sub-directories, if DOXYGEN target was built. Default is FALSE.


Enables or disables the installation of documentation directory and sub-directories, if DOCUMENTATION target was built. Default is FALSE.


Enables or disables the installation of demos directory and sub-directories. Default is FALSE.


Enables or disables the installation of scenarios directory and sub-directories. Default is FALSE.


Enables or disables the installation of tools directory and sub-directories. Default is FALSE.


Enables or disables the installation of training directory and sub-directories. Default is FALSE.


Enables or disables the installation of dependencies, e.g. MSVC runtimes, MESA GL libraries, etc. Default is FALSE.

Configuring 3rd party libraries and resources

Several options are available for configuring the 3rd party and resource dependencies. These dependencies are required for creating unit test targets using GTest, and for building the GUI applications. In the default configuration, CMake will look for 3rd party packages in ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../dependencies/3rd_party and the resources archive in ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../dependencies/resources.


The directory into which 3rd party packages will be extracted, or existing directory containing unpacked libraries. If not specified, CMake will attempt to detect an existing 3rd_party directory defined by the environment variable SWDEV_THIRD_PARTY_PATH, or contained within or parallel to the source tree. If a 3rd_party directory is not detected in any of these locations, one will be created in the default location ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/3rd_party.


The source directory containing the 3rd party packages in tar.gz, tar, or zip format. Multiple search paths may be specified in a ;-separated list. If not specified, the default location is ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../dependencies/3rd_party.


The directory into which the resources archive will be extracted, or existing directory containing unpacked resource contents. Default location is ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../resources.


The source directory containing the resources archive or externally managed unpacked resources. If not specified, the default location is ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../dependencies/resources, unless VTK_RESOURCES_SEARCH_PATH is defined.


The following variables are marked as advanced and will only be seen in the CMake GUI if the “Advanced” box is checked.


As an alternative to VTK_RESOURCES_SOURCEDIR, define an initial search path for resources in a ;-separated list. Provides a hook for a developer or build system to specify alternate layouts without requiring source modification. The first valid directory discovered will be set as VTK_RESOURCES_SOURCEDIR (and cached for subsequent executions).


The file name of the resources archive to extract. Default is vtk_resources-<version>-noarch.tar.gz.


Specifies whether CMake should warn and continue generating if required resources are not found. If false (the default), an error is produced, which will continue processing but skip generation.

Building the Standard AFSIM applications

To build one or more of the standard applications (i.e. mission, etc.):


CMake Targets

CMake generates multiple targets, including one for each executable and library.

The following CMake pre-defined targets are available:


Builds all application(s) and libraries.


Generates an installation directory installing all items defined in the CMakelists.txt files. See Building the Install Target for additional detail.


Generates an installation directory with only the runtime components (e.g. libraries, plugins, executables, grammar). This may be used to generate the minimum set of components required to run AFSIM, reducing installation times by not installing documentation, demos, etc.


Creates a package file for distribution using the CPack generator specified in the CMake options: CPACK_BINARY_ZIP for a zip file or CPACK_BINARY_WIX for msi installer (requires WiX).


Run all unit tests defined in the projects. Requires gtest to be installed.


Automatically generated by CMake for Visual Studio integration, ignore.

The following custom targets are available:


Run all tests against the <application-name> application.


Run regression output for demos and scenarios against the <application-name> application.


Generates the documentation inside the BUILD directory in a folder called documentation for installation. See Building the Documentation Target for additional detail.


Generates the Doxygen (code) documentation inside the BUILD directory in a folder called doxygen for installation.

Open the afsim.sln file from the BUILD directory with Visual Studio.

Upon inspection, the generated solution will contain multiple projects, some of which are source groups for multiple projects or type classes of projects. The applications source folder in Visual Studio contains all the applications that are being built in the solution.

Open the ‘Configuration Manager’ (Build -> Configuration Manager) or use the Standard toolbar (View -> Toolbars -> Standard) and select the desired Active solution configuration.
  • Select INSTALL in the Solution Explorer

  • Select Release for Solution Configuration (unless building a debug version)

  • Start the build


From the BUILD directory run:

make <make-options> <make-targets>

Make Targets

The following CMake pre-defined targets are available:


Builds all application(s) and libraries. This is the default target if none is specified.


Builds and installs artifacts to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (default is BUILD/wsf_install).


Removes all created build products (debug and optimized versions of object files, libraries and executables).


Creates a package file for distribution using the appropriate CPack generator (deb, rpm, or tar.gz)


Run all unit tests defined in the projects. Requires gtest to be installed.

The following custom targets are available:


Run all tests against the <application-name> application.


Run all tests against the <application-name> application using valgrind outputting xml files for parsing.


Run regression output for demos and scenarios against the <application-name> application.


Generates the documentation inside the BUILD directory in a folder called documentation for installation. See Building the Documentation Target for additional detail.


Generates the Doxygen (code) documentation inside the BUILD directory in a folder called doxygen for installation.

Make Options

<make-options> can be any valid make option, but the following two are of particular interest:

-j [jobs]

Specifies the number of jobs (commands) to run simultaneously. If the ‘-j’ option is given without an argument, make will not limit the number of jobs that can run simultaneously. ‘-j8’ is a good compromise if one does not wish to monopolize the system.


CMake hides many of the details when calling the compiler and linker, making it difficult to debug build problems. This command forces all commands run by make to be output to STDOUT.

Building the Install Target

Users may build with the INSTALL target which creates a new install directory at CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and pulls in all previously built applications, libraries, and plugins into the new directory.


Any documentation artifacts needing to be part of the install must be generated before running the install target.

For Windows, the Release configuration must be selected in the Configuration Manager prior to running the INSTALL target.

For Linux, the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE option must be set to Release prior to running the install target.

The following is an example of the install directory:

           |__ bin
           |  |__ grammar
           |  |__ lib
           |  |__ mission_plugins
           |  .
           |  .
           |  dis.dll
           |  .
           |  .
           |__ resources
           |  |__ data
           |  |__ maps
           |  |__ models
           |  |__ shaders

Building the Documentation Target

Details for building Documentation may be found in Documentation Generation.


A full build is not a required prerequisite for building documentation. Building the DOCUMENTATION target is sufficient to generate documentation.

Running the System Tests

The system tests ensure that AFSIM (specifically the core application mission) is working correctly. AFSIM extensions and plugins can also have tests for their capability by having test_*.txt files on the following path:


The output for a successful test will be:

-TEST- Using <path-to>/mission_<suffix>.exe
Running ### tests
Tests Complete in #.# s
### tests passed
-PASS- No errors detected


Build the <application-name>_AUTO_TEST project from Visual Studio.


ALL_BUILD target must be ran prior to target <application-name>_AUTO_TEST on plug-in build in order to properly install plug-ins in the proper locations for auto testing.


From the BUILD directory run:

make <application-name>_AUTO_TEST


make command must be ran prior to make <application-name>_AUTO_TEST on plug-in build in order to properly install plug-ins in the proper locations for auto testing.

Running the Regression Tests

The regression tests ensure that AFSIM operations (specifically the core applications ‘mission, sensor_plot, etc.’) are working properly with all demos and scenarios as compared to a gold standard output. The demos and scenarios directory structure contains a directory called regression_tests with a file called <application-name>_list.txt. This file contains the list of demos and scenarios to run against the application and collect output for comparison to gold standard output for that demo or scenario. All test output is placed in the BUILD directory under a folder called regression. This folder contains the demo and scenario output events along with application output listing for comparison to archived gold standard output.


The output for a successful test will be:

-REGRESSION TEST- Using <path/to>/mission_<suffix>.exe
Running ### tests
Tests Complete in #.# s
### tests passed
-PASS- No errors detected

Regression output for each demo or scenario is placed in the following directory:



Build the <application-name>_REGRESSION_TEST project from Visual Studio.


The ALL_BUILD target must be built prior to building target: <application-name>_REGRESSION_TEST on plug-in build in order properly install plug-ins in the proper locations for regression testing.


From the BUILD directory run:

make <application-name>_REGRESSION_TEST


The make command must be ran prior to make <application-name>_REGRESSION_TEST on plug-in build in order to properly install plug-ins in the proper locations for regression testing.


The following troubleshooting tips may be used when encountering build problems:

  1. Verify the build tools are the correct version according to the Prerequisites

  2. Remove the existing BUILD directory and re-build the AFSIM target.

  3. Ensure the build environment has the correct paths or remote address for 3rd_party libraries and resources.

  4. Build with the Install target when built applications do not run due to missing libraries. Typically this happens when applications have been compiled but not installed.