Marking Guide

  1. Purpose

  2. Background

  3. Policies

  4. FAQs

  5. Templates

  6. Worked Examples


This guide describes how to properly mark Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) as Covered Information pursuant to terms and conditions in the AFSIM Information Transfer Agreement (ITA) or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

As with other controlled or classified information, access to AFSIM requires an authorized and lawful government purpose. Furthermore, every AFSIM user is a steward of information that the United States has deemed valuable or sensitive.

The continued accessibility and security of AFSIM depends upon every member of the community understanding how to receive, handle, create, and disseminate CUI. All AFSIM users should become familiar with this marking guide and the official guidance and training published by the DoD CUI Program.


The AFSIM ITA or MOU, as applicable, define the terms and conditions for proper control and use of AFSIM and related information (i.e., Covered Information). Such information (source code, documentation, or data products) distributed, generated, or used by the AFSIM community under these agreements require appropriate markings.

Appropriate markings help all members of the community safeguard CUI on their own systems while actively participating in AFSIM’s continued development and evolution on shared platforms. Appropriate markings also help prevent confusion regarding suitable and non-suitable uses of AFSIM.

Suitable uses of AFSIM include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Use by a DoD organization in support of DoD efforts

  • Use by a DoD organization in support of international partnerships with appropriate agreements

  • Use by a DoD contractor on DoD contracted efforts

  • Use by a DoD contractor for Internal Research and Development (IR&D)

  • Use by a DoD contractor in support of efforts with export license covering output generated from AFSIM

Non-suitable uses of AFSIM include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Use by a DoD organization or DoD contractor with the intent to release significant portions of generated data to the public

  • Use by a DoD organization or DoD contractor to partner with a non-DoD entity (such as a University unable to handle ITAR material)

Controlled Unclassified Information

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) requires safeguarding until authorized for public release in accordance with applicable law, federal regulations, and departmental policies. CUI policies (EO 13556, 32 CFR Part 2002, DoDI 5200.48 4 , DFARS 252.204-7008 and DFARS 252.204-7012) establish a uniform marking system across the DoD that replaces a variety of agency-specific or legacy markings such as FOUO. Refer to the official guidance and training published by the DoD CUI Program for more information.

CUI Categories

The DoD CUI Program has defined multiple categories of CUI. Two of these categories are applicable to AFSIM.

Controlled Technical Information

Controlled Technical Information (CTI) means technical information with military or space application that is subject to controls on the access, use, reproduction, modification, performance, display, release, disclosure, or dissemination. Controlled technical information is to be marked with one of the distribution statements B through F, in accordance with Department of Defense Instruction 5230.24, “Distribution Statements of Technical Documents.”

The term does not include information that is lawfully publicly available without restrictions. “Technical Information” means technical data or computer software, as those terms are defined in Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement clause 252.227-7013, “Rights in Technical Data - Noncommercial Items” (48 CFR 252.227-7013).

Examples of technical information include research and engineering data, engineering drawings, and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, technical orders, catalog-item identifications, data sets, studies and analyses and related information, and computer software executable code and source code.

Export Controlled Information

Export control of DoD articles, services, and technical data is governed by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR Parts 120-130). In particular Part 121 of the ITAR, called the US Munitions List (USML), enumerates the particular categories and sub-categories of DoD articles, services, and technical data which are to be export controlled.

Official rulings on whether or not a DoD article, service, or technical data generated by the DoD falls under the USML are provided by the Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA).

DoD component organizations are already eligible to receive and process export controlled material. However, DoD contractors must have a form DD Form 2345 in place for each facility (per CAGE Code) at which the export controlled material will be received and used. The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Joint Certification Program (JCP) manages DD Form 2345s.

Limited Dissemination Controls

Limited Dissemination Controls (LDCs) establish restrictions on the secondary distribution (i.e., redistribution) of CUI. For instance, DoDI 5230.24 establishes distribution statements for managing, sharing, safeguarding, and disseminating CTI. All DoD components generating or responsible for CTI establish these controls before primary distribution. Likewise, DoDI 5230.24, DoDD 5230.25, and 32 CFR Part 250 establish guidelines for export controlled information. Applicable LDCs follow directly from the terms and conditions in the AFSIM ITA and MOU or help promote community-wide collaboration and exchange of information.


The following policies apply to all CUI distributed, generated, or used under the terms of the AFSIM ITA or MOU.

AFSIM is Controlled Technical Information

Unless otherwise determined by the DoD controlling office (AFRL/RQ), AFSIM and any output from AFSIM is Controlled Technical Information.

AFSIM is Export Controlled

Per DTSA review (March 2018), AFSIM is an export controlled product under USML Category IX(b)(4) & IX(b)(5). Unless otherwise determined by DTSA, all AFSIM modules and components are also export controlled products.

NOTE: Organizations cannot export AFSIM (or portions of it) without written authorization from the DoD controlling office (AFRL/RQ) even if covered by an existing export license or agreement. Please contract for assistance.

AFSIM Output is also Export Controlled

Per DTSA guidance (November 2018), all output from AFSIM is export controlled regardless of input. Through the AFSIM ITA, industry partners acknowledge their responsibility under U.S. export control laws and regulations (including the obligation, under certain circumstances, to obtain an export license prior to release of data generated using AFSIM) and agree to not disseminate any export controlled data in a manner that would violate applicable export control laws and regulations. Violation of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. Through the AFSIM MOU, DoD organizations acknowledge a similar responsibility to export data through established country-to-country agreements (e.g., a Project Agreement (PA).

Public Release Coordination

Neither the DoD controlling office (AFRL/RQ) nor the AFSIM Product Management Team (PMT) can authorize community-generated content for public release. Only an authorized DoD OPSEC coordination process and official can approve AFSIM-related CUI for public release.

DoD organizations should initiate this activity through their local OPSEC coordinator and adhere to all organization-specific policies and guidelines. DoD contractors should initiate this activity through a cognizant government program manager or contract officer.

DoD organizations and industry partners may choose to submit material to the AFSIM PMT for an informal review (from an AFSIM content perspective) prior to submitting through an authorized release process. Many DoD organizations require this informal review as evidence of joint/program-level coordination prior to public release.

NOTE: Unless or until authorized for public release, CUI requires proper safeguarding. This requires the use of approved methods of transmitting CUI material such as encrypted mail or secure file exchange.

  • supports encryption. Exchange certificates prior to sending CUI.

  • Use DoD SAFE to transmit large files. First contact the recipient to arrange a drop-off.

Mandatory LDCs

The terms and conditions in the AFSIM ITA or MOU prohibit secondary distribution (i.e., redistribution) of AFSIM binaries and source code. These artifacts should consistently use LDC/Distribution Statement F.

AFSIM Binaries : The compiled executables, libraries, or plugins distributed to the community through packages and installers

AFSIM Source Code : The distributed codebase that includes software source artifacts (e.g., C++ and Python), documentation source artifacts (e.g., reStructuredText and Markdown), and ancillary build system artifacts (e.g., CMake scripts)


Mandatory LDCs

AFSIM Binaries


AFSIM Source Code


Special LDCs

In cases where the DoD controlling office (AFRL/RQ) authorizes a variant of AFSIM for export through an appropriate country-to-country agreement, additional dissemination controls may apply to individual source or data module.

Unrestricted Modules : Dissemination of these modules may be authorized to those individuals, organizations, or entities in The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP). The use of “REL TO USA, FVEY” is not appropriate in this case because the authorized dissemination list is more restrictive.

Restricted Modules : Dissemination of these modules will not be authorized to individuals, organizations, or entities in other countries. The Foreign Disclosure Office (FDO) has made a decision to not include these modules in any export variant.

Source/Data Module

Special LDCs


Unrestricted Modules

DL Only

Dissemination List Controlled

Restricted Modules


FDO Exclusion

Note: The DoD controlling office (AFRL/RQ) establishes export variants in coordination with the AFRL Foreign Disclosure Office (FDO). Restricted Modules are excluded from future FDO consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Including AFSIM Output in Reports

What distribution statement should I use if my briefing (or report) contains AFSIM output or results?

Choose the least restrictive control that will promote the free flow of information within the DoD while using discretion based on programmatic guidance. See Recommended LDCs for suggestions.

Keep in mind that all output from AFSIM is export controlled until downgraded through an appropriate DoD review process. Remember to also identify all applicable CUI categories and warnings. See CUI Categories for more information.

Including Videos or Screenshots in Reports

What distribution statement should I use if my report (or briefing) contains videos or screenshots from AFSIM applications?

Videos and screenshots are also considered AFSIM output. Refer to Including AFSIM Output in Reports.

Including Source Code Snippets

What distribution statement should I use if my report (or briefing) contains AFSIM source code snippets?

Content that includes AFSIM code snippets (broadly interpreted to include both application source code and input/ script files) should retain the most restrictive dissemination control from code sources. For a point of reference, core framework source code typically uses the most restrictive control (i.e., DIST-F or DL Only) whereas model and scenario input/script/data files use less restrictive controls (i.e., DIST-C or DIST-D).

Keep in mind that AFSIM is export controlled. Remember to also retain all applicable CUI categories and warnings from these code sources. See CUI Categories for more information.

Including Information from User Documentation

What distribution statement should I use if my report (or briefing) includes information from AFSIM user documentation?

Content that includes (through quotation or copied in the form of an appendix) information from the AFSIM user documentation should retain the most restrictive dissemination control from documentation sources. For a point of reference, the generated (e.g., HTML or PDF) AFSIM user documentation uses an LDC/Distribution Statement of DIST-C. This permits AFSIM documentation to accompany official reports maintained in DTIC.

Keep in mind that AFSIM is export controlled. Remember to also retain all applicable CUI categories and warnings from these code sources. See CUI Categories for more information.

Including Information from Source Documentation

What distribution statement should I use if my report (or briefing) includes information from AFSIM source documentation?

Handle information included from generated source documentation (e.g., Doxygen output with UML diagrams) in the same manner as generated user documentation. Keep in mind that distribution statements differ between source code and documentation generated from source code. For a point of reference, the generated (e.g., HTML) source documentation uses an LDC/Distribution Statement of DIST-C. This permits architectural and design documentation to accompany official reports maintained in DTIC.

Keep in mind that AFSIM is export controlled. Remember to also retain all applicable CUI categories and warnings from these code sources. See CUI Categories for more information.


The following templates adhere to the policies described in this document. Use these templates to mark applicable artifacts.

File Header Templates

Unclassified File Header

Each unclassified source or data file should include a CUI banner that references accompanying README and LICENSE files for details. Authors:

  • Should choose a format-specific comment control character (e.g., #, //, “””)

  • Should use the extended REL TO banner for Restricted Modules

  • Should provide a copyright statement

  • May add additional file-specific metadata after the first block

NOTE: Not all data formats support comments, so authors should use the README file to resolve any ambiguity.

// The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
// The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
// limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
# The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
# The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
# limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.

Classified File Header

For the sake of comparison, classified source or data files should include a classification banner and a classification authority block. Otherwise, the headers are purposefully consistent.

// The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
// The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
// limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
// Classified by: <FIRST LAST (CTR), ORGANIZATION>
// Derived from:  <SOURCE | Multiple Sources>
// Declassify on: <YYYYMMDD>
# The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
# The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
# limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
# Derived from:  <SOURCE | Multiple Sources>
# Declassify on: <YYYYMMDD>

README Template

Authors should organize source and data files into distinct modules or packages. Each module or package should include a README file at its root directory. A README performs a similar function to a CUI coversheet and conveys the CUI designation indicator with notices or warnings applicable to all files in that module. The following template includes many possible notices and warnings. Authors should tailor their selections accordingly.


Applicable Notice or Warning



CTI Category


EXPT Category


Mixed Classified


Restricted Module


Restricted Module

Retain extended REL TO banner




## CUI Designation Indicator
* Controlled by: <DOD_COMPONENT>
* Controlled by: <CONTROLLING_OFFICE>
* CUI Categories: <CATEGORIES>
* LDC/Distribution Statement: <LDC>

## Notices and Warnings

Further dissemination only as directed by <CONTROLLING_OFFICE> (<YYYYMMDD>) or
higher DoD authority.

Distribution authorized to Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only
<REASON>; <YYYYMMDD>. Other requests for this information shall be referred to

Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
<REASON>; <YYYYMMDD>. Other requests for this information shall be referred to

This content is furnished on the condition that it will not be released to
another nation without specific authority of the Department of the Air Force of
the United States, that it will be used for military purposes only, that
individual or corporate rights originating in the information, whether patented
or not, will be respected, that the recipient will report promptly to the
United States any known or suspected compromise, and that the information will
be provided substantially the same degree of security afforded it by the
Department of Defense of the United States. Also, regardless of any other
markings on the document, it will not be downgraded or declassified without
written approval from the originating U.S. agency.

This content contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms
Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec 2751 et seq.) or the Export
Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50 U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq.
Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties.
Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.

This content is classified at the <CLASSIFICATION> level and may contain
elements of controlled unclassified information (CUI), unclassified, or
information classified at a lower level than the overall classification
displayed. This content shall not be used as a source of derivative
classification; refer instead to <SOURCE>. It must be reviewed for both
Classified National Security Information (CNSI) and CUI in accordance with DoDI
5230.09 prior to public release.

Handle this information in accordance with DoDI 5200.48. Destroy by any
approved method that will prevent unauthorized disclosure or reconstruction of
this information in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 and 32 C.F.R 2002.14
(Safeguarding Controlled Unclassified Information).


LICENSE Template

Each module or package should include a LICENSE file at its root directory. Note that the LICENSE cites the terms and conditions enumerated in the AFSIM MOU or ITA. Authors should identify the module, by name, in the LICENSE file.


## License to Accompany <MODULE_OR_PACKAGE_NAME>
You may not use this product except in compliance with the terms and conditions
of 48 C.F.R. 252.204-7000 (Disclosure of Information), 48 C.F.R. 252.227-7025
(Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information
Marked with Restrictive Legends), and the AFSIM Memorandum of Understanding or
Information Transfer Agreement as applicable.

This product is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind.


NO_EXPORT Template

Authors should include a NO_EXPORT guard file for Restricted Modules excluded from export variants. There are a variety of reasons why an author, after consulting with their local Foreign Disclosure Office, may decide that a module or package is not suitable for export. The NO_EXPORT guard does NOT document that reason; it simply excludes the module.


Exclude this module or package from all export variants.



On Metadata Fields

Modified by Field

In cases where one company or organization produces an original work and another company or organization modifies that work (for maintenance or enhancement), authors should use an optional “Modified by” metadata field to track this history. A version control system maintains the technical change log whereas a “Modified by” field provides attribution to secondary contributors and tracks the history of the original copyrighted work.

# The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
# Copyright YYYY The First Company. All rights reserved.
# The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
# limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
# Modified by:
#     YYMM A Second Company:  Fix bugs in track processor
#     YYMM Some Organization: Add output reporting features

Worked Examples

The following worked examples illustrate how to apply CUI marking guidance to specific information types.

An Unrestricted, Source Module

The following example is typical of most framework-level source modules. Both the Controlled Technical Information (CTI) and Export Controlled (EXPT) categories apply. The module is not excluded from export variants, but still governed by the AFSIM MOU or ITA, so strict dissemination controls apply.

Module Organization

├── doc/
│   └── core_module.rst
├── grammar/
├── source/
│   ├── core_module.hpp
│   └── core_module.cpp
├── test/
├── wsf_module


// CUI
// The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
// Copyright 2021 Eregion Forge. All rights reserved.
// The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
// limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.


.. ****************************************************************************
.. CUI
.. The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
.. Copyright 2021 Eregion Forge. All rights reserved.
.. The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
.. limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
.. ****************************************************************************



# wsf_core_module

* This module is part of the World Simulation Framework (WSF).
* Export variants of AFSIM may include it.

## CUI Designation Indicator
* Controlled by: Air Force Research Laboratory
* Controlled by: Aerospace Systems Directorate
* CUI Categories: CTI, EXPT
* LDC/Distribution Statement: DIST-F
* POC:

## Notices and Warnings

Further dissemination only as directed by AFRL Aerospace Systems Directorate
(20211209) or higher DoD authority.

This content is furnished on the condition that it will not be released to
another nation without specific authority of the Department of the Air Force of
the United States, that it will be used for military purposes only, that
individual or corporate rights originating in the information, whether patented
or not, will be respected, that the recipient will report promptly to the
United States any known or suspected compromise, and that the information will
be provided substantially the same degree of security afforded it by the
Department of Defense of the United States. Also, regardless of any other
markings on the document, it will not be downgraded or declassified without
written approval from the originating U.S. agency.

This content contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms
Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec 2751 et seq.) or the Export
Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50 U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq.
Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties.
Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.

Handle this information in accordance with DoDI 5200.48. Destroy by any
approved method that will prevent unauthorized disclosure or reconstruction of
this information in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 and 32 C.F.R 2002.14
(Safeguarding Controlled Unclassified Information).




## License to Accompany wsf_core_module
You may not use this product except in compliance with the terms and conditions
of 48 C.F.R. 252.204-7000 (Disclosure of Information), 48 C.F.R. 252.227-7025
(Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information
Marked with Restrictive Legends), and the AFSIM Memorandum of Understanding or
Information Transfer Agreement as applicable.

This product is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind.


A Restricted, Source Module

The following example applies to several framework-level source modules. Both the Controlled Technical Information (CTI) and Export Controlled (EXPT) categories apply. Unlike the previous example, this module is excluded from export variants. Accordingly, the REL TO banner is retained, the NOTICE TO ACCOMPANY FOREIGN DISCLOSURE is dropped, and a NO_EXPORT guard file is added to the root folder.

Module Organization

├── doc/
│   └── mil_module.rst
├── grammar/
├── source/
│   ├── mil_module.hpp
│   └── mil_module.cpp
├── test/
├── wsf_module


// The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
// Copyright 2021 Eregion Forge. All rights reserved.
// The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
// limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.


.. ****************************************************************************
.. The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
.. Copyright 2021 Eregion Forge. All rights reserved.
.. The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
.. limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
.. ****************************************************************************



# wsf_mil_module

* This module is part of the World Simulation Framework (WSF).
* Export variants of AFSIM must exclude it.

## CUI Designation Indicator
* Controlled by: Air Force Research Laboratory
* Controlled by: Aerospace Systems Directorate
* CUI Categories: CTI, EXPT
* LDC/Distribution Statement: DIST-F, REL TO USA ONLY
* POC:

## Notices and Warnings

Further dissemination only as directed by AFRL Aerospace Systems Directorate
(20211209) or higher DoD authority.

This content contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms
Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec 2751 et seq.) or the Export
Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50 U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq.
Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties.
Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.

Handle this information in accordance with DoDI 5200.48. Destroy by any
approved method that will prevent unauthorized disclosure or reconstruction of
this information in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 and 32 C.F.R 2002.14
(Safeguarding Controlled Unclassified Information).




## License to Accompany wsf_mil_module
You may not use this product except in compliance with the terms and conditions
of 48 C.F.R. 252.204-7000 (Disclosure of Information), 48 C.F.R. 252.227-7025
(Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information
Marked with Restrictive Legends), and the AFSIM Memorandum of Understanding or
Information Transfer Agreement as applicable.

This product is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind.


An Unrestricted, Community Source Module

The following example is typical of community-developed source modules (e.g., shared plugins or extensions). Both the Controlled Technical Information (CTI) and Export Controlled (EXPT) categories apply. The module is not excluded from export variants and distribution is not limited by the terms and conditions in the AFSIM MOU or ITA.

Module Organization

├── doc/
│   └── shared_module.rst
├── grammar/
├── source/
│   ├── shared_module.hpp
│   └── shared_module.cpp
├── test/
├── wsf_module


// CUI
// The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
// Copyright 2021 Shire Works. All rights reserved.
// The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
// limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.


.. ****************************************************************************
.. CUI
.. The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
.. Copyright 2021 Shire Works. All rights reserved.
.. The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
.. limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
.. ****************************************************************************



# wsf_shared_module

* This module is shared with others in the AFSIM community.
* Some Other Government Agency manages or maintains it.
* Export variants of AFSIM may include it.

## CUI Designation Indicator
* Controlled by: Some Other Government Agency
* Controlled by: Some Other Directorate
* CUI Categories: CTI, EXPT
* LDC/Distribution Statement: DIST-C
* POC:

## Notices and Warnings

Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors;
Critical Technology, Export Controlled; 20211209. Other requests for this
information shall be referred to Some Other Government Agency, 123 A Street,
Somewhere, USA 12345.

This content is furnished on the condition that it will not be released to
another nation without specific authority of the Department of the Air Force of
the United States, that it will be used for military purposes only, that
individual or corporate rights originating in the information, whether patented
or not, will be respected, that the recipient will report promptly to the
United States any known or suspected compromise, and that the information will
be provided substantially the same degree of security afforded it by the
Department of Defense of the United States. Also, regardless of any other
markings on the document, it will not be downgraded or declassified without
written approval from the originating U.S. agency.

This content contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms
Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec 2751 et seq.) or the Export
Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50 U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq.
Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties.
Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.

Handle this information in accordance with DoDI 5200.48. Destroy by any
approved method that will prevent unauthorized disclosure or reconstruction of
this information in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 and 32 C.F.R 2002.14
(Safeguarding Controlled Unclassified Information).




## License to Accompany wsf_shared_module
You may not use this product except in compliance with the terms and conditions
of 48 C.F.R. 252.204-7000 (Disclosure of Information), 48 C.F.R. 252.227-7025
(Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information
Marked with Restrictive Legends), and the AFSIM Memorandum of Understanding or
Information Transfer Agreement as applicable.

This product is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind.


An Unrestricted, Data Package

The following example is typical of data packages (e.g., boxed set scenarios, models, and demos) included with the AFSIM distribution. Both the Controlled Technical Information (CTI) and Export Controlled (EXPT) categories apply. The package is not excluded from export variants and distribution is not limited by the terms and conditions in the AFSIM MOU or ITA. This package uses the optional metadata block to convey model-specific pedigree and V&V information.

Package Organization

├── doc/
│   └── scenario.rst
├── platforms/
├── processors/
│   ├── weapon_processor.txt
│   └── track_processor.txt
├── sensors/
├── output/
├── scenario.txt


# The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
# Copyright 2021 Eregion Forge. All rights reserved.
# The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
# limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
# Description:
# Sources:
#     [SOURCES]
# Limitations:
# Keywords:
# Pedigree:
#     AFSIM Versions: [AFSIM_VERSIONS]
#     File Version:   [FILE_VERSION]
#     Change Log:     
#     Dependencies:
#         [DEPENDENCIES]
#     V&V:


.. ****************************************************************************
.. CUI
.. The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
.. Copyright 2021 Shire Works. All rights reserved.
.. The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
.. limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
.. ****************************************************************************



# afsim_scenario

* This scenario demonstrates the use of AFSIM processors.
* Export variants of AFSIM may include it.

## CUI Designation Indicator
* Controlled by: Air Force Research Laboratory
* Controlled by: Aerospace Systems Directorate
* CUI Categories: CTI, EXPT
* LDC/Distribution Statement: DIST-C
* POC:

## Notices and Warnings

Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors;
Critical Technology, Export Controlled; 20211209. Other requests for this
information shall be referred to AFRL Aerospace Systems Directorate,

This content is furnished on the condition that it will not be released to
another nation without specific authority of the Department of the Air Force of
the United States, that it will be used for military purposes only, that
individual or corporate rights originating in the information, whether patented
or not, will be respected, that the recipient will report promptly to the
United States any known or suspected compromise, and that the information will
be provided substantially the same degree of security afforded it by the
Department of Defense of the United States. Also, regardless of any other
markings on the document, it will not be downgraded or declassified without
written approval from the originating U.S. agency.

This content contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms
Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec 2751 et seq.) or the Export
Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50 U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq.
Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties.
Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.

Handle this information in accordance with DoDI 5200.48. Destroy by any
approved method that will prevent unauthorized disclosure or reconstruction of
this information in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 and 32 C.F.R 2002.14
(Safeguarding Controlled Unclassified Information).




## License to Accompany afsim_scenario
You may not use this product except in compliance with the terms and conditions
of 48 C.F.R. 252.204-7000 (Disclosure of Information), 48 C.F.R. 252.227-7025
(Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information
Marked with Restrictive Legends), and the AFSIM Memorandum of Understanding or
Information Transfer Agreement as applicable.

This product is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind.


A Restricted, Mixed Data Package

Where a data package mixes both classified and CUI, it is necessary to retain the CUI markings. The following example applies to a few data packages (e.g., boxed set scenarios, models, and demos) included with the classified AFSIM distribution. Both the Controlled Technical Information (CTI) and Export Controlled (EXPT) categories apply. Unlike the previous example, this module is excluded from export variants. Accordingly, the REL TO banner is retained, the NOTICE TO ACCOMPANY FOREIGN DISCLOSURE is dropped, and a NO_EXPORT guard file is added to the root folder.

Package Organization

├── doc/
│   └── scenario_u.rst
├── platforms/
├── processors/
│   ├── weapon_processor_u.txt
│   ├── track_processor_u.txt
│   └── track_processor_snf.txt
├── sensors/
├── output/
├── scenario_snf.txt


# The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
# Copyright 2021 Eregion Forge. All rights reserved.
# The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
# limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
# Description:
# Sources:
#     [SOURCES]
# Limitations:
# Keywords:
# Pedigree:
#     AFSIM Versions: [AFSIM_VERSIONS]
#     File Version:   [FILE_VERSION]
#     Change Log:     
#     Dependencies:
#         [DEPENDENCIES]
#     V&V:


NOTE: This example is contrived and the following markings are for instructional purposes only.

# The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM)
# Copyright 2021 Eregion Forge. All rights reserved.
# The use, dissemination or disclosure of data in this file is subject to
# limitation or restriction. See accompanying README and LICENSE for details.
# Classified by: An. Analyst (Ctr)
# Derived from:  Multiple Sources
# Declassify on: 20461209
# Description:
# Sources:
#     [SOURCES]
# Limitations:
# Keywords:
# Pedigree:
#     AFSIM Versions: [AFSIM_VERSIONS]
#     File Version:   [FILE_VERSION]
#     Change Log:     
#     Dependencies:
#         [DEPENDENCIES]
#     V&V:


NOTE: This example is contrived and the following markings are for instructional purposes only.


# (U) afsim_scenario_snf

* (U) This scenario demonstrates the use of AFSIM processors.
* (U) This scenario includes both classified and unclassified input files.
* (SNF) The README file itself may include classified content.

## CUI Designation Indicator
* Controlled by: Air Force Research Laboratory
* Controlled by: Aerospace Systems Directorate
* CUI Categories: CTI, EXPT
* LDC/Distribution Statement: DIST-D, REL TO USA ONLY
* POC:

## Notices and Warnings

Distribution authorized to Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only
Critical Technology, Export Controlled; 20211209. Other requests for this
document shall be referred to AFRL Aerospace Systems Directorate,

This content contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms
Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec 2751 et seq.) or the Export
Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50 U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq.
Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties.
Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.

This content is classified at the SECRET//NOFORN level and may contain elements
of controlled unclassified information (CUI), unclassified, or information
classified at a lower level than the overall classification displayed. This
content shall not be used as a source of derivative classification; refer
instead to <SOURCE>. It must be reviewed for both Classified National Security
Information (CNSI) and CUI in accordance with DoDI 5230.09 prior to public

Handle this information in accordance with DoDI 5200.48. Destroy by any
approved method that will prevent unauthorized disclosure or reconstruction of
this information in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 and 32 C.F.R 2002.14
(Safeguarding Controlled Unclassified Information).




## License to Accompany afsim_scenario_snf
You may not use this product except in compliance with the terms and conditions
of 48 C.F.R. 252.204-7000 (Disclosure of Information), 48 C.F.R. 252.227-7025
(Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information
Marked with Restrictive Legends), and the AFSIM Memorandum of Understanding or
Information Transfer Agreement as applicable.

This product is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind.
