event_output for SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT and SENSOR_DETECTION_CHANGED differ only in the event field.


<time> <event> <sensor platform> <target platform>
Print Sensor Result


Format ALL - “All formats begin with these fields”


current simulation time


simulation event recorded in this message

<sensor platform>

name of platform hosting sensor

<target platform>

name of a valid target or “UNKNOWN-TARGET”

Print Sensor Result event outputs go here

How it May Appear in Output

The SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT event record varies based on whether target is masked by horizon or signal strength.

0.00000 SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT atc-s flight-82 sensor: atc-radar Mode: default Beam Index: 0 \
 Xmtr/Rcvr: Type: ATC_RADAR LLA: 33:35:24.00n 115:09:36.00w 30.3048 m Heading: 180 deg Pitch: 0 deg
  Roll: 0 deg Speed: 0 m/s \
 Tgt: Type: B-747 LLA: 39:56:48.00n 113:11:36.00w 9144 m Heading: -157.833 deg Pitch: -1.83479 deg
  Roll: 0 deg Speed: 257.222 m/s \
 Xmtr/Rcvr->Tgt: Range: 727.073 km (392.588 nm) Brg: 13.3959 deg El: -2.55777 deg Apparent: Brg: 75.4266 deg
  El: -20.7473 deg \
 Tgt->Xmtr/Rcvr: Range: 727.073 km (392.588 nm) Brg: 18.0819 deg El: -12.1616 deg Apparent: Brg: 31.9313 deg
  El: 0 deg \
 Rcvr_Masked_By_Horizon \
 Pd: 0 RequiredPd: 0.509842 Detected: 0
0.00000 SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT atc-n flight-82 sensor: atc-radar Mode: default Beam Index: 0 \
 Xmtr/Rcvr: Type: ATC_RADAR LLA: 38:35:12.00n 115:07:00.00w 30.3048 m Heading: 0 deg Pitch: 0 deg Roll: 0 deg
   Speed: 0 m/s \
 Tgt: Type: B-747 LLA: 39:56:48.00n 113:11:36.00w 9144 m Heading: -157.833 deg Pitch: -1.83479 deg
   Roll: 0 deg Speed: 257.222 m/s \
 Xmtr/Rcvr->Tgt: Range: 224.708 km (121.332 nm) Brg: 47.1031 deg El: 1.31576 deg Apparent: Brg: 47.1041 deg
   El: 1.69454 deg \
 Tgt->Xmtr/Rcvr: Range: 224.708 km (121.332 nm) Brg: 228.321 deg El: -3.33232 deg Apparent: Brg: 228.32 deg
   El: -2.95284 deg \
 XmtrBeam: Brg: 47.1041 deg El: 0 deg TgtRel Az: 0 deg El: 1.69454 deg Gain: 20 dB \
 RcvrBeam: Brg: 47.1041 deg El: 0 deg TgtRel Az: 0 deg El: 1.69454 deg Gain: 20 dB \
 Radar_Sig: 1 dBsm (1.25893 m^2) Az: 26.1228 deg El: -1.30565 deg \
 Absorption_factor: 0 dB (1)  Propagation_factor_F^4: 0 dB (1) F: 1 \
 Xmtd_Power: 70 dBw Rcvd_Power: -186.047 dBw Rcvr_Noise: -188.024 dBw \
 S/I: 1.97649 dB Threshold: 3 dB S/N: 1.97649 dB S/(N+C): 1.97649 dB S/(N+C+J): 1.97649 dB \
 Insufficient_Signal \
 Pd: 0 RequiredPd: 0.835712 Detected: 0
30.00000 SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT atc-n flight-82 sensor: atc-radar Mode: default Beam Index: 0 \
 Xmtr/Rcvr: Type: ATC_RADAR LLA: 38:35:12.00n 115:07:00.00w 30.3048 m Heading: 0 deg Pitch: 0 deg
   Roll: 0 deg Speed: 0 m/s \
 Tgt: Type: B-747 LLA: 40:01:12.90n 116:43:50.13w 9144.0052 m Heading: 161.781 deg
   Pitch: -0.00115632 deg Roll: 0 deg Speed: 257.222 m/s \
 Xmtr/Rcvr->Tgt: Range: 211.779 km (114.351 nm) Brg: 319.334 deg El: 1.51546 deg Apparent: Brg: 319.333 deg
   El: 1.89478 deg \
 Tgt->Xmtr/Rcvr: Range: 211.779 km (114.351 nm) Brg: 138.311 deg El: -3.41664 deg Apparent: Brg: 138.312 deg
   El: -3.03661 deg \
 XmtrBeam: Brg: 319.333 deg El: 0 deg TgtRel Az: 0 deg El: 1.89478 deg Gain: 20 dB \
 RcvrBeam: Brg: 319.333 deg El: 0 deg TgtRel Az: 0 deg El: 1.89478 deg Gain: 20 dB \
 Radar_Sig: 1 dBsm (1.25893 m^2) Az: -23.4688 deg El: -3.03554 deg \
 Absorption_factor: 0 dB (1)  Propagation_factor_F^4: 0 dB (1) F: 1 \
 Xmtd_Power: 70 dBw Rcvd_Power: -185.018 dBw Rcvr_Noise: -188.024 dBw \
 S/I: 3.00589 dB Threshold: 3 dB S/N: 3.00589 dB S/(N+C): 3.00589 dB S/(N+C+J): 3.00589 dB \
 Pd: 1 RequiredPd: 0.0504878 Detected: 1

The SENSOR_DETECTION_CHANGED event record closely matches that of the SENSOR_DETECTION_ATTEMPT

when a target is within range and has sufficient signal.
30.00000 SENSOR_DETECTION_CHANGED atc-n flight-82 sensor: atc-radar Mode: default Beam Index: 0 \
 Xmtr/Rcvr: Type: ATC_RADAR LLA: 38:35:12.00n 115:07:00.00w 30.3048 m Heading: 0 deg Pitch: 0 deg Roll: 0 deg
  Speed: 0 m/s \
 Tgt: Type: B-747 LLA: 40:01:12.90n 116:43:50.13w 9144.0052 m Heading: 161.781 deg Pitch: -0.00115632 deg
  Roll: 0 deg Speed: 257.222 m/s \
 Xmtr/Rcvr->Tgt: Range: 211.779 km (114.351 nm) Brg: 319.334 deg El: 1.51546 deg Apparent: Brg: 319.333 deg
  El: 1.89478 deg \
 Tgt->Xmtr/Rcvr: Range: 211.779 km (114.351 nm) Brg: 138.311 deg El: -3.41664 deg Apparent: Brg: 138.312 deg
  El: -3.03661 deg \
 XmtrBeam: Brg: 319.333 deg El: 0 deg TgtRel Az: 0 deg El: 1.89478 deg Gain: 20 dB \
 RcvrBeam: Brg: 319.333 deg El: 0 deg TgtRel Az: 0 deg El: 1.89478 deg Gain: 20 dB \
 Radar_Sig: 1 dBsm (1.25893 m^2) Az: -23.4688 deg El: -3.03554 deg \
 Absorption_factor: 0 dB (1)  Propagation_factor_F^4: 0 dB (1) F: 1 \
 Xmtd_Power: 70 dBw Rcvd_Power: -185.018 dBw Rcvr_Noise: -188.024 dBw \
 S/I: 3.00589 dB Threshold: 3 dB S/N: 3.00589 dB S/(N+C): 3.00589 dB S/(N+C+J): 3.00589 dB \
 Pd: 1 RequiredPd: 0.0504878 Detected: 1


  file replay.evt              # write event messages to file "replay.evt"

#------# Define comm type ATC_COMM
  transfer_rate 56 kbits/sec

#------# Define a commander platform_type TOWER that contains atc-radar sensor
platform_type TOWER WSF_PLATFORM

  # We have our own local acquisition sensor to supplement the reports we get from the ATC network.
  # For now this is simply another 2D ATC radar.

  sensor atc-radar ATC_RADAR_SENSOR
    processor track-processor
    ignore ignored-by-atc-radar


#------# Define a radar platform_type ATC_RADAR that contains atc-radar sensor
radar_signature ATC_RADAR_SIGNATURE
  constant 10 m^2


  radar_signature    ATC_RADAR_SIGNATURE

  sensor atc-radar ATC_RADAR_SENSOR
    processor collector
    ignore ignored-by-atc-radar


#------# Define a platform that uses atc-radar sensor
platform atc-e
  commander tower
  category  ignored-by-tower-radar
  comm      atc-net   network_name  atc-net    end_comm
  sensor    atc-radar on end_sensor

#------# Define a platform that
platform flight-82 B-747
  side blue
    position 39:56:48n 113:11:36w altitude 30000 ft msl
      speed 500 kts
      radial_acceleration 2.00 g
    position 36:31:59n 114:54:35w altitude 30000 ft msl
      speed 500 kts
      radial_acceleration 2.00 g
    position 40:03:04n 113:29:52w altitude 30000 ft msl
      speed 500 kts
      radial_acceleration 2.00 g