event_output for WEAPON_FIRED.


<time> <event>
{ < firing platform id> | < weapon platform id> | <UNKNOWN> }
{ NO-TARGET | < target platform  name>}
{ IMPLICIT ( <weapon system id>  ) | IMPLICIT ( <weapon platform id> )}
Engagement: <engagement serial number> Start Time: <time> \
Start_Time: <time> Update_Time: <update time> Quality: <track quality> Domain: <spatial domain>
{Type: False | Type: Real} Target_Truth: Name: <platform name> Type: <type> Side: <side>
Originator: LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m
Track: LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m Flags: {"L" | "3" | "R" | "B" | "E"}
{blank if invalid platform pointer | Truth: LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m}
Difference: <location delta> m 
If Velocity is Valid: Track: Vel: <velocity> m/s
If Location is Valid Hdg: <heading> deg
If Platform is Valid Truth: Vel: <velocity> m/s Hdg: <heading> deg
If Location, Range, Bearing, or Elevation are Valid: Track Data Track: Range: <range> m Bearing: <bearing> deg Elevation: <elevation> deg Truth Data - If Platform is Valid: Truth: If Range or Location are Valid: Range: <range> m If Bearing or Location are Valid: Bearing: <bearing> deg If Elevation or Location are Valid: Elevation <elevation> deg Measurement Errors for Unfiltered Sensor Reports - If Errors Occurred: Measurement_Error_Sigma: If there was a Range Error: Range: <range error> m If there was a Bearing Error: Bearing: <bearing error> deg If there was an Elevation Error: Elevation: <elevation error> deg
If Signal To Noise is Valid: Signal-To-Noise: <signal to noise> dB
If Frequency is Valid: Frequency: <frequency> <frequency units>
If Track Types (vector) is Valid: Type_IDs: [ <type id1> (<probability1>) <type id2> (<probability2>) ... <type idn> (<probabilityn>) ]
Else If Track Type is Valid: Type_ID: <type id>
If Side is Valid: Side_ID: <side id>
If Auxillary Data Exists: Aux Data: For Each Attribute: ( <attribute name> : {"CONTAINER" | <attribute> | "UNKNOWN_TYPE"} )



current simulation time


simulation event recorded in this message

Player Data consisting of:
one of: <firing platform id> , <weapon platform id> , <UNKNOWN>

engagement info

one of: <NO-TARGET> , <target platform name>

target platform info

one of: IMPLICIT (<weapon system id>) , <weapon platform id>

weapon platform info

Engagement <sn>

engagement serial number

Start Time: <time>

time engagement started

one of: Launch Pk: <Pk> , Intercept Pk: <Pk>

Pk info

Pk Degrade: <Pk degrade>

Pk degrade factor

Pk <Pk constraint>

Pk used to determine weapon] miss or kill (either Launch Pk or Intercept Pk)

Pk Drawn: <Pk Drawn>

Pk drawn for target hit assessment

<CEP> optional

value for Circular Error Probable (CEP)

Launch Lat: <lat> Lon: <lon> Alt: <alt> m

shooter data displayed If Shooter is Present

Target Lat: <lat> Lon: <lon> Alt: <alt> m

target data displayed If Target is Present

Truth Slant Range: <range> m Ground Range: <range> m Down Range: <range> m

truth data displayed If Target and Shooter are Present

Cross Range: <Range> m Relative Alt: <weapon to target offset> m

truth data displayed If Target and Shooter are Present

How it Appears in Output


1285.79108 WEAPON_FIRED sam-tel-n-2 strike-11 sam-tel-n-2_sam_1 Engagement 1 Start Time: 1285.79108 \
 Launch Lat: 36:30:02.46n Lon: 115:08:38.28w Alt: 0.3048 m \
 Target Lat: 37:10:58.05n Lon: 114:35:46.09w Alt: 9144 m \
 Truth Slant Range: 90624.4 m Ground Range: 90224.4 m \
 Down Range: 75942.5 m Cross Range: 48715.2 m Relative Alt: 8505.24 m \
 Target_Track: sam-cmdr-n.1 \
  Start_Time: 1258.70108 Update_Time: 1284.75108 Update Count: 15 Quality: 1 Domain: air Type: Real \
  Target_Truth: Name: strike-11 Type: F-18E Side: blue \
  Originator: LLA: 36:29:52.86n 115:08:48.88w 0.3048 m \
  track: LLA: 37:11:06.30n 114:35:41.77w 9108.92 m Flags: L3 \
  Truth: LLA: 37:10:58.05n 114:35:46.09w 9144 m  Difference: 278.262 m  \
  track: Vel: 338.471 m/s Hdg: 202.557 deg  Truth: Vel: 257.222 m/s Hdg: 201.292 deg \
  track: Range: 91280.5 m Bearing: 32.6857 deg Elevation: 5.31835 deg \
  Truth: Range: 91014.2 m Bearing: 32.7168 deg Elevation: 5.35858 deg

How to Show Event Messages

   file replay.evt              # write event messages to file "replay.evt"
   enable WEAPON_FIRED