Behavior Events

These are the event_output events related to the behavior_tree.


The advanced_behavior_tree is not supported by event_output/csv_event_output yet.


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <file-path> <file-last-mod-time> <platform> <node-id> <node-name> <num-children> { <child-id> }

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Absolute path to the input file that defines this node


A unique number used to indicate the last time the file was modified to detect differences between the event log and the input file


Name of platform owner of the tree


Global unique id of this node


Name of the behavior node


Number of direct descendants of this node


Global unique id of child


event_output Signature:

<time> <event> <platform> <node-id> <node-name> <exec-state> { <failure-reason> }

Signature Elements:




The current simulation time


The event name


Name of platform owner of the tree


Global unique id of this node


Name of the behavior node


0 or 1. 0 if node failed precondition, 1 if the node was executed.


The reason the node failed the precondition, if given.


If multiple failure reasons were provided, only the first one will be reported.