event_output for WEAPON_HIT and WEAPON_MISSED differ only in the event field.


<time> <event>
{ < firing platform id> | < weapon platform id> | <UNKNOWN> }
{ NO-TARGET | < target platform  name>}
{ IMPLICIT ( <weapon system id>  ) | IMPLICIT ( <weapon platform id> )}
Engagement: <engagement serial number> Start Time: <time> \
{Launch Pk: <launch Pk> | Intercept Pk: <intercept Pk>}
Pk_Degrade: <Pk degrade> Pk: <Pk constraint> Pk_Drawn: <Pk drawn>
{CEP: <CEP> | left blank}
{UNKNOWN_TARGET Damage_Factor: 0 | INTENDED_TARGET Damage_Factor: <damage>
| INCIDENTAL_TARGET Damage_Factor: <damage> | INTENDED_TARGET Damage_Factor: <damage> }
{Result: MISSED | Result: DAMAGED | Result: KILLED | Result: UNKNOWN} \
Extended_Result: { Target proximity | AGL limit encountered | MSL limit encountered | Minimum speed encountered | Commanded termination | Maximum time-of-flight exceeded | Coast time exceeded } \ 
if an Implicit Engagement: If Shooter Present: display shooter kinematic data Launch: LLA: <latitude> <longitude> <altitude> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg \ Speed: <vel mag> m/s * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ] Acceleration: <acc mag> m/s2 * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ] \ If Target Present: Target: LLA: <latitude> <longitude> <target altitude> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg \ Speed: <vel mag> m/s * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ] Acceleration: <acc mag> m/s2 * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ] \ If Shooter and Target Present: Truth: Slant_Range: <range> m Ground_Range: <range> m Down_Range: <range> m Cross_Range: <range> m Relative_Alt: <weapon-to-target offset> m
if an Explicit Engagement: If Weapon Present: Weapon: LLA: <latitude> <longitude> <altitude> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg \ Speed: <vel mag> m/s * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ] Acceleration: <acc mag> m/s2 * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ] \ If Target Present: Target: LLA: <latitude> <longitude> <altitude> m Heading: <heading> deg Pitch: <pitch> deg Roll: <roll> deg \ Speed: <vel mag> m/s * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ] Acceleration: <acc mag> m/s2 * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ] \ If Target and Weapon Present: Miss_Distance: <distance> m \ Weapon_Loc_ECS: [ <x_vec > <y_vec> <z_vec> ] m \ Weapon_Vel_ECS: <impact_speed> m/s * [ <x_vec> <y_vec> <z_vec> ]



current simulation time


WEAPON_HIT or WEAPON_MISSED | Player data consisting of: <firing platform id> or <weapon platform id> or <UNKNOWN> engagement info

<target platform name> or <NO-TARGET>

target platform info

<weapon platform id> or IMPLICIT (<weapon system id>)

weapon platform info

Engagement: <sn>

engagement serial number

Start Time: <time>

time engagement started

Weapon Termination data consisting of: if pK Drawn > 0: Launch Pk: <Pk> otherwise Intercept Pk: <Pk>

Pk info |

Pk Degrade: <Pk degrade>

Pk degrade factor

Pk: <Pk constraint>

Pk used to determine weapon miss or kill (either Launch Pk or Intercept Pk)

Pk Drawn: <Pk Drawn>

Pk drawn for target hit assessment

<blank> or <CEP>

value for Circular Error Probable (CEP)

one of:
UNKNOWN_TARGET Damage_Factor: 0
INTENDED_TARGET Damage_Factor: <damage factor>
INCIDENTAL_TARGET Damage_Factor: <damage factor>
INTENDED_TARGET Damage_Factor: <damage factor>

Either there is partial or complete agreement that the target is missing, what the desired target is, or that the current target is not the ‘desired’ target

one of:
Result: MISSED
Result: KILLED

effect of weapon on intended target

if extended result, one of:
AGL limit encountered
MSL limit encountered
Minimum speed encountered
Commanded termination
Maximum time-of-flight exceeded
Coast time exceeded
If a valid weapon is loaded (i.e., Implicit Engagement):
Shooter Present
Launch: LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m
Heading: <heading>
Pitch: <pitch> deg
Roll: <roll> deg
Speed: <vel_mag> m/s * <x axis> <y axis> <z axis>
Acceleration: <acc_mag> m/s2 * <x axis> <y axis> <z axis>
Target Present
Target: LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m
Heading: <heading>
Pitch: <pitch> deg
Roll: <roll> deg
Speed: <vel_mag> m/s * <x axis> <y axis> <z axis>
Acceleration: <acc_mag> m/s2 * <x axis> <y axis> <z axis>
Shooter and Target Present
Truth: Slant_Range: <range> m Ground_Range: <range> m
Down_Range: <range> m Cross_Range: <Range> m
Relative_Alt: <weapon to target offset> m
else (i.e., Explicit Engagement):
Target Present
Target: LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m
Heading: <heading>
Pitch: <pitch> deg
Roll: <roll> deg
Speed: <vel_mag> m/s * <x axis> <y axis> <z axis>
Acceleration: <acc_mag> m/s2 * <x axis> <y axis> <z axis>
Weapon Present
Weapon: LLA: <lat> <lon> <alt> m
Heading: <heading>
Pitch: <pitch> deg
Roll: <roll> deg
Speed: <vel_mag> m/s * <x axis> <y axis> <z axis>
Acceleration: <acc_mag> m/s2 * <x axis> <y axis> <z axis>
Target and Weapon Present
Miss_Distance: <distance> m

relative geometry - miss distance

Weapon_Loc_ECS: [ <ECS_x> <ECS_y> <ECS_z> ] m

weapon location in ECS coordinates

Weapon_Vel_ECS: <impact_speed> m/s * [ <ECS_x> <ECS_y> <ECS_z> ]

weapon velocity along ECS coordinates

How it Appears in Output


1433.12142 WEAPON_HIT sam-tel-n-1 strike-12 sam-tel-n-1_sam_4 Engagement: 6 Start_Time: 1319.97142 \
 Intercept_Pk: 0.3 Pk_Degrade: 1 Pk: 0.3 Pk_Drawn: 0.233329 INTENDED_TARGET Damage_Factor: 1 Result: KILLED \
 Extended_Result: Target_proximity \
 Target: LLA: 36:59:26.39n 114:50:58.73w 9144 m Heading: 194.208 deg Pitch: -0.000 deg Roll: 0.000 deg \
  Speed: 257.222 m/s * [ -0.969 -0.245 0.000 ] Acceleration: 0.000 m/s2 * [ -0.000 0.000 0.000 ] \
 weapon: LLA: 36:59:26.38n 114:50:58.71w 9145.4636 m Heading: 29.404 deg Pitch: -5.185 deg Roll: 0.000 deg \
  Speed: 480.074 m/s * [ 0.868 0.489 0.090 ] Acceleration: 76.511 m/s2 * [ -0.517 0.556 -0.651 ] \
 Miss_Distance: 1.57525 m \
 Weapon_Loc_ECS: [ 0.0060425 -0.582442 -1.46361 ] m \
 Weapon_Vel_ECS: 730.75 m/s * [ -0.983394 -0.1715 0.0593712 ]


1409.86108 WEAPON_MISSED sam-tel-n-1 strike-23 sam-tel-n-1_sam_1 Engagement: 3 Start_Time: 1293.81108 \
 Intercept_Pk: 0.3 Pk_Degrade: 1 Pk: 0.3 Pk_Drawn: 0.317335 INTENDED_TARGET Damage_Factor: 0 Result: MISSED \
 Extended_Result: Target_proximity \
 Target: LLA: 36:58:50.62n 115:29:11.80w 9144 m Heading: 162.556 deg Pitch: -0.000 deg Roll: 0.000 deg \
  Speed: 257.222 m/s * [ -0.954 0.300 0.000 ] Acceleration: 0.000 m/s2 * [ -0.000 0.000 0.000 ] \
 weapon: LLA: 36:58:50.62n 115:29:11.82w 9145.2198 m Heading: 328.141 deg Pitch: -5.763 deg Roll: 0.000 deg \
  Speed: 462.510 m/s * [ 0.845 -0.525 0.100 ] Acceleration: 84.006 m/s2 * [ 0.111 0.688 0.717 ] \
 Miss_Distance: 1.29594 m \
 Weapon_Loc_ECS: [ -0.0022277 0.437617 -1.21982 ] m \
 Weapon_Vel_ECS: 713.694 m/s * [ -0.984886 0.160515 0.0650741 ]

How to Show Event Messages

   file replay.evt              # write event messages to file "replay.evt"
   enable WEAPON_HIT