
execute … end_execute
execute at_time <time-value> [ absolute | relative ]
   ...script commands...

execute at_interval_of <time-value>
   ...script commands...


execute is used to define a script that is to be executed either once at a specified time or repeatedly at a specified interval. The command may occur in the simulation context (i.e., not inside a platform) or may occur in the context of a platform or platform part.

The first form of the command, i.e. *at_time*, causes the enclosed script to be executed once. If a time reference of absolute is specified, the script will be executed at the specified simulation time. If the time is in the past then the script will execute immediately. If a time reference of relative is specified, the script will be executed at the specified time relative to the time when the platform was created (this option is not valid if the command occurs within the global simulation context).

The second form of the command, i.e. *at_interval*, causes the enclosed script to be executed at the specified time interval. In order to distribute the workload more evenly, the first execution will occur at a random time within the defined interval. Subsequent iterations will occur at the specified interval.

If the command occurs within the context of a platform, the script variable PLATFORM will refer to the platform. In addition, if the command occurs within the context of a processor, the script variable PROCESSOR will refer to the processor.


The following will cause a sensor to be turned on and off at a specified time.

platform radar-site-1 RADAR_SITE
   sensor radar ... end_sensor
   execute at_time 10 minutes absolute
   execute at_time 20 minutes absolute