
false_target … end_false_target
false_target <false-target-name> WSF_FALSE_TARGET
   debug <boolean-value>
   false_target_behavior <false-target-behavior-type>
   multi_radar_behavior <multi-radar-behavior-type>
   persistence <boolean-value>
   quantity <value>
   range_constrained <boolean-value>
   scan_rate <frequency-value>
   scan_time <time-value>
   false_target_movement ... end_false_target_movement
   track_movement ... end_track_movement
   distribution ... end_distribution
   distribution_centroid ... end_distribution_centroid


false_target specifies the characteristics of a false target technique, which is incorporated into electronic attack (EA) techniques. The false target technique is used to generate and maintain false target representations without creating a platform instance for each false target. Thus, radar sensors can be forced to deal with large numbers of false targets without the processor loading of large numbers of platforms. The false_target_screener provides the mechanism for radars to manage and react to false target techniques.



Set debug mode.

false_target_behavior ‘’<false-target-behavior-type>

Specifies the fidelity of the false target technique.

  • random_scan_to_scan - False targets created randomly for each scan.

  • consistent_scan_to_scan - False target are maintained and updated for each scan (i.e., correlated).

Default random_scan_to_scan

multi_radar_behavior ‘’<multi-radar-behavior-type>

Specifies the fidelity of the false target technique across multiple radar sites.

  • random_to_multiple_radars - False targets appear random to individual radars.

  • consistent_to_multiple_radars - False targets appear correlated to multiple radars (i.e., choreographed).

Default random_to_multiple_radars

persistence <real-value>

Specifies the persistence of the false target from scan to scan. The number of false targets will be reduced by 1 minus this value from scan to scan.

Default 1.0

quantity <real-value>

Specifies the number of false targets to create.

Default The WSF_FALSE_TARGET_EFFECT jamming_pulse_density input is used with its default or input value

range_constrained <boolean-value>

Specifies whether false targets can be produced forward of the jammer’s position. To be able to produce false targets forward of the jammer requires detailed knowledge of the targeted radar’s PRF sequence.

Default false

scan_rate <frequency-value>
scan_time <time-value>

Specify the false-target scan rate/time for the random_scan_to_scan false_target_behavior type.


This command is only valid when used with the random_scan_to_scan false_target_behavior. Use of this command with other false_target_behavior types will have no effect.

Default Scan rate/time (frame_time of the system being effected)

track_movement … end_track_movement
false_target_movement … end_false_target_movement

Defines the movement of the false target blips (i.e., tracks) in terms of direction (heading) and speed. To define the false target movement:

   headings <min-angle-value> <max-angle-value>
   speeds <min-speed-value> <max-speed-value>
   reference [ "jammer" | "none" ]
headings <min-angle-value> <max-angle-value>

Specifies the direction of movement for the false targets wrt due north. If minimum and maximum <angle-value> are equal all headings will be the same on the blips, if they are not equal then random headings will be drawn with the limits and set for each false target blip separately as to its speed.

Default 0.0 degrees 360.0 degrees

speeds <min-speed-value> <max-speed-value>

Specifies the minimum and maximum <speed-value> at which the false targets will move in the direction of the heading. If minimum and maximum speeds are equal all speeds will be the same on the blips, if they are not equal then random speeds will be drawn with the limits and set for each false target blip separately as to its speed.

Default 0.0 m/s 0.0 m/s

reference [ “jammer” | “none” ]

Specifies the heading reference for which to move the false target blips if a non-zero speed is entered desired.

Default “none”

distribution … end_distribution

Defines the false target dispersion about the distribution_centroid in the direction of the reference_bearing:

To define the dispersion:

   bearing_reference [ "jammer" | "north" ]
   radius <length-value>
   sector_arc <angle-value>
   azimuth_extent <minimum-angle-value> ... <maximum-angle-value> end_azimuth_extent
   range_extent <minimum-length-value> ... <maximum-length-value> end_range_extent
   range_distribution ["uniform" | "exponential" | "log"]
bearing_reference [ “jammer” | “north” ]

Specifies the bearing reference in which to display false-targets. Works in conjunction with the azimuth_extent input.

Default “jammer”

radius <length-value>

Specifies the radius in which to generate false-targets around the reference_centroid if entered or the receiver if not.

Default Minimum of the antenna’s maximum range or the maximum pulse_repitition_interval (PRI) range on the effecting system

sector_arc <angle-value>

Specifies the sector arc in which to generate false-targets.

Default -180 degrees 180 degrees

azimuth_extent <minimum-angle-value> <maximum-angle-value> end_azimuth_extent

Specifies the azimuth extents in the range of [-180 degrees, 180 deg] of which to produce false-targets. Reference azimuth is to the bearing_reference. This input can be repeated for multiple azimuth extents.

Default -180 degrees 180 degrees

range_extent <minimum-length-value> <maximum-length-value> end_range_extent

Specifies the range extents in which to generate false targets around the centroid if entered or the receiver if not. This input can be repeated for multiple range extents.

Default Minimum of the Antennas maximum range on the effecting system or the maximum pulse_repitition_interval (PRI) range of the effecting system if a PRI is specified.

range_distribution [“uniform” | “exponential” | “log”]

Specifies the range distribution statistical model type to use for the range distribution of the false targets.


A “uniform” distribution will have a higher density towards the center, an “exponential” distribution will have a more linear spacing at all ranges and a “log” distribution will have a higher density towards the outer range limits for a radar.

Default “uniform”

distribution_centroid … end_distribution_centroid

Centroid coordinates for the false target distribution. The centroid is able to move in any specified direction so the false target distribution centroid may change to allow for a new distribution center for random_scan_to_scan false_target_behavior type.

To initialize the distribution centroid:

   altitude <altitude>
   position <latitude> <longitude>
   heading <angle-value>
   speed <speed-value>
altitude <altitude>

Specifies the altitude of the reference centroid on which to generate false-target.

position <latitude> <longitude>

Specifies the latitude and longitude of the reference centroid on which to generate false-target.

Default Centroid of the system that the false-target effect is effecting.

heading <angle-value>

Specifies the heading (i.e., direction of movement) for the centroid.

Default 0.0

speed <speed-value>

Specifies the speed at which the centroid will move.

Default 0.0