
launcher demo


This demo is meant to be a simple way of demonstrating a build up of tactics processor and launch computer to fire a sam.
This demo is meant to be a simple way of demonstrating a build up of tactics processor
and launch computer to fire a sam.

All launchers, sensors, and weapons are made up for this example.

Four different tactic processors / launch computers are used to shoot a sam.

The tactics_processor (in the platforms directory) is changed out for each of the demos.

The first one has all the logic to fire the missile within the task processor.
Very little checks are done to fire the sam.
“run 1st_run.txt” executes it.

The second removes the logic for the launch criteria and places it in a
separate launch computer script.
“run 2nd_run.txt” executes it.

The third adds more criteria to the launch computer and adds additional state machine logic.
“run 3rd_run.txt” executes it.

The fourth processor separates the launch platform script and missile launch computer calls so
other launchers/missiles can be added. This allows the same tactics processor to be used for
other launchers and missiles. Also, additional checks are done prior to launching a
sam missile.
“run 4th_run.txt” executes it.