Link16 Script Classes


WsfTadilJ2_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsBailOut()
void IsBailOut(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsBailOut field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

int SourceTrackNumber()
void SourceTrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the SourceTrackNumber field.

bool IsFlightLeader()
void IsFlightLeader(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsFlightLeader field.

bool IsMissionCommander()
void IsMissionCommander(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsMissionCommander field.

int GenericUnitType()
void GenericUnitType(int i)

Get or set the value of the GenericUnitType field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int AltitudeQuality()
void AltitudeQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQuality field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int Site()
void Site(int i)

Get or set the value of the Site field.

int UnitType()
void UnitType(int i)

Get or set the value of the UnitType field.

int OriginatorEnvironment()
void OriginatorEnvironment(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorEnvironment field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

double Elevation()
void Elevation(double d)

Get or set the value of the Elevation field. Units are Meters.

int AirPlatform()
void AirPlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirPlatform field.

int AirActivity()
void AirActivity(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirActivity field.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.


WsfTadilJ2_2E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_2E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_2C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_2C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_2C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_2C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_2C5 AddContinuation5()

Adds continuation word 5 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation5() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_2C5 FindContinuation5()

Returns extension word 5 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsMissionCommander()
void IsMissionCommander(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsMissionCommander field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsAirborne()
void IsAirborne(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAirborne field.

bool IsFlightLeader()
void IsFlightLeader(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsFlightLeader field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsRTTRelayOperational()
void IsRTTRelayOperational(int i)

Get or set the value of the IsRTTRelayOperational field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int i)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

bool IsBailOut()
void IsBailOut(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsBailOut field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int NetNumber()
void NetNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the NetNumber field.

int IsNPGActive()
void IsNPGActive(int i)

Get or set the value of the IsNPGActive field.

int AltitudeQualityFt()
void AltitudeQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQualityFt field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int AirPlatform()
void AirPlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirPlatform field.

int Activity()
void Activity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Activity field.


bool InterpretCallsign()
void InterpretCallsign(bool b)

Get or set the value of the InterpretCallsign field.

bool InterpretLink4Addr()
void InterpretLink4Addr(bool b)

Get or set the value of the InterpretLink4Addr field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string s)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int Link4Addr()
void Link4Addr(int i)

Get or set the value of the Link4Addr field.

int VoiceFreqChannel()
void VoiceFreqChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFreqChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool IsRelayActiveVoice()
void IsRelayActiveVoice(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveVoice field.

bool IsRelayActiveControl()
void IsRelayActiveControl(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveControl field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceChannel()
void IsAlternateVoiceChannel(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceChannel field.


int NetNumber_NonC2_to_NonC2()
void NetNumber_NonC2_to_NonC2(int i)

Get or set the value of the NetNumber_NonC2_to_NonC2 field.

bool NonC2_to_NonC2_NPG_status()
void NonC2_to_NonC2_NPG_status(bool b)

Get or set the value of the NonC2_to_NonC2_NPG_status field.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int WingmanIDLetter()
void WingmanIDLetter(int i)

Get or set the value of the WingmanIDLetter field.

int TrackNumberCommander()
void TrackNumberCommander(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberCommander field.

int TrackNumberLeader()
void TrackNumberLeader(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberLeader field.


WsfTadilJ2_3E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_3E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_3C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_3C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_3C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_3C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_3C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_3C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsReplyStatusNetwork()
void IsReplyStatusNetwork(int i)

Get or set the value of the IsReplyStatusNetwork field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int i)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

bool Spare3()
void Spare3(bool b)

Get or set the value of the Spare3 field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int AltitudeQualityFt()
void AltitudeQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQualityFt field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int SurfacePlatform()
void SurfacePlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the SurfacePlatform field.

int Activity()
void Activity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Activity field.


bool InterpretCallsign()
void InterpretCallsign(bool b)

Get or set the value of the InterpretCallsign field.

bool InterpretLink4Addr()
void InterpretLink4Addr(bool b)

Get or set the value of the InterpretLink4Addr field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string s)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int Link4Addr()
void Link4Addr(int i)

Get or set the value of the Link4Addr field.

int VoiceFreqChannel()
void VoiceFreqChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFreqChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool IsRelayActiveVoice()
void IsRelayActiveVoice(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveVoice field.

bool IsRelayActiveControl()
void IsRelayActiveControl(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveControl field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceChannel()
void IsAlternateVoiceChannel(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceChannel field.


int UCoordinate()
void UCoordinate(int i)

Get or set the value of the UCoordinate field.

int VCoordinate()
void VCoordinate(int i)

Get or set the value of the VCoordinate field.

int BetaAngle()
void BetaAngle(int i)

Get or set the value of the BetaAngle field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int AzimuthQuality()
void AzimuthQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the AzimuthQuality field.


WsfTadilJ2_4E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_4C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_4C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_4C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_4C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_4C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsPositionInContinuation()
void IsPositionInContinuation(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsPositionInContinuation field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsReplyStatusNetwork()
void IsReplyStatusNetwork(int i)

Get or set the value of the IsReplyStatusNetwork field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int i)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

double Depth()
void Depth(double d)

Get or set the value of the Depth field. Units are Meters.

int DepthCategory()
void DepthCategory(int i)

Get or set the value of the DepthCategory field.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int DepthQuality()
void DepthQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the DepthQuality field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int SubSurfacePlatform()
void SubSurfacePlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the SubSurfacePlatform field.

int Activity()
void Activity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Activity field.


bool InterpretCallsign()
void InterpretCallsign(bool b)

Get or set the value of the InterpretCallsign field.

bool InterpretLink4Addr()
void InterpretLink4Addr(bool b)

Get or set the value of the InterpretLink4Addr field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string s)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int Link4Addr()
void Link4Addr(int i)

Get or set the value of the Link4Addr field.

int VoiceFreqChannel()
void VoiceFreqChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFreqChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool IsRelayActiveVoice()
void IsRelayActiveVoice(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveVoice field.

bool IsRelayActiveControl()
void IsRelayActiveControl(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsRelayActiveControl field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceChannel()
void IsAlternateVoiceChannel(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceChannel field.


int UCoordinate()
void UCoordinate(int i)

Get or set the value of the UCoordinate field.

int VCoordinate()
void VCoordinate(int i)

Get or set the value of the VCoordinate field.

int BetaAngle()
void BetaAngle(int i)

Get or set the value of the BetaAngle field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int AzimuthQuality()
void AzimuthQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the AzimuthQuality field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


WsfTadilJ2_5E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_5E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_5C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_5C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_5C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_5C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_5C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_5C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsDisplacedPosition()
void IsDisplacedPosition(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsDisplacedPosition field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsReplyStatusNetwork()
void IsReplyStatusNetwork(int i)

Get or set the value of the IsReplyStatusNetwork field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int i)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

bool Spare3()
void Spare3(bool b)

Get or set the value of the Spare3 field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int AltitudeQualityFt()
void AltitudeQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQualityFt field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


bool InterpretVoiceCallsign()
void InterpretVoiceCallsign(bool b)

Get or set the value of the InterpretVoiceCallsign field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string s)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int LandPlatform()
void LandPlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the LandPlatform field.

int LandPlatformActivity()
void LandPlatformActivity(int i)

Get or set the value of the LandPlatformActivity field.

int VoiceFrequencyChannel()
void VoiceFrequencyChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFrequencyChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool VoiceActiveRelayIndicator()
void VoiceActiveRelayIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the VoiceActiveRelayIndicator field.

bool ControlActiveRelayIndicator()
void ControlActiveRelayIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the ControlActiveRelayIndicator field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceFrequen()
void IsAlternateVoiceFrequen(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceFrequen field.


int UCoordinate()
void UCoordinate(int i)

Get or set the value of the UCoordinate field.

int VCoordinate()
void VCoordinate(int i)

Get or set the value of the VCoordinate field.

int BetaAngle()
void BetaAngle(int i)

Get or set the value of the BetaAngle field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int AzimuthQuality()
void AzimuthQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the AzimuthQuality field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


WsfTadilJ2_6E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_6E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_6C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_6C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_6C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_6C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ2_6C6 AddContinuation6()

Adds continuation word 6 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation6() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ2_6C6 FindContinuation6()

Returns extension word 6 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsC2Unit()
void IsC2Unit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsC2Unit field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsActiveRelay()
void IsActiveRelay(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsActiveRelay field.

int IsReplyStatusNetwork()
void IsReplyStatusNetwork(int i)

Get or set the value of the IsReplyStatusNetwork field.

int NetParticipation()
void NetParticipation(int i)

Get or set the value of the NetParticipation field.

int TimeQuality()
void TimeQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeQuality field.

int PositionQualityFt()
void PositionQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQualityFt field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int MissionCorrelator()
void MissionCorrelator(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissionCorrelator field.

int AltitudeQualityFt()
void AltitudeQualityFt(int i)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeQualityFt field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


bool InterpretVoiceCallsign()
void InterpretVoiceCallsign(bool b)

Get or set the value of the InterpretVoiceCallsign field.

string Callsign()
void Callsign(string s)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int LandPlatform()
void LandPlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the LandPlatform field.

int LandPlatformActivity()
void LandPlatformActivity(int i)

Get or set the value of the LandPlatformActivity field.

int VoiceFrequencyChannel()
void VoiceFrequencyChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFrequencyChannel field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool VoiceActiveRelayIndicator()
void VoiceActiveRelayIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the VoiceActiveRelayIndicator field.

bool ControlActiveRelayIndicator()
void ControlActiveRelayIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the ControlActiveRelayIndicator field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceFrequen()
void IsAlternateVoiceFrequen(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceFrequen field.


int UCoordinate()
void UCoordinate(int i)

Get or set the value of the UCoordinate field.

int VCoordinate()
void VCoordinate(int i)

Get or set the value of the VCoordinate field.

int BetaAngle()
void BetaAngle(int i)

Get or set the value of the BetaAngle field.

int PositionQuality()
void PositionQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionQuality field.

int AzimuthQuality()
void AzimuthQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the AzimuthQuality field.


int TimeTag()
void TimeTag(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeTag field.

int SquareRow()
void SquareRow(int i)

Get or set the value of the SquareRow field.

int SquareColumn()
void SquareColumn(int i)

Get or set the value of the SquareColumn field.

int GridZoneRow()
void GridZoneRow(int i)

Get or set the value of the GridZoneRow field.

double Northing()
void Northing(double d)

Get or set the value of the Northing field.

double Easting()
void Easting(double d)

Get or set the value of the Easting field.

int GridZoneColumn()
void GridZoneColumn(int i)

Get or set the value of the GridZoneColumn field.


WsfTadilJ3_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_0C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_0C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_0C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_0C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsResponse()
void IsResponse(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsResponse field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool IsSlavedToUnit()
void IsSlavedToUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSlavedToUnit field.

bool IsLineAreaContinuation()
void IsLineAreaContinuation(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsLineAreaContinuation field.

int ReportIndicator()
void ReportIndicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the ReportIndicator field.

int TimeReportFunction()
void TimeReportFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeReportFunction field.

int PointLineDescriptor()
void PointLineDescriptor(int i)

Get or set the value of the PointLineDescriptor field.

int Priority()
void Priority(int i)

Get or set the value of the Priority field.

int PointType()
void PointType(int i)

Get or set the value of the PointType field.

int PointTypeAmplification()
void PointTypeAmplification(int i)

Get or set the value of the PointTypeAmplification field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


int BurstType()
void BurstType(int i)

Get or set the value of the BurstType field.

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

int EstimatedYield()
void EstimatedYield(int i)

Get or set the value of the EstimatedYield field.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

int Altitude1()
void Altitude1(int i)

Get or set the value of the Altitude1 field.

int Altitude2()
void Altitude2(int i)

Get or set the value of the Altitude2 field.


double DeltaLat1()
void DeltaLat1(double d)

Get or set the value of the DeltaLat1 field.

double DeltaLon1()
void DeltaLon1(double d)

Get or set the value of the DeltaLon1 field.

bool IsEndPoint1()
void IsEndPoint1(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEndPoint1 field.

double DeltaLat2()
void DeltaLat2(double d)

Get or set the value of the DeltaLat2 field.

double DeltaLon2()
void DeltaLon2(double d)

Get or set the value of the DeltaLon2 field.

bool IsEndPoint2()
void IsEndPoint2(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEndPoint2 field.


double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

int AreaType()
void AreaType(int i)

Get or set the value of the AreaType field.

double AxisOrientation()
void AxisOrientation(double d)

Get or set the value of the AxisOrientation field. Units are Radians.

double AreaMajorAxis()
void AreaMajorAxis(double d)

Get or set the value of the AreaMajorAxis field. Units are Meters.

double AreaMinorAxis()
void AreaMinorAxis(double d)

Get or set the value of the AreaMinorAxis field. Units are Meters.


int ChannelNumber()
void ChannelNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the ChannelNumber field.

int DepthIndicator()
void DepthIndicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the DepthIndicator field.

int DepthTransducer()
void DepthTransducer(int i)

Get or set the value of the DepthTransducer field.

int SonobuoyType()
void SonobuoyType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyType field.

int SonobuoyPattern()
void SonobuoyPattern(int i)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyPattern field.

int SonobuoyTypeNumber()
void SonobuoyTypeNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyTypeNumber field.

double SonobuoySpacing()
void SonobuoySpacing(double d)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoySpacing field.

double SonobuoyRowSpacing()
void SonobuoyRowSpacing(double d)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyRowSpacing field.

double SonobuoyPatternRadius()
void SonobuoyPatternRadius(double d)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyPatternRadius field.

double Bearing()
void Bearing(double d)

Get or set the value of the Bearing field.

bool HasContact()
void HasContact(bool b)

Get or set the value of the HasContact field.


string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int SonobuoyType()
void SonobuoyType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SonobuoyType field.


WsfTadilJ3_1E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_1E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_1C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_1C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int PersonnelCount()
void PersonnelCount(int i)

Get or set the value of the PersonnelCount field.

int EmergencyType()
void EmergencyType(int i)

Get or set the value of the EmergencyType field.

string TrackNumberPrevious()
void TrackNumberPrevious(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberPrevious field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int PositionAccuracy()
void PositionAccuracy(int i)

Get or set the value of the PositionAccuracy field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.


WsfTadilJ3_2E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_2E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_2C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_2C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_2E1 AddExtension1()

Adds extension word 1 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 0 has been added. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension1 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_2E1 FindExtension1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsSourcePPLI()
void IsSourcePPLI(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSourcePPLI field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

int AltitudeSource()
void AltitudeSource(int i)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeSource field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

bool IsIdentityDifference()
void IsIdentityDifference(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifference field.

int TrackQuality()
void TrackQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackQuality field.

int IdentityConfidence()
void IdentityConfidence(int i)

Get or set the value of the IdentityConfidence field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool IsSpecialIntrest()
void IsSpecialIntrest(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialIntrest field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

bool IsSensorActive()
void IsSensorActive(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSensorActive field.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int DisSite()
void DisSite(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisSite field.

int DisApplication()
void DisApplication(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisApplication field.

int DisEntityId()
void DisEntityId(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisEntityId field.


bool IsAirSpecificType()
void IsAirSpecificType(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAirSpecificType field.

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.

int PPLI_IFF_Indicator()
void PPLI_IFF_Indicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the PPLI_IFF_Indicator field.

int AirSpecificType()
void AirSpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirSpecificType field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


WsfTadilJ3_3E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_3E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_3C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_3C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_3E1 AddExtension1()

Adds extension word 1 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 0 has been added. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension1 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_3E1 FindExtension1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_3C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_3C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsSourcePPLI()
void IsSourcePPLI(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSourcePPLI field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

int SurfaceSpecificType()
void SurfaceSpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SurfaceSpecificType field.

bool IsIdentityDifference()
void IsIdentityDifference(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifference field.

int TrackQuality()
void TrackQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackQuality field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool Dummy()
void Dummy(bool b)

Get or set the value of the Dummy field.

int IdentityAmplify()
void IdentityAmplify(int i)

Get or set the value of the IdentityAmplify field.

bool IsSpecialIntrest()
void IsSpecialIntrest(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialIntrest field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

bool ActiveSensor()
void ActiveSensor(bool b)

Get or set the value of the ActiveSensor field.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int DisSite()
void DisSite(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisSite field.

int DisApplication()
void DisApplication(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisApplication field.

int DisEntityId()
void DisEntityId(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisEntityId field.


bool IsAirSpecificType()
void IsAirSpecificType(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAirSpecificType field.

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.

int PPLI_IFF_Indicator()
void PPLI_IFF_Indicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the PPLI_IFF_Indicator field.

int SurfacePlatform()
void SurfacePlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the SurfacePlatform field.

int SurfacePlatformActivity()
void SurfacePlatformActivity(int i)

Get or set the value of the SurfacePlatformActivity field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


int SAM_Type1()
void SAM_Type1(int i)

Get or set the value of the SAM_Type1 field.

int SAM_Type2()
void SAM_Type2(int i)

Get or set the value of the SAM_Type2 field.

int SAM_Type3()
void SAM_Type3(int i)

Get or set the value of the SAM_Type3 field.


WsfTadilJ3_4E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_4E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_4C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_4C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_4E1 AddExtension1()

Adds extension word 1 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 0 has been added. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension1 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_4E1 FindExtension1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsSourcePPLI()
void IsSourcePPLI(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSourcePPLI field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int DataReportType()
void DataReportType(int i)

Get or set the value of the DataReportType field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

int ConfidenceLevel()
void ConfidenceLevel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ConfidenceLevel field.

int SubsurfacePlatform()
void SubsurfacePlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the SubsurfacePlatform field.

int SubsurfacePlatformActivity()
void SubsurfacePlatformActivity(int i)

Get or set the value of the SubsurfacePlatformActivity field.

bool IsIdentityDifference()
void IsIdentityDifference(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifference field.

int LaunchCapability()
void LaunchCapability(int i)

Get or set the value of the LaunchCapability field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int DisSite()
void DisSite(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisSite field.

int DisApplication()
void DisApplication(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisApplication field.

int DisEntityId()
void DisEntityId(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisEntityId field.


int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

double Depth()
void Depth(double d)

Get or set the value of the Depth field. Units are Meters.

int DepthContact()
void DepthContact(int i)

Get or set the value of the DepthContact field.

int Sensor()
void Sensor(int i)

Get or set the value of the Sensor field.

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.


WsfTadilJ3_5E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_5E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_5C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_5C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_5E1 AddExtension1()

Adds extension word 1 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 0 has been added. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension1 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_5E1 FindExtension1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergencyStatus()
void IsEmergencyStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergencyStatus field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int PointOrTrack()
void PointOrTrack(int i)

Get or set the value of the PointOrTrack field.

int ReportType()
void ReportType(int i)

Get or set the value of the ReportType field.

bool IsSourcePPLI()
void IsSourcePPLI(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSourcePPLI field.

bool IsIdentityDifference()
void IsIdentityDifference(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifference field.

int TrackQuality()
void TrackQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackQuality field.

int IdentityConfidence()
void IdentityConfidence(int i)

Get or set the value of the IdentityConfidence field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool IsSpecialIntrest()
void IsSpecialIntrest(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialIntrest field.


int TrackIdentifier()
void TrackIdentifier(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackIdentifier field.

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

bool ActiveSensor()
void ActiveSensor(bool b)

Get or set the value of the ActiveSensor field.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int DisSite()
void DisSite(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisSite field.

int DisApplication()
void DisApplication(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisApplication field.

int DisEntityId()
void DisEntityId(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisEntityId field.


bool IsLandSpecificType()
void IsLandSpecificType(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsLandSpecificType field.

int Mode1Code()
void Mode1Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode1Code field.

int Mode2Code()
void Mode2Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode2Code field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

int Mode4Code()
void Mode4Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode4Code field.

int PPLI_IFF_Indicator()
void PPLI_IFF_Indicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the PPLI_IFF_Indicator field.

int LandSpecificType()
void LandSpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the LandSpecificType field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


WsfTadilJ3_6E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_6E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_6C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_6C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_6E1 AddExtension1()

Adds extension word 1 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 0 has been added. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension1 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_6E1 FindExtension1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ3_6E2 AddExtension2()

Adds extension word 2 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 1 has been added. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension2 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ3_6E2 FindExtension2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

bool IsSpecificType()
void IsSpecificType(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecificType field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Second()
void Second(int i)

Get or set the value of the Second field.

int TrackQuality()
void TrackQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackQuality field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool IsIdentityDifferent()
void IsIdentityDifferent(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifferent field.

int SpacePlatform()
void SpacePlatform(int i)

Get or set the value of the SpacePlatform field.

int SpaceActivity()
void SpaceActivity(int i)

Get or set the value of the SpaceActivity field.


double WcsX()
void WcsX(double d)

Get or set the value of the WcsX field. Units are Meters.

double WcsVelX()
void WcsVelX(double d)

Get or set the value of the WcsVelX field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double WcsY()
void WcsY(double d)

Get or set the value of the WcsY field. Units are Meters.

int SpaceAmplify()
void SpaceAmplify(int i)

Get or set the value of the SpaceAmplify field.

int AmplifyConfidence()
void AmplifyConfidence(int i)

Get or set the value of the AmplifyConfidence field.


double WcsVelY()
void WcsVelY(double d)

Get or set the value of the WcsVelY field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double WcsZ()
void WcsZ(double d)

Get or set the value of the WcsZ field. Units are Meters.

double WcsVelZ()
void WcsVelZ(double d)

Get or set the value of the WcsVelZ field. Units are Meters Per Second.

bool IsTrackLost()
void IsTrackLost(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsTrackLost field.

bool IsBoosting()
void IsBoosting(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsBoosting field.

int DataIndicator()
void DataIndicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the DataIndicator field.


int DisSite()
void DisSite(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisSite field.

int DisApplication()
void DisApplication(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisApplication field.

int DisEntityId()
void DisEntityId(int i)

Get or set the value of the DisEntityId field.


int SigmaX_Position()
void SigmaX_Position(int i)

Get or set the value of the SigmaX_Position field.

int SigmaY_Position()
void SigmaY_Position(int i)

Get or set the value of the SigmaY_Position field.

int SigmaZ_Position()
void SigmaZ_Position(int i)

Get or set the value of the SigmaZ_Position field.

int CovarianceElement22()
void CovarianceElement22(int i)

Get or set the value of the CovarianceElement22 field.

int CovarianceElement33()
void CovarianceElement33(int i)

Get or set the value of the CovarianceElement33 field.

int Element33Sign()
void Element33Sign(int i)

Get or set the value of the Element33Sign field.

int AbsoluteValueOfCovariance()
void AbsoluteValueOfCovariance(int i)

Get or set the value of the AbsoluteValueOfCovariance field.

int SignOfCovariance12()
void SignOfCovariance12(int i)

Get or set the value of the SignOfCovariance12 field.

int SignOfCovariance13()
void SignOfCovariance13(int i)

Get or set the value of the SignOfCovariance13 field.


bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

bool IsForceTell()
void IsForceTell(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsForceTell field.

bool IsEmergency()
void IsEmergency(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEmergency field.

bool IsSpecialProcessingRequired()
void IsSpecialProcessingRequired(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialProcessingRequired field.

bool IsSimulated()
void IsSimulated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSimulated field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool IsResponse()
void IsResponse(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsResponse field.

int FixOrBearingDescriptor()
void FixOrBearingDescriptor(int i)

Get or set the value of the FixOrBearingDescriptor field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Second()
void Second(int i)

Get or set the value of the Second field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

bool IsIdentityDifferent()
void IsIdentityDifferent(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsIdentityDifferent field.

int CircleSquareSwitch()
void CircleSquareSwitch(int i)

Get or set the value of the CircleSquareSwitch field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.


WsfTadilJ7_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ7_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ7_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ7_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

bool IsExerciseIndicator()
void IsExerciseIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseIndicator field.

int ActionTrackMgmt()
void ActionTrackMgmt(int i)

Get or set the value of the ActionTrackMgmt field.

bool IsControllingUnitIndicator()
void IsControllingUnitIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsControllingUnitIndicator field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int Strength()
void Strength(int i)

Get or set the value of the Strength field.

bool IsAlertStatusChange()
void IsAlertStatusChange(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAlertStatusChange field.

int PlatformType()
void PlatformType(int i)

Get or set the value of the PlatformType field.

int ActivityType()
void ActivityType(int i)

Get or set the value of the ActivityType field.

int Environment()
void Environment(int i)

Get or set the value of the Environment field.

int IdentityConfidence()
void IdentityConfidence(int i)

Get or set the value of the IdentityConfidence field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool IsSpecialInterestIndicator()
void IsSpecialInterestIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialInterestIndicator field.


int Strength()
void Strength(int i)

Get or set the value of the Strength field.

int StrenghtPercentOfTrackedVehicles()
void StrenghtPercentOfTrackedVehicles(int i)

Get or set the value of the StrenghtPercentOfTrackedVehicles field.


int PlatformSpecificType()
void PlatformSpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the PlatformSpecificType field.


WsfTadilJ7_1C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ7_1C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

int Action()
void Action(int i)

Get or set the value of the Action field.

string Spare3()
void Spare3(string s)

Get or set the value of the Spare3 field.

bool TrackNumber1()
void TrackNumber1(bool b)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber1 field.

bool DisUsed()
void DisUsed(bool b)

Get or set the value of the DisUsed field.

bool IsElectronicAttack()
void IsElectronicAttack(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsElectronicAttack field.

bool IsESData()
void IsESData(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsESData field.

bool IsElectronicWarfareFixes()
void IsElectronicWarfareFixes(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsElectronicWarfareFixes field.

bool IsWpnStatusData()
void IsWpnStatusData(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsWpnStatusData field.

bool IsWeatherStatusData()
void IsWeatherStatusData(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsWeatherStatusData field.

bool IsAmpData()
void IsAmpData(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAmpData field.

int FilterNumber()
void FilterNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the FilterNumber field.

int FreqOfUpdate()
void FreqOfUpdate(int i)

Get or set the value of the FreqOfUpdate field.

bool IsCovarianceIndicator()
void IsCovarianceIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsCovarianceIndicator field.

int Addressee()
void Addressee(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee field.


int Addressee1()
void Addressee1(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee1 field.

int Addressee2()
void Addressee2(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee2 field.

int Addressee3()
void Addressee3(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee3 field.

int Addressee4()
void Addressee4(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee4 field.


WsfTadilJ7_3C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ7_3C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ7_3C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ7_3C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ7_3C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ7_3C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

int Action()
void Action(int i)

Get or set the value of the Action field.

int TextIndicator()
void TextIndicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the TextIndicator field.

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.


int Addressee1()
void Addressee1(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee1 field.

int Addressee2()
void Addressee2(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee2 field.

int Addressee3()
void Addressee3(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee3 field.

int Addressee4()
void Addressee4(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee4 field.


int Char1()
void Char1(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char1 field.

int Char2()
void Char2(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char2 field.

int Char3()
void Char3(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char3 field.

int Char4()
void Char4(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char4 field.

int Char5()
void Char5(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char5 field.

int Char6()
void Char6(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char6 field.

int Char7()
void Char7(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char7 field.

int Char8()
void Char8(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char8 field.

int Char9()
void Char9(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char9 field.

int Char10()
void Char10(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char10 field.


int Char11()
void Char11(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char11 field.

int Char12()
void Char12(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char12 field.

int Char13()
void Char13(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char13 field.

int Char14()
void Char14(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char14 field.

int Char15()
void Char15(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char15 field.

int Char16()
void Char16(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char16 field.

int Char17()
void Char17(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char17 field.

int Char18()
void Char18(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char18 field.

int Char19()
void Char19(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char19 field.

int Char20()
void Char20(int i)

Get or set the value of the Char20 field.


WsfTadilJ9_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ9_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ9_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ9_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ9_0C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ9_0C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

int Addressee()
void Addressee(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee field.

int Command()
void Command(int i)

Get or set the value of the Command field.

int ThreatWarningCondition()
void ThreatWarningCondition(int i)

Get or set the value of the ThreatWarningCondition field.

int WeaponType()
void WeaponType(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponType field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool IsExerciseIndicator()
void IsExerciseIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseIndicator field.

int ReceiptCompliance()
void ReceiptCompliance(int i)

Get or set the value of the ReceiptCompliance field.

int RecurrenceRate()
void RecurrenceRate(int i)

Get or set the value of the RecurrenceRate field.


int DutyAssignment()
void DutyAssignment(int i)

Get or set the value of the DutyAssignment field.

int Mission()
void Mission(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mission field.

int NumberOfAircraft()
void NumberOfAircraft(int i)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfAircraft field.

int ThreatEnvironment()
void ThreatEnvironment(int i)

Get or set the value of the ThreatEnvironment field.

int DutyAssignmentArea()
void DutyAssignmentArea(int i)

Get or set the value of the DutyAssignmentArea field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.


string Callsign()
void Callsign(string s)

Get or set the value of the Callsign field.

int Frequency()
void Frequency(int i)

Get or set the value of the Frequency field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

bool IsSecureRadioIndicator()
void IsSecureRadioIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSecureRadioIndicator field.

bool IsAlternateVoiceFrequencyChannel()
void IsAlternateVoiceFrequencyChannel(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceFrequencyChannel field.

int MethodOfFire()
void MethodOfFire(int i)

Get or set the value of the MethodOfFire field.


int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Second()
void Second(int i)

Get or set the value of the Second field.

int NumberOfMissiles()
void NumberOfMissiles(int i)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfMissiles field.


int Addressee()
void Addressee(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int FireMethod()
void FireMethod(int i)

Get or set the value of the FireMethod field.

int EngagementAction()
void EngagementAction(int i)

Get or set the value of the EngagementAction field.

int ProbabilityOfKill()
void ProbabilityOfKill(int i)

Get or set the value of the ProbabilityOfKill field.

int TrackingStatus()
void TrackingStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackingStatus field.

int ReceiptCompliance()
void ReceiptCompliance(int i)

Get or set the value of the ReceiptCompliance field.

int RecurrenceRate()
void RecurrenceRate(int i)

Get or set the value of the RecurrenceRate field.


WsfTadilJ10_2C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ10_2C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ10_2C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ10_2C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

string TrackNumber1()
void TrackNumber1(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber1 field.

string TrackNumber2()
void TrackNumber2(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber2 field.

int WeaponSystem()
void WeaponSystem(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponSystem field.

int WeaponEngagementStatus()
void WeaponEngagementStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponEngagementStatus field.


string TrackNumber1()
void TrackNumber1(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber1 field.

int AirWeaponEngagement1()
void AirWeaponEngagement1(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirWeaponEngagement1 field.

string TrackNumber2()
void TrackNumber2(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber2 field.

int AirWeaponEngagement2()
void AirWeaponEngagement2(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirWeaponEngagement2 field.


string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TimeFunctionIntercept()
void TimeFunctionIntercept(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunctionIntercept field.

double Second()
void Second(double d)

Get or set the value of the Second field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.


WsfTadilJ11_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_0C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_0C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_0C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_0C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_0C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_0C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_0C5 AddContinuation5()

Adds continuation word 5 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation5() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_0C5 FindContinuation5()

Returns extension word 5 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_0C9 AddContinuation9()

Adds continuation word 9 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation9() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_0C9 FindContinuation9()

Returns extension word 9 if it has been added to the message.

int WeaponStatus()
void WeaponStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponStatus field.

int WeaponType()
void WeaponType(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponType field.

int WeaponProfile()
void WeaponProfile(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponProfile field.

int SeekerAquisitionConfidence()
void SeekerAquisitionConfidence(int i)

Get or set the value of the SeekerAquisitionConfidence field.


int SeekerAcquisitionStatus()
void SeekerAcquisitionStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the SeekerAcquisitionStatus field.

int TrackNumberIndexOrig2()
void TrackNumberIndexOrig2(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberIndexOrig2 field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double HeightAboveEllipsoid()
void HeightAboveEllipsoid(double d)

Get or set the value of the HeightAboveEllipsoid field. Units are Meters.


double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

int SelfAbortReason()
void SelfAbortReason(int i)

Get or set the value of the SelfAbortReason field.

double TimeToGoSeconds()
void TimeToGoSeconds(double d)

Get or set the value of the TimeToGoSeconds field.




int TrackNumberController()
void TrackNumberController(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberController field.


int TimeToLockout()
void TimeToLockout(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeToLockout field.


int DetailedStatusInformation()
void DetailedStatusInformation(int i)

Get or set the value of the DetailedStatusInformation field.


double WeaponLatitude()
void WeaponLatitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the WeaponLatitude field. Units are Deg.

double WeaponLongitude()
void WeaponLongitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the WeaponLongitude field. Units are Deg.


double WeaponHeightAboveEllipsoid()
void WeaponHeightAboveEllipsoid(double d)

Get or set the value of the WeaponHeightAboveEllipsoid field. Units are Meters.

double WeaponVelocityNorth()
void WeaponVelocityNorth(double d)

Get or set the value of the WeaponVelocityNorth field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double WeaponVelocityEast()
void WeaponVelocityEast(double d)

Get or set the value of the WeaponVelocityEast field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double WeaponVelocityDown()
void WeaponVelocityDown(double d)

Get or set the value of the WeaponVelocityDown field. Units are Meters Per Second.


double TargetLatitude()
void TargetLatitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetLatitude field. Units are Deg.

double TargetLongitude()
void TargetLongitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetLongitude field. Units are Deg.


double TargetHeightAboveEllipsoid()
void TargetHeightAboveEllipsoid(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetHeightAboveEllipsoid field. Units are Meters.

double TargetVelocityNorth()
void TargetVelocityNorth(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityNorth field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double TargetVelocityEast()
void TargetVelocityEast(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityEast field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double TargetVelocityDown()
void TargetVelocityDown(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityDown field. Units are Meters Per Second.


double AimpointLatitude()
void AimpointLatitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the AimpointLatitude field. Units are Deg.


double AimpointLongitude()
void AimpointLongitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the AimpointLongitude field. Units are Deg.

double AimpointHeightAboveEllipsoid()
void AimpointHeightAboveEllipsoid(double d)

Get or set the value of the AimpointHeightAboveEllipsoid field. Units are Meters.


WsfTadilJ11_1E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_1E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_1C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_1C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_1C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_1C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_1C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_1C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_1C5 AddContinuation5()

Adds continuation word 5 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation5() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_1C5 FindContinuation5()

Returns extension word 5 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ11_1C9 AddContinuation9()

Adds continuation word 9 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation9() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ11_1C9 FindContinuation9()

Returns extension word 9 if it has been added to the message.

int TrackNumberAddressee()
void TrackNumberAddressee(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberAddressee field.

int WeaponDirective()
void WeaponDirective(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponDirective field.

bool ResponseRequest()
void ResponseRequest(bool b)

Get or set the value of the ResponseRequest field.

int IndexNumber()
void IndexNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the IndexNumber field.

bool FuseModeCommand()
void FuseModeCommand(bool b)

Get or set the value of the FuseModeCommand field.

int Environment()
void Environment(int i)

Get or set the value of the Environment field.




int ThirdPartySource()
void ThirdPartySource(int i)

Get or set the value of the ThirdPartySource field.

int TrackNumberHandOff()
void TrackNumberHandOff(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberHandOff field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double TargetVelocityDown()
void TargetVelocityDown(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityDown field. Units are Meters Per Second.


double HeightAboveEllipsoid()
void HeightAboveEllipsoid(double d)

Get or set the value of the HeightAboveEllipsoid field. Units are Meters.

double TargetVelocityNorth()
void TargetVelocityNorth(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityNorth field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double TargetVelocityEast()
void TargetVelocityEast(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityEast field. Units are Meters Per Second.

int TimeOfTgtMeasurement()
void TimeOfTgtMeasurement(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeOfTgtMeasurement field.

bool EstimatedMeasureIndicator()
void EstimatedMeasureIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the EstimatedMeasureIndicator field.

bool IFTUSuppIndicator()
void IFTUSuppIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IFTUSuppIndicator field.


string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field. MUST be set for a J11.1 to be sent out over the network. Internally checking for target index, though other non-zero integer values should work.

int SpecificType()
void SpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SpecificType field.

double ImpactCourse()
void ImpactCourse(double d)

Get or set the value of the ImpactCourse field. Units are Radians.

int ImpactElevationAngle()
void ImpactElevationAngle(int i)

Get or set the value of the ImpactElevationAngle field.

int TrackNumberOrig2()
void TrackNumberOrig2(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberOrig2 field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double TargetVelocityDown()
void TargetVelocityDown(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityDown field. Units are Meters Per Second.


double TargetVelocityNorth()
void TargetVelocityNorth(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityNorth field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double TargetVelocityEast()
void TargetVelocityEast(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityEast field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double TargetVelocityDown()
void TargetVelocityDown(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetVelocityDown field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int WeaponCoordination()
void WeaponCoordination(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponCoordination field.


WsfTadilJ12_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_0C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_0C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_0C3 AddContinuation3()

Adds continuation word 3 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation3() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_0C3 FindContinuation3()

Returns extension word 3 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_0C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_0C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_0C5 AddContinuation5()

Adds continuation word 5 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation5() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_0C5 FindContinuation5()

Returns extension word 5 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_0C6 AddContinuation6()

Adds continuation word 6 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation6() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_0C6 FindContinuation6()

Returns extension word 6 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_0C7 AddContinuation7()

Adds continuation word 7 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation7() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_0C7 FindContinuation7()

Returns extension word 7 if it has been added to the message.

int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int MissionAssignment()
void MissionAssignment(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissionAssignment field.

string TrackNumberObjective()
void TrackNumberObjective(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberObjective field.

int ThreatWarningEnvironment()
void ThreatWarningEnvironment(int i)

Get or set the value of the ThreatWarningEnvironment field.

int ReceiptCompliance()
void ReceiptCompliance(int i)

Get or set the value of the ReceiptCompliance field.

int RecurrenceRate()
void RecurrenceRate(int i)

Get or set the value of the RecurrenceRate field.


int Strength()
void Strength(int i)

Get or set the value of the Strength field.

int Environment()
void Environment(int i)

Get or set the value of the Environment field.

bool IsReceiversIndexNumber()
void IsReceiversIndexNumber(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsReceiversIndexNumber field.

int IndexNumber()
void IndexNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the IndexNumber field.

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


int MethodOfFire()
void MethodOfFire(int i)

Get or set the value of the MethodOfFire field.

double Heading()
void Heading(double d)

Get or set the value of the Heading field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool IsExerciseTrackUnit()
void IsExerciseTrackUnit(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrackUnit field.

int SpecificType()
void SpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SpecificType field.

bool IsSpecialIntrest()
void IsSpecialIntrest(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSpecialIntrest field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Elevation()
void Elevation(double d)

Get or set the value of the Elevation field. Units are Meters.

int PointType()
void PointType(int i)

Get or set the value of the PointType field.

int PointNumber()
void PointNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the PointNumber field.


int TargetType()
void TargetType(int i)

Get or set the value of the TargetType field.

int TargetDefenses()
void TargetDefenses(int i)

Get or set the value of the TargetDefenses field.

double RunInHeading()
void RunInHeading(double d)

Get or set the value of the RunInHeading field. Units are Radians.

double EngressHeading()
void EngressHeading(double d)

Get or set the value of the EngressHeading field. Units are Radians.

int NumberOfStores()
void NumberOfStores(int i)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores field.

int TypeOfStores()
void TypeOfStores(int i)

Get or set the value of the TypeOfStores field.

int ModeOfDelivery()
void ModeOfDelivery(int i)

Get or set the value of the ModeOfDelivery field.

int TimeDiscrete()
void TimeDiscrete(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeDiscrete field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


double TargetRange()
void TargetRange(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetRange field. Units are Meters.

double TargetBearing()
void TargetBearing(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetBearing field. Units are Radians.

double DeltaElevation()
void DeltaElevation(double d)

Get or set the value of the DeltaElevation field. Units are Meters.

int BeaconCode()
void BeaconCode(int i)

Get or set the value of the BeaconCode field.


int LaserIlluminatorCode()
void LaserIlluminatorCode(int i)

Get or set the value of the LaserIlluminatorCode field.

int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int IndexNumber()
void IndexNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the IndexNumber field.


int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int IndexNumber()
void IndexNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the IndexNumber field.

double ElevationAngle()
void ElevationAngle(double d)

Get or set the value of the ElevationAngle field. Units are Radians.


WsfTadilJ12_1E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_1E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int VectorType()
void VectorType(int i)

Get or set the value of the VectorType field.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.


int SecondsToIntercept()
void SecondsToIntercept(int i)

Get or set the value of the SecondsToIntercept field.

int ReceiptCompliance()
void ReceiptCompliance(int i)

Get or set the value of the ReceiptCompliance field.

int RecurrenceRate()
void RecurrenceRate(int i)

Get or set the value of the RecurrenceRate field.


int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int VerticalControl()
void VerticalControl(int i)

Get or set the value of the VerticalControl field.

int VerticalError()
void VerticalError(int i)

Get or set the value of the VerticalError field.

int LateralError()
void LateralError(int i)

Get or set the value of the LateralError field.

int LateralControl()
void LateralControl(int i)

Get or set the value of the LateralControl field.

int PrecisionDirection()
void PrecisionDirection(int i)

Get or set the value of the PrecisionDirection field.

int TimeToGoSeconds()
void TimeToGoSeconds(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeToGoSeconds field.

bool IsAutopilotControlled()
void IsAutopilotControlled(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAutopilotControlled field.

bool DoDropWeapon()
void DoDropWeapon(bool b)

Get or set the value of the DoDropWeapon field.


WsfTadilJ12_3E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_3E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int SequenceNumber()
void SequenceNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the SequenceNumber field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int WaypointAction()
void WaypointAction(int i)

Get or set the value of the WaypointAction field.

int TotalPoints()
void TotalPoints(int i)

Get or set the value of the TotalPoints field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int AltitudeFunction()
void AltitudeFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the AltitudeFunction field.


WsfTadilJ12_4E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_4E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

int TrackNumberAddressee()
void TrackNumberAddressee(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberAddressee field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int ControlChange()
void ControlChange(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlChange field.

int ControlChannel()
void ControlChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlChannel field.

int RadioType()
void RadioType(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioType field.

bool IsSecureRadio()
void IsSecureRadio(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSecureRadio field.

int ReceiptCompliance()
void ReceiptCompliance(int i)

Get or set the value of the ReceiptCompliance field.

int RecurrenceRate()
void RecurrenceRate(int i)

Get or set the value of the RecurrenceRate field.


bool IsAlternateVoiceChannel()
void IsAlternateVoiceChannel(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAlternateVoiceChannel field.

string VoiceCallsign()
void VoiceCallsign(string s)

Get or set the value of the VoiceCallsign field.

int Link4aFrequency()
void Link4aFrequency(int i)

Get or set the value of the Link4aFrequency field.

int Mode3Code()
void Mode3Code(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3Code field.

bool SquawkIndicator()
void SquawkIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the SquawkIndicator field.

int VoiceFrequency()
void VoiceFrequency(int i)

Get or set the value of the VoiceFrequency field.


WsfTadilJ12_5E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_5E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_5E1 AddExtension1()

Adds extension word 1 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 0 has been added. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension1 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_5E1 FindExtension1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

string ObjectiveTrackNumber()
void ObjectiveTrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the ObjectiveTrackNumber field.

int OriginatorTrackNumber()
void OriginatorTrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorTrackNumber field.

int IndexNumber()
void IndexNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the IndexNumber field.

bool IsCorrelated()
void IsCorrelated(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsCorrelated field.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

int IdIndicator()
void IdIndicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the IdIndicator field.


int OriginatorTrackNumberB()
void OriginatorTrackNumberB(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorTrackNumberB field.

int OriginatorIndexB()
void OriginatorIndexB(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorIndexB field.

bool IsCorrelatedB()
void IsCorrelatedB(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsCorrelatedB field.

int OriginatorTrackNumberC()
void OriginatorTrackNumberC(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorTrackNumberC field.

int OriginatorIndexC()
void OriginatorIndexC(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorIndexC field.

bool IsCorrelatedC()
void IsCorrelatedC(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsCorrelatedC field.

int OriginatorTrackNumberD()
void OriginatorTrackNumberD(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorTrackNumberD field.

int OriginatorIndexD()
void OriginatorIndexD(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorIndexD field.

bool IsCorrelatedD()
void IsCorrelatedD(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsCorrelatedD field.


int OriginatorTrackNumberE()
void OriginatorTrackNumberE(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorTrackNumberE field.

int OriginatorIndexE()
void OriginatorIndexE(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorIndexE field.

bool IsCorrelatedE()
void IsCorrelatedE(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsCorrelatedE field.

int OriginatorTrackNumberF()
void OriginatorTrackNumberF(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorTrackNumberF field.

int OriginatorIndexF()
void OriginatorIndexF(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorIndexF field.

bool IsCorrelatedF()
void IsCorrelatedF(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsCorrelatedF field.

int OriginatorTrackNumberG()
void OriginatorTrackNumberG(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorTrackNumberG field.

int OriginatorIndexG()
void OriginatorIndexG(int i)

Get or set the value of the OriginatorIndexG field.

bool IsCorrelatedG()
void IsCorrelatedG(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsCorrelatedG field.


WsfTadilJ12_6E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_6E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_6C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_6C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_6C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_6C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

int StatusInformation()
void StatusInformation(int i)

Get or set the value of the StatusInformation field.

int TargetPositionQuality()
void TargetPositionQuality(int i)

Get or set the value of the TargetPositionQuality field.

int Environment()
void Environment(int i)

Get or set the value of the Environment field.

int MsgOriginator()
void MsgOriginator(int i)

Get or set the value of the MsgOriginator field.

int IndexNumber()
void IndexNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the IndexNumber field.

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


string TrackNumberObjective()
void TrackNumberObjective(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberObjective field.

bool CorrelationIndicator()
void CorrelationIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the CorrelationIndicator field.

double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int Identity()
void Identity(int i)

Get or set the value of the Identity field.

bool ExerciseIndicator()
void ExerciseIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the ExerciseIndicator field.

int SpecificType()
void SpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SpecificType field.

bool SpecialInterest()
void SpecialInterest(bool b)

Get or set the value of the SpecialInterest field.


int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool Pointer()
void Pointer(bool b)

Get or set the value of the Pointer field.

int WeaponSystem()
void WeaponSystem(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponSystem field.

int WeaponEngagementStatus()
void WeaponEngagementStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponEngagementStatus field.

string TrackNumberReference()
void TrackNumberReference(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberReference field.

int Mode3_IFF()
void Mode3_IFF(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode3_IFF field.

int Mode4_Indicator()
void Mode4_Indicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the Mode4_Indicator field.

int Strength()
void Strength(int i)

Get or set the value of the Strength field.


bool IsEndOfTargetReporting()
void IsEndOfTargetReporting(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsEndOfTargetReporting field.

int TimeIndicator()
void TimeIndicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeIndicator field.

int Minutes()
void Minutes(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minutes field.

int Seconds()
void Seconds(int i)

Get or set the value of the Seconds field.

int Hundredths()
void Hundredths(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hundredths field.

int PrfType()
void PrfType(int i)

Get or set the value of the PrfType field.

int EmitterStatus()
void EmitterStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the EmitterStatus field.

int JammerType()
void JammerType(int i)

Get or set the value of the JammerType field.

int TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackIndex()
void TrackIndex(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackIndex field.

int SensorType()
void SensorType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SensorType field.

bool IsDataFusion()
void IsDataFusion(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsDataFusion field.


WsfTadilJ12_7E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_7E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_7C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_7C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ12_7E1 AddExtension1()

Adds extension word 1 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word, and only after extension word 0 has been added. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension1 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ12_7E1 FindExtension1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

int IndexNumber()
void IndexNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the IndexNumber field.

bool IsOffboard()
void IsOffboard(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsOffboard field.

bool IsMultipleTargets()
void IsMultipleTargets(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsMultipleTargets field.

bool IsLastInSequence()
void IsLastInSequence(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsLastInSequence field.

int SensorType()
void SensorType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SensorType field.

int JammerType()
void JammerType(int i)

Get or set the value of the JammerType field.

double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.


double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

double ElevationAngle()
void ElevationAngle(double d)

Get or set the value of the ElevationAngle field. Units are Radians.

double BearingIntercept()
void BearingIntercept(double d)

Get or set the value of the BearingIntercept field. Units are Radians.

int ElevationUncertainty()
void ElevationUncertainty(int i)

Get or set the value of the ElevationUncertainty field.

int BearingUncertainty()
void BearingUncertainty(int i)

Get or set the value of the BearingUncertainty field.

int FrequencyIntercept()
void FrequencyIntercept(int i)

Get or set the value of the FrequencyIntercept field.

int FrequencyExponent()
void FrequencyExponent(int i)

Get or set the value of the FrequencyExponent field.


int TimeIndicator()
void TimeIndicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeIndicator field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Second()
void Second(int i)

Get or set the value of the Second field.

int Hundredths()
void Hundredths(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hundredths field.

int BearingAngle()
void BearingAngle(int i)

Get or set the value of the BearingAngle field.

int BearingAngleRate()
void BearingAngleRate(int i)

Get or set the value of the BearingAngleRate field.

int ElevationAngle()
void ElevationAngle(int i)

Get or set the value of the ElevationAngle field.

int ElevationAngleRate()
void ElevationAngleRate(int i)

Get or set the value of the ElevationAngleRate field.

int EmitterPRF()
void EmitterPRF(int i)

Get or set the value of the EmitterPRF field.

int EmitterStatus()
void EmitterStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the EmitterStatus field.


double Range()
void Range(double d)

Get or set the value of the Range field. Units are Meters.

int RangeUncertainty()
void RangeUncertainty(int i)

Get or set the value of the RangeUncertainty field.

int RangeRate()
void RangeRate(int i)

Get or set the value of the RangeRate field.

int RangeRateUncertainty()
void RangeRateUncertainty(int i)

Get or set the value of the RangeRateUncertainty field.

int ObserverVelocityNorth()
void ObserverVelocityNorth(int i)

Get or set the value of the ObserverVelocityNorth field.

int ObserverVelocityEast()
void ObserverVelocityEast(int i)

Get or set the value of the ObserverVelocityEast field.


WsfTadilJ13_2C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_2C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ13_2C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_2C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

int OperationalCapability()
void OperationalCapability(int i)

Get or set the value of the OperationalCapability field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool IsOffLoadableFuel()
void IsOffLoadableFuel(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsOffLoadableFuel field.

double Fuel()
void Fuel(double d)

Get or set the value of the Fuel field. Units are Kg.

int RadarChannelType()
void RadarChannelType(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadarChannelType field.

int RadarChannel()
void RadarChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadarChannel field.

int TimeReportFunction()
void TimeReportFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeReportFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.


int RadarStatus()
void RadarStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadarStatus field.

int InfaredStatus()
void InfaredStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the InfaredStatus field.

int MissileChannel()
void MissileChannel(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileChannel field.

int LaserStatus()
void LaserStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the LaserStatus field.

int TelevisionStatus()
void TelevisionStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the TelevisionStatus field.

int RadarWarningAndReceivingStatus()
void RadarWarningAndReceivingStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadarWarningAndReceivingStatus field.

int AirToAirWeaponsStatus()
void AirToAirWeaponsStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirToAirWeaponsStatus field.

int AirToGroundWeaponsStatus()
void AirToGroundWeaponsStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirToGroundWeaponsStatus field.

int RadioType1()
void RadioType1(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioType1 field.

int RadioStatus1()
void RadioStatus1(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioStatus1 field.

int RadioSecurity1()
void RadioSecurity1(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioSecurity1 field.

int RadioType2()
void RadioType2(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioType2 field.

int RadioStatus2()
void RadioStatus2(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioStatus2 field.

int RadioSecurity2()
void RadioSecurity2(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioSecurity2 field.

int RadioType3()
void RadioType3(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioType3 field.

int RadioStatus3()
void RadioStatus3(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioStatus3 field.

int RadioSecurity3()
void RadioSecurity3(int i)

Get or set the value of the RadioSecurity3 field.

bool IsAutopilot()
void IsAutopilot(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsAutopilot field.

int IsSensorReportingAll()
void IsSensorReportingAll(int i)

Get or set the value of the IsSensorReportingAll field.

int AircraftModel()
void AircraftModel(int i)

Get or set the value of the AircraftModel field.

int AirSpecificType()
void AirSpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the AirSpecificType field.


bool IsSummation()
void IsSummation(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsSummation field.

int NumberOfStores1()
void NumberOfStores1(int i)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores1 field.

int StoreType1()
void StoreType1(int i)

Get or set the value of the StoreType1 field.

int NumberOfStores2()
void NumberOfStores2(int i)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores2 field.

int StoreType2()
void StoreType2(int i)

Get or set the value of the StoreType2 field.

int NumberOfStores3()
void NumberOfStores3(int i)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores3 field.

int StoreType3()
void StoreType3(int i)

Get or set the value of the StoreType3 field.

int NumberOfStores4()
void NumberOfStores4(int i)

Get or set the value of the NumberOfStores4 field.

int StoreType4()
void StoreType4(int i)

Get or set the value of the StoreType4 field.

bool IsGunCapable()
void IsGunCapable(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsGunCapable field.

int TransponderStatus()
void TransponderStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the TransponderStatus field.

int InterrogatorStatus()
void InterrogatorStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the InterrogatorStatus field.


WsfTadilJ13_3C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_3C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

int OperationalCapability()
void OperationalCapability(int i)

Get or set the value of the OperationalCapability field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int FlightDeckStatus()
void FlightDeckStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the FlightDeckStatus field.

int LandingApproachCondition()
void LandingApproachCondition(int i)

Get or set the value of the LandingApproachCondition field.

int ReportTimeFunction()
void ReportTimeFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the ReportTimeFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

int SurfaceSpecificType()
void SurfaceSpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SurfaceSpecificType field.


int MissileType1()
void MissileType1(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileType1 field.

int MissileCount1()
void MissileCount1(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount1 field.

int FireControlSystemCount1()
void FireControlSystemCount1(int i)

Get or set the value of the FireControlSystemCount1 field.

int MissileType2()
void MissileType2(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileType2 field.

int MissileCount2()
void MissileCount2(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount2 field.

int FireControlSystemCount2()
void FireControlSystemCount2(int i)

Get or set the value of the FireControlSystemCount2 field.

int MissileType3()
void MissileType3(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileType3 field.

int MissileCount3()
void MissileCount3(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount3 field.

int FireControlSystemCount3()
void FireControlSystemCount3(int i)

Get or set the value of the FireControlSystemCount3 field.

bool IsOffloadableFuel()
void IsOffloadableFuel(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsOffloadableFuel field.

int FuelAmmount()
void FuelAmmount(int i)

Get or set the value of the FuelAmmount field.


WsfTadilJ13_4C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_4C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

string TrackNumberReference()
void TrackNumberReference(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberReference field.

int SubsurfaceSpecificType()
void SubsurfaceSpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SubsurfaceSpecificType field.


int MissileType1()
void MissileType1(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileType1 field.

int MissileCount1()
void MissileCount1(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount1 field.

int MissileType2()
void MissileType2(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileType2 field.

int MissileCount2()
void MissileCount2(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount2 field.

int MissileType3()
void MissileType3(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileType3 field.

int MissileCount3()
void MissileCount3(int i)

Get or set the value of the MissileCount3 field.

int TorpedoType1()
void TorpedoType1(int i)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoType1 field.

int TorpedoCount1()
void TorpedoCount1(int i)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoCount1 field.

int TorpedoType2()
void TorpedoType2(int i)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoType2 field.

int TorpedoCount2()
void TorpedoCount2(int i)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoCount2 field.

int TorpedoTubeStatus()
void TorpedoTubeStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the TorpedoTubeStatus field.

int VerticalLauncherStatus()
void VerticalLauncherStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the VerticalLauncherStatus field.

int FireControlSystemStatus()
void FireControlSystemStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the FireControlSystemStatus field.


WsfTadilJ13_5C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ13_5C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

int OperationalCapability()
void OperationalCapability(int i)

Get or set the value of the OperationalCapability field.

string TrackNumberReference()
void TrackNumberReference(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberReference field.

int SiteType()
void SiteType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SiteType field.

int HotMissileCount()
void HotMissileCount(int i)

Get or set the value of the HotMissileCount field.

int SamModeState()
void SamModeState(int i)

Get or set the value of the SamModeState field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

bool PerimeterEngagementStatus()
void PerimeterEngagementStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the PerimeterEngagementStatus field.


int ColdInventory()
void ColdInventory(int i)

Get or set the value of the ColdInventory field.

int OperationalImpairment()
void OperationalImpairment(int i)

Get or set the value of the OperationalImpairment field.

int NATOLink1Status()
void NATOLink1Status(int i)

Get or set the value of the NATOLink1Status field.

int Link14Status()
void Link14Status(int i)

Get or set the value of the Link14Status field.

int Link11Status()
void Link11Status(int i)

Get or set the value of the Link11Status field.

int Link11BStatus()
void Link11BStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the Link11BStatus field.

int Link16Status()
void Link16Status(int i)

Get or set the value of the Link16Status field.

int ATDL_1Status()
void ATDL_1Status(int i)

Get or set the value of the ATDL_1Status field.

int IJMSStatus()
void IJMSStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the IJMSStatus field.

int CommunicationsImpairment()
void CommunicationsImpairment(int i)

Get or set the value of the CommunicationsImpairment field.

int ControlPositions()
void ControlPositions(int i)

Get or set the value of the ControlPositions field.

int TimeFunction()
void TimeFunction(int i)

Get or set the value of the TimeFunction field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

int PrimarySurvRadarStatus()
void PrimarySurvRadarStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the PrimarySurvRadarStatus field.

int SecondarySurvRadarStatus()
void SecondarySurvRadarStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the SecondarySurvRadarStatus field.

int TertiarySurvRadarStatus()
void TertiarySurvRadarStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the TertiarySurvRadarStatus field.

int AcquistionRadarStatus()
void AcquistionRadarStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the AcquistionRadarStatus field.

bool IlluminatingRadarStatus()
void IlluminatingRadarStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IlluminatingRadarStatus field.

bool Mode4InterrogatorStatus()
void Mode4InterrogatorStatus(bool b)

Get or set the value of the Mode4InterrogatorStatus field.

int IFFInterrogatorStatus()
void IFFInterrogatorStatus(int i)

Get or set the value of the IFFInterrogatorStatus field.


WsfTadilJ14_0C2 AddContinuation2()

Adds continuation word 2 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation2() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ14_0C2 FindContinuation2()

Returns extension word 2 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ14_0C4 AddContinuation4()

Adds continuation word 4 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation4() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ14_0C4 FindContinuation4()

Returns extension word 4 if it has been added to the message.

int ThreatEvaluation()
void ThreatEvaluation(int i)

Get or set the value of the ThreatEvaluation field.

bool ResponseIndicator()
void ResponseIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the ResponseIndicator field.

bool SpecialProcessingIndicator()
void SpecialProcessingIndicator(bool b)

Get or set the value of the SpecialProcessingIndicator field.

bool AgileEmitter()
void AgileEmitter(bool b)

Get or set the value of the AgileEmitter field.

bool TrackNumberReference()
void TrackNumberReference(bool b)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumberReference field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

bool BearingOrigin()
void BearingOrigin(bool b)

Get or set the value of the BearingOrigin field.

int SquareCircleSwitch()
void SquareCircleSwitch(int i)

Get or set the value of the SquareCircleSwitch field.

int Second()
void Second(int i)

Get or set the value of the Second field.

int Minute()
void Minute(int i)

Get or set the value of the Minute field.

int Hour()
void Hour(int i)

Get or set the value of the Hour field.

int RequestNumber()
void RequestNumber(int i)

Get or set the value of the RequestNumber field.

int Environment()
void Environment(int i)

Get or set the value of the Environment field.

int LockOn()
void LockOn(int i)

Get or set the value of the LockOn field.


double TargetLatitude()
void TargetLatitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetLatitude field. Units are Deg.

double TargetLongitude()
void TargetLongitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the TargetLongitude field. Units are Deg.

int AreaMajorAxis()
void AreaMajorAxis(int i)

Get or set the value of the AreaMajorAxis field.

int AreaMinorAxis()
void AreaMinorAxis(int i)

Get or set the value of the AreaMinorAxis field.

int AxisOrientation()
void AxisOrientation(int i)

Get or set the value of the AxisOrientation field.


int PRF_PRI_Indicator()
void PRF_PRI_Indicator(int i)

Get or set the value of the PRF_PRI_Indicator field.

double PulseRepetitionFrequency()
void PulseRepetitionFrequency(double d)

Get or set the value of the PulseRepetitionFrequency field. Units are Hz.

double PulseWidthMessageSizeCheck()
void PulseWidthMessageSizeCheck(double d)

Get or set the value of the PulseWidthMessageSizeCheck field.

int Jitter()
void Jitter(int i)

Get or set the value of the Jitter field.

int ScanType()
void ScanType(int i)

Get or set the value of the ScanType field.

int AntennaScanRatePeriod()
void AntennaScanRatePeriod(int i)

Get or set the value of the AntennaScanRatePeriod field.

double AntennaScanRate()
void AntennaScanRate(double d)

Get or set the value of the AntennaScanRate field.

int Polarization()
void Polarization(int i)

Get or set the value of the Polarization field.

int JammerReceivedSignalLevel()
void JammerReceivedSignalLevel(int i)

Get or set the value of the JammerReceivedSignalLevel field.


WsfTadilJ15_0E0 AddExtension0()

Adds extension word 0 to the message. This can only be called once for each extension word. Returns the extension word. Once the extension word belongs to the message, FindExtension0 may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ15_0E0 FindExtension0()

Returns extension word 0 if it has been added to the message.

WsfTadilJ15_0C1 AddContinuation1()

Adds continuation word 1 to the message. Returns the continuation word. Once the continuation word belongs to the message, FindContinuation1() may be used to retrieve the word.

WsfTadilJ15_0C1 FindContinuation1()

Returns extension word 1 if it has been added to the message.

int Addressee()
void Addressee(int i)

Get or set the value of the Addressee field.

int ThreatPosture()
void ThreatPosture(int i)

Get or set the value of the ThreatPosture field.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.

int TrackStrength()
void TrackStrength(int i)

Get or set the value of the TrackStrength field.

bool IsExerciseTrack()
void IsExerciseTrack(bool b)

Get or set the value of the IsExerciseTrack field.

int ThreatType()
void ThreatType(int i)

Get or set the value of the ThreatType field.

int WeaponType()
void WeaponType(int i)

Get or set the value of the WeaponType field.


double Latitude()
void Latitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Latitude field. Units are Deg.

double Longitude()
void Longitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Longitude field. Units are Deg.

string TrackNumber()
void TrackNumber(string s)

Get or set the value of the TrackNumber field.


double Course()
void Course(double d)

Get or set the value of the Course field. Units are Radians.

double Speed()
void Speed(double d)

Get or set the value of the Speed field. Units are Meters Per Second.

double Altitude()
void Altitude(double d)

Get or set the value of the Altitude field. Units are Meters.

int ThreatFuel()
void ThreatFuel(int i)

Get or set the value of the ThreatFuel field.

int SpecificType()
void SpecificType(int i)

Get or set the value of the SpecificType field.

int Environment()
void Environment(int i)

Get or set the value of the Environment field.

