
masking_pattern <pattern-name_>
   state <state-name> | default
         ... Azimuth-Elevation Table Definition ...
         ... Azimuth-Elevation Table Definition ...
   state ...


masking_pattern defines a masking pattern for comm or sensor) systems (i.e., those things that are based on articulated parts. A masking pattern is used to model the effects of structural obscuration. The masking pattern consists of one or more collections of azimuth/elevation tables where each collection defines the masking pattern that applies when the system is in a particular ‘state’. A ‘state’ represents a condition such as ‘bay-doors-open.’

The collection for a given state consists of either or both of a platform-relative table platform_factor and a part-relative table part_factor. Each table is an azimuth/elevation table where the dependent value is a number in the range [0 .. 1]. The value represents the fraction of the signal that is passed. Typical values are 1 (no blockage) or 0 (complete blockage), but intermediate values may be used to represent angle-dependent reduction. If a table has both a platform_factor and a part_factor then the resulting fraction passed is the product of the two values.

Masking patterns are available for all of the core WSF sensors and communications devices.



The name to be given to the pattern. This is the name that is referenced by the masking_pattern on a comm or sensor device. A pattern may be redefined, with the last occurrence being used.

state [ <state-name> | default ]

Indicates that the following table definition(s) will be used when the articulated is in the state <state-name>. If default is specified then the subsequent table will be used if the articulated part is in a state that does not match any of the states defined in the signature.

If a state command is not specified, then the pattern has one table that applies to all states.

There are script commands in WsfArticulatedPart that allow the application to query (WsfArticulatedPart.MaskingPatternState) or modify (WsfArticulatedPart.SetMaskingPatternState) the masking pattern state.


Indicates the following table defines a platform-relative masking pattern. The azimuth and elevation angles in the table are relative to the platform.


Indicates the following table defines a part-relative masking pattern. The azimuth and elevation angles in the table a relative to the part.

Part-relative tables are generally used when a turret-mounted system is employed and there is blocking structure attached to the turret.


The following table blocks everything from 20-30 degrees and 110-120 degrees out the right side.

masking_pattern TEST_SENSOR_MASKING
      inline_table none 10 2
                  -90.0 90.0
         -180.00    1.0  1.0
           19.99    1.0  1.0
           20.00    0.0  0.0
           30.00    0.0  0.0
           30.01    1.0  1.0
          109.99    1.0  1.0
          110.00    0.0  0.0
          120.00    0.0  0.0
          120.01    1.0  1.0
          180.00    1.0  1.0
end_masking pattern

sensor TEST_SENSOR ...
   masking_pattern TEST_SENSOR_MASKING