
The aerodynamics page allows the user to define the aerodynamics of the vehicle he or she is designing. Mover Creator generates the aerodynamics for the vehicle based on the geometry defined in the Geometry page. The user can then modify the aerodynamics as they see fit. The aerodynamics defined on this page will be converted into the form of aero_data, aero_component, and/or aero blocks, recognized by AFSIM.

For information on the methods used to calculate the aerodynamics, see the Mover Creator Theory page.

When this page loads, a dialog appears like the one shown below. Load times vary and have largely to do with the range of values for Mach, angle of attack (alpha), and side-slip angle (beta) for which the aerodynamics are computed. These limits may be modified in the Geometry Page Settings, under “Aerodynamics Options”. Note that if the user is generating only a Guided Mover model, the aerodynamic calculations will take very little time, and the dialog may not even be visible.


Like the other pages in Mover Creator, this page has two main areas of interaction. The left side is where users can specify what aerodynamic plots they wish to view, and also gives them basic control over modifying the data. The right side is the plot viewing area. This area provides most of the editing authority over the plots.


Viewing Plots

The vehicle aerodynamics is generated for all movers selected on startup. While Mover Creator uses the same aerodynamic prediction methods for each mover type, the aerodynamics are formatted and output according to each mover’s unique requirements. The “Mover” drop-down menu will be populated with all mover types being generated. Changing the selection in this drop-down causes the page to adapt to the mover selection by only displaying the relevant information for the selected mover.

The aerodynamics plots may be divided into two main categories: core aerodynamics and movable aerodynamics. The “Component” drop-down menu allows the user to select from “Core Aero” and any available control surface (e.g. horizontal stabs, vertical tail).

The “Table” drop-down menu dictates what table is currently being viewed. For multi-dimensional tables, the “Plot” drop-down indicates the independent variable being plotted.


Checking the boxes on the left will show the corresponding series in the plot area (see image below). If a top-level check box is checked (e.g. “0.1 Mach” in the above image), all of the series under it will become checked (e.g. Beta in the image below). A plot legend may be shown by right-clicking on the plot area and selecting “Show Legend”.


The plot view may be changed to a data view by right-clicking on the plot area and selecting “Data View”. Once in the data view, the user may go back to plot view by right clicking and selecting “Plot View” from the menu. The data may also be exported to .csv by right-clicking and selecting “Export Data”. The image below shows the data view of the plot shown above.


Viewing P6DOF/RB6DOF Mover Aerodynamics

Each item in the “Table” menu corresponds to a table defined in the aero_data block for core aerodynamics, or aero_component for movable aerodynamics.

There are over 50 aerodynamics plots available for viewing. These tables are listed in the two tables below.

Core Aerodynamics


Dependent variable (y-axis)

Independent variables (x-axis)

aero_data equivalent

CL vs Alpha Beta Mach

Lift coefficient

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


CLq vs Alpha Beta Mach

Derivative of lift coefficient with respect to pitch rate

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


CL_alphadot vs Alpha Mach

Derivative of lift coefficient with respect to the time rate of change of angle of attack

Angle of attack (Alpha), Mach


Cd vs Alpha Beta Mach

Drag Coefficient

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


CY vs Alpha Beta Mach

Side force coefficient

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


CYr vs Alpha Beta Mach

Derivative of side force coefficient with respect to yaw rate.

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


CY_betadot vs Beta Mach

Derivative of side force coefficient with respect to the time rate of change of side-slip angle

Angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


Cm vs Alpha Beta Mach

Pitching moment coefficient.

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


Cmq vs Mach

Pitch damping coefficient due to pitch rate



Cmp vs Mach

Pitch damping coefficient due to roll rate



Cm_alphadot vs Mach

Pitch damping coefficient due to the time rate of change of angle of attack.



Cn vs Alpha Beta Mach

Yawing moment coefficient

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


Cnr vs Mach

Yaw damping coefficient due to yaw rate



Cn_betadot vs Mach

Yaw damping coefficient due to the time rate of change of side-slip angle



Cnp vs Mach

Yaw damping coefficient due to pitch rate



Cl vs Alpha Beta Mach

Rolling moment coefficient

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


Clp vs Mach

Roll damping coefficient due to roll rate



Clr vs Mach

Roll damping coefficient due to yaw rate.



Cl_betadot vs Mach

Roll damping coefficient due to the time rate of change of side-slip angle



Clq vs Mach

Roll damping coefficient due to pitch rate



Cl_alphadot vs Mach

Roll damping coefficient due to the time rate of change of angle of attack



Movable Aerodynamics


Dependent variable (y-axis)

Independent variables (x-axis)

aero_component equivalent

CL vs Angle Alpha Mach

Lift Coefficient

Control surface angle (Angle), angle of attack (Alpha), Mach


Cd vs Angle Mach

Drag coefficient

Control surface angle (Angle), Mach


CY vs Angle Beta Mach

Side force coefficient

Control surface angle (Angle), side-slip angle (Beta), Mach


Cm vs Angle Alpha Mach

Pitching moment coefficient

Control surface angle (Angle), angle of attack (Alpha), Mach


Cmq vs Angle Mach

Pitch damping coefficient due to pitch rate

Control surface angle (Angle), Mach


Cn vs Angle Beta Mach

Yawing moment coefficient

Control surface angle (Angle), side-slip angle (Beta), Mach


Cnr vs Angle Mach

Yaw damping coefficient due to yaw rate

Control surface angle (Angle), Mach


Cl vs Angle Alpha Beta

Rolling moment coefficient

Control surface angle (Angle), angle of attack (Alpha), side-slip angle (Beta)


Clq vs Angle Mach

Roll damping coefficient due to pitch rate

Control surface angle (Angle), Mach


Clr vs Angle Mach

Roll damping coefficient due to yaw rate

Control surface angle (Angle), Mach


Clp vs Angle Mach

Roll damping coefficient due to roll rate

Control surface angle (Angle), Mach


Viewing PM6DOF Mover Aerodynamics

Each item in the “Table” menu corresponds to a table defined in the aero_data block for core aerodynamics.

PM6DOF uses far fewer tables than RB6DOF. At present, the table outputs are rough approximations, and should not be treated as accurate straight out of the box. Tables for lift, drag, and yaw force are taken directly from the P6DOF/RB6DOF calculations, with modifying factors applied to approximate the effects of trimming moments. Future efforts will use more appropriate data, with controls taken into account. The remaining tables are simply given reasonable values, and do not use P6DOF/RB6DOF data at all. Future efforts will also update these outputs to incorporate rigid-body dynamics and drag and lift device effects.

Core Aerodynamics


Dependent variable (y-axis)

Independent variables (x-axis)

aero_data equivalent

CL (trimmed) vs Alpha Beta Mach

Lift coefficient, trimmed for zero moment at the flight condition

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


Cd vs Alpha Beta Mach

Drag Coefficient, trimmed for zero moment at the flight condition

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


CY vs Alpha Beta Mach

Side force coefficient, trimmed for zero moment at the flight condition

Angle of attack (Alpha), angle of side-slip (Beta), Mach


Maximum roll acceleration vs Mach

Maximum angular acceleration (deg/s/s), referenced at standard-day, sea-level conditions



Maximum pitch acceleration vs Mach

Maximum angular acceleration (deg/s/s), referenced at standard-day, sea-level conditions



Maximum yaw acceleration vs Mach

Maximum angular acceleration (deg/s/s), referenced at standard-day, sea-level conditions



Roll stabilizing frequency vs Mach

Frequency (Hz) of the response that drives the system to equilibrium, referenced at standard-day, sea-level conditions. PM6DOF currently assumes equilibrium is reached at 0 degrees/second roll rate.



Pitch stabilizing frequency vs Mach

Frequency (Hz) of the response that drives the system to equilibrium, referenced at standard-day, sea-level conditions. PM6DOF currently assumes equilibrium is reached at 0 degrees alpha.



Yaw stabilizing frequency vs Mach

Frequency (Hz) of the response that drives the system to equilibrium, referenced at standard-day, sea-level conditions. PM6DOF currently assumes equilibrium is reached at 0 degrees beta.



Speedbrake Delta Cd vs Mach

Drag coefficient change due to full speedbrake deployment



Flaps Delta CL vs Mach

Lift coefficient change due to full flaps deployment



Flaps Delta Cd vs Mach

Drag coefficient change due to full flaps deployment



Spoilers Delta CL vs Mach

Lift coefficient change due to full spoiler deployment



Spoilers Delta Cd vs Mach

Drag coefficient change due to full spoiler deployment



Viewing Guided Mover Aerodynamics


Selecting “Guided Mover” from the “Mover” menu causes the page to adapt to the lower complexity mover.

Since the Guided Mover does not model individual control surfaces, the only available item in the “Component” menu is “Core Aero”. Similarly, since the Guided Mover requires only one aerodynamic table (mach_and_cd), the only available table in the “Table” menu is “Cd vs Mach”. The Guided Mover’s maximum lift coefficient (cl_max) is computed using the same CL table as the P6DOF/RB6DOF mover. This value may be edited in the CL-max text box, if desired.

Aerodynamic Quantity


aero command

Cd vs Mach

Coefficient of drag as a function of Mach, computed using the same calculations as cd_alpha_beta_mach_table


Maximum Lift Coefficient

Maximum coefficient of lift, computed using the same calculations as cL_alpha_beta_mach_table


Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio of the vehicle. Calculated using the idealized parabolic drag polar. See aero for more details


Editing Plots

Each plot that is available for viewing can also be modified by the user. A plot may be modified by using the tools in the “Modify Plots” section on the left side of the page (see image below). Users may enter a global multiplier that will multiply the y-coordinate of all points in the selected plot by the specified factor. Alternatively, users may enter a global offset that will move the y-coordinate of all points in the plot by the specified amount. Once the Apply button is clicked, a new line will appear showing the modified plot data. The modified plot line is colored yellow, and the original plot line remains its original color. Series may be modified individually or all together - only the series that are currently checked are affected by modification


If the user wishes to have more control over the shape of the plot, he or she may check the option for “Show Modifier Line”. This will cause a black horizontal line to appear, the scale for which is on the right side of the plot area (see image below). Moving the individual points on this line to different values will cause the plot data to be moved by the corresponding amount. The modifier line can be toggled between “Offset” and “Multiplier”. Additional points may be added to the modifier line by right clicking anywhere on the plot area and selecting “Add Modifier Point” from the menu. A dialog will appear prompting the user for the desired x-coordinate of the new point.

To undo changes to the plot, click “Revert Plot”, located in the lower right corner of the “Modify Plots” section. This will remove all modifications done to the current plot and restore the plot as it was originally.


Editing a plot only affects the current mover. For example, editing the Cd vs Mach plot for the Guided Mover will not affect the P6DOF mover’s drag coefficient, and so on.
