
osm_traffic … end_osm_traffic

Script Class: WsfOSM_Traffic

  debug <boolean-value>
  network <route-network-name>
    vehicle_count <positive-integer>
    maximum_speed <speed-value>

    vehicle <platform-type>
      fraction <real-value>
      mean_speed <speed-value>
      sigma_speed <speed-value>

      minimum_speed <string>
      maximum_speed <string>
      lanes <string>
      one_way <string>
      density <string>
      surface <string>

      stop <string>
      traffic_signals <string>
      highway <string>


The osm_traffic command generates background road traffic via ground moving platforms during the simulation on a predefined route_network. This capability is similar to the road_traffic command; the primary difference between the two is that osm_traffic is designed to be used with route_networks generated by Wizard’s OSM Converter Tool. This converter allows for additional route commands to be utilized in the generation of the traffic via the aux_data as further described below.


Generated background traffic vehicles will adhere to the general rules of the road as specified in the aux_data, and are responsible for the following behaviors.

  • Stopping accordingly at traffic lights and stop signs

  • Lining up at intersections when traffic becomes congested

  • Observing minimum and maximum speed limits (minimum_speed and maximum_speed)

  • Attempting to avoid collisions by changing lanes and speeds as necessary

Road data such as speed limits and traffic lights should be added through the route and waypoint aux_data sections, then mapped to the osm_traffic command via the route_aux_data_mapping and waypoint_aux_data_mapping blocks.


osm_traffic modifies the routes and their associated names to provide a more realistic representation of the routes as roads. The rules, naming conventions and an example route name are provided below. The described suffixes are computer generated, and appear in the order they are listed. Script methods are available for routes to simplify access lookups.

  • Intersections are modeled visually as small blank spaces without any routes running through them. When a single route passes through multiple intersections, it is split into several parts, designated by double underscores followed by a numeric “segment” suffix. The segments are numbered in the order of traversal in the original route input.

  • Most roads are bidirectional, but only a single route input is provided. As a result, when necessary, osm_traffic internally creates new routes going in the opposite direction. These are designated by a double underscore followed by either a “normal” or “opposite” suffix, with “normal” referring to the input route’s original direction.

  • Routes with X lanes are split into X different routes (up to ten lanes). Even when there is only one lane, every route name has a numeric suffix that designates which lane it represents.

  • Example: “Lackland_Road__1__normal2”, which means Lackland_Road, segment 1, 2nd lane going in the normal direction.

osm_traffic is also compatible with scripted vehicles. For scripted vehicles, it is the user’s decision to follow (or ignore) the rules of the road. However, as long as the associated commands are used, the background traffic will be aware of these added vehicles, and will attempt to avoid rear collisions with them when possible. More information regarding the osm_traffic script methods can be found at WsfOSM_Traffic.


Currently route_networks will not be drawn on the map display. A simple example is provided below that demonstrates how to visualize the route network.


debug <boolean-value>

Enables or disables debugging output to command line (standard out). Provides more verbose information for debugging when true.

Default false

network <route-network-name> … end_network

Defines the attributes and vehicles that are generated on the defined route_network as specified by the <route-network-name>.

vehicle_count <positive-integer>

Specifies the number of vehicles that will be generated on the route network.

maximum_speed <speed-value>

The maximum speed any vehicle on the network can travel even if a faster speed is specified in the vehicle block. Generally, it will be more effective to define speed limits for individual routes or to define a maximum speed on the ground mover itself.

vehicle <platform-type> end_vehicle

Defines the attributes of a specific vehicle type within the context of this network. To define multiple vehicle types, create multiple vehicle blocks. The <platform-type> must be a previously defined platform_type.

fraction <real-value>

If multiple vehicle blocks are defined, the fraction is the percentage (as a decimal value) of this specific vehicle type that would populate the road network. The sum of all the vehicle fractions must add up to 1.

mean_speed <speed-value>

The average speed of all the vehicles defined by this vehicle block. This value will only be used when no speed limits (maximum_speed or minimum_speed) are defined on a particular route or if the ignore_speed_limits flag is set.

sigma_speed <speed-value>

The speed magnitude of one standard deviation. This command follows same conditions as mean_speed.


Indicates that vehicles of the specified type do not need to follow the speed limits defined by maximum_speed or minimum_speed

route_aux_data_mapping … end_route_aux_data_mapping

This block applies to all routes in the route_network, and maps osm_traffic route aux_data variable names to the rules of the road. The parameter for each command is simply a string representation of the variables’ name as defined in the route aux_data input blocks.


Ensure that the naming conventions of desired features is consistent across all of the routes in the route_network (i.e. the aux_data variable name for maximum_speed should be the same across all routes).

minimum_speed <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data numeric variable to the route’s minimum speed.


If a minimum_speed string is not found on the route, then minimum speed will be half the maximum_speed if it is found instead.

Default minspeed

maximum_speed <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data numeric variable to the route’s maximum speed.


If a maximum_speed string is not found on the route, then maximum speed will be double the minimum_speed if it is found instead.

Default maxspeed

lanes <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data integer variable to the number of lanes in the route. This defines the number of lanes traveling in both directions, unless otherwise specified. By default, on a two-way road, there will be two lanes (one for each direction).

Default lanes

one_way <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data boolean variable to whether a road is one way or not. This will also affect how lanes are interpreted.

Default oneway

density <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data integer variable to a road’s average vehicle density.


This input will only apply to background vehicles; any additional scripted vehicles will not be considered when populating and traveling through roads.

Default density

surface <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data string variable to a road’s surface type.


This aux_data field is currently not utilized by the osm_traffic generated traffic.

Default surface

waypoint_aux_data_mapping … end_waypoint_aux_data_mapping

This block applies to all waypoints in the route_network, and maps the osm_traffic waypoint aux_data variables names to the rules of the road.


The parameter usage and naming convention rules are the same as in the route_aux_data_mapping block.


The aux_data will be ignored unless the waypoint has a node_id; stop signs and traffic lights are inconsequential when there are no connected roads.

stop <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data boolean variable to whether a waypoint is a stop sign.


By default, the waypoint will not be treated as a stop sign.

Default stop

traffic_signals <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data boolean variable to whether a waypoint has a traffic light.


By default, there will be no traffic light.

Default traffic_signals

highway <aux-data-variable-name>

Maps an aux_data boolean variable to highway description / type.


By default, there will be no highway.

Default highway


  network osm_netowrk
    vehicle_count 500
    maximum_speed  75 mi/h
    vehicle Car
      fraction      0.80
      mean_speed   60 mi/h
      sigma_speed   5 mi/h
    vehicle Pickup_Truck
      fraction      0.15
      mean_speed   60 mi/h
      sigma_speed  10 mi/h
    vehicle School_Bus
      fraction      0.05
      mean_speed   50 mi/h
      sigma_speed  10 mi/h

WsfDraw Examples

# Simple script to visualize the road network
# the string literals may change based on what the aux_data variable and network names actually are
script void DrawRoads()
   WsfDraw draw = WsfDraw();
   WsfRouteNetwork network = WsfRouteNetwork.FindRouteNetwork("network_name");
   WsfOSMTraffic traffic = WsfOSMTraffic.GetTraffic();
   Array<WsfRoute> trafficRoutes = traffic.GetTrafficRoutes("network_name");

   foreach (WsfRoute rte in trafficRoutes)
      WsfRoute route = rte.Copy();
      # If aux_data should be listed on the map, uncomment and add to this section
      #    if (route.AuxDataExists("maxspeed") || route.AuxDataExists("name"))
      #    {
      #       string name = (string)route.AuxDataInt("name");
      #       string speedLimit = (string)route.AuxDataDouble("maxspeed") + " mph";
      #       draw.BeginText(name);
      #    }
      WsfGeoPoint textPos = route.Waypoint(0).Location();

# Simple script to draw colored shapes where stop signs and traffic lights are located
script void DrawStops()
   WsfDraw draw = WsfDraw();
   WsfRouteNetwork network = WsfRouteNetwork.FindRouteNetwork("network_name");
   foreach (WsfRoute rte in network.Routes()) {
      WsfRoute route = rte.Copy();
      foreach (WsfWaypoint node in route) {
         if (node.AuxDataExists("stop_sign") &&
            draw.BeginCircle(0, 100);
            draw.VertexLLA(node.Latitude(), node.Longitude(), 0);

         if (node.AuxDataExists("traffic_signals") &&
            draw.BeginCircle(0, 100);
            draw.VertexLLA(node.Latitude(), node.Longitude(), 0);