P6DOF Subobjects

A p6dof_object_type may include one or more subobjects that may represent bombs, missiles, fuel tanks, etc. Subobjects do not have an AFSIM platform until they are jettisoned. At that time, a platform will be created containing a WSF_P6DOF_MOVER and the jettisoned P6DofObject will be “injected” into the mover, automatically transferring to the platform its kinematic state. See map_p6dof_object_to_platform for more information.

subobject <name> <derived_from_type_name> … end_subobject

Depending on the defining data, subobjects may effect the performance of their parent platform. For example, a bomb carried on an external pylon may produce additional drag on the parent. It is also possible for a subobject to contribute thrust forces to the parent (such as running Hound Dog missiles on a B-52 during takeoff, or having SRB thrust contribute to the total thrust of a Space Shuttle orbiter). In addition, subobjects will contribute mass properties and inertia to their parent.

A subobject is always derived from a previously defined p6dof_object_type. Although any parameter can be overridden, typical use involves setting relative positioning and separation effects for a subobject while using all other characteristics from the object type from which it was derived.

subobject   missile1   AIM9L

   // Relative Positioning with Parent
   parent_rel_x ...
   parent_rel_y ...
   parent_rel_z ...
   parent_rel_yaw ...
   parent_rel_pitch ...
   parent_rel_roll ...

   // Separation Effects
   separation_vx ...
   separation_vy ...
   separation_vz ...
   separation_omega_x ...
   separation_omega_y ...
   separation_omega_z ...


Relative Positioning with Parent

The following commands specify how a subobject should be positioned relative to its parent while captive.

parent_rel_x <length-value>

This specifies the x-location of the object’s reference point relative to the parent’s reference point using the parent’s body coordinate system.

Default: 0.0

parent_rel_y <length-value>

This specifies the y-location of the object’s reference point relative to the parent’s reference point using the parent’s body coordinate system.

Default: 0.0

parent_rel_z <length-value>

This specifies the z-location of the object’s reference point relative to the parent’s reference point using the parent’s body coordinate system.

Default: 0.0

parent_rel_yaw <angle-value>

This specifies the yaw of the object about its reference point relative to the parent’s body coordinate system.

Default: 0.0

parent_rel_pitch <angle-value>

This specifies the pitch of the object about its reference point relative to the parent’s body coordinate system.

parent_rel_roll <angle-value>

This specifies the roll of the object about its reference point relative to the parent’s body coordinate system.

Default: 0.0

Separation Effects

The following commands specify the perturbation that will be applied to a subobject when it is jettisoned from its parent.

separation_vx <length-value>

This specifies the x-component of velocity (in parent body coordinates) that is imparted to the subobject when it separates from the parent.

Default: 0.0

separation_vy <length-value>

This specifies the y-component of velocity (in parent body coordinates) that is imparted to the subobject when it separates from the parent.

Default: 0.0

separation_vz <length-value>

This specifies the z-component of velocity (in parent body coordinates) that is imparted to the subobject when it separates from the parent.

Default: 0.0

separation_omega_x <length-value>

This specifies the x-component of angular velocity (in subobject body coordinates) that is imparted to the subobject when it separates from the parent.

Default: 0.0

separation_omega_y <length-value>

This specifies the y-component of angular velocity (in subobject body coordinates) that is imparted to the subobject when it separates from the parent.

Default: 0.0

separation_omega_z <length-value>

This specifies the z-component of angular velocity (in subobject body coordinates) that is imparted to the subobject when it separates from the parent.

Default: 0.0

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