Platform Part Commands


This defines the commands that are common to ‘platform parts’:


automatic_recovery_time <time-value>

Define the time elapsed between damage state 1.0 (complete damage) and queued recovery. Only valid if the time is set to a positive value, and part is declared restorable. After time elapses, the Resurrect() virtual method will be called on the part.

Default: Zero (not used)

aux_data … aux_data_commands … end_aux_data

Define auxiliary data for the object. See the aux_data command for the syntax of defining auxiliary data.

category <name>

Declare that the object is a member of the specified category. This command may be specified multiple times to indicate the object is a member of multiple categories. Categories can be queried by the script language method CategoryMemberOf(“*name*”) of WsfPlatformPart.


Has the effect of canceling any previous category commands.


If critical, and the part damage becomes 1.0 (broken), the platform will be removed from the simulation.

Default: non-critical

damage_factor <unit-value>

Initial damage factor of the part. Zero is no damage, 1.0 is totally damaged (functionally broken). If damage factor is 1.0, it must be decreased toward zero before the part can become operational, but non_resurrectible will preclude this. External entities or effects may influence the damage level. It is up to the part implementation to determine how its operations are degraded in response to a non-zero damage factor.

Default: 0.0

Remove all of the currently defined internal links defined by the internal_link or processor commands. This is useful if one wants to reuse an existing platform definition with some modifications.

processor <platform-part-name>

Specify that messages that originate from this object are to be routed to the specified platform part object on the same platform. This command may be specified multiple times to route the message to multiple recipients.

<platform-part-name> is one the following:

  • The name of a processor on the platform.

  • The name of a comm device on the platform.

  • The name of a sensor device on the platform.

  • The string mover to indicate the recipient is the mover object on the platform.

  • The string fuel to indicate the recipient is the fuel object on the platform.

the first form where the recipient is a processor is currently the only one used. At the current time no platform parts implemented by the unclassified WSF core support receiving messages, so linking to them would not perform any useful function.


Enables or disables debugging for the object. The actual effect of enabling debugging for an object is implementation-specific. Typically a lot of information will be written to standard output, to allow some control of the information displayed use debug_level.

Default: no_debug

debug_level <level>

Specifies the debugging level from level [1, 3]. Each level normally provides for different types or quantity of debugging information to displayed standard output. Also requires that the debug be set. The actual effect of enabling debugging level for an object is implementation-specific.

Default: 3

group_join <group-name>
group_leave <group-name>

Adds or removes the platform from the specified group.

is_a_type_of <type-name>

The type hierarchy of an object is normally defined by the objects from which the object inherits. This command allows one to define that the object is also of the specified type.


Part is declared non_operational, completely damaged, and non_resurrectible. Is functionally equivalent to setting the damage_factor to 1.0, non_restorable, and non_operational simultaneously. The part cannot be repaired.

Default: functional


Define the initial state of the object to be off or on.

Default: Depends on the type of object. Typically ‘on’, but ‘off’ for sensors.


Define the operational state of the object. An object that is operational can be turned off and on and otherwise used for operations. An object that is non_operational cannot be used until it is made operational.

Default: operational


Define the ability of the part to recover from damage factor = 1.0. If non_restorable, the part damage latches at 1.0.

Default: restorable

Military Specific

This defines the commands that are common to ‘platform parts’: