
This is documentation for the <emi-data> field referenced in the csv_event_output and event_output documentation.

Possible Signatures

The documentation has the csv_event_output signatures on separate lines for readability. The actual csv_event_output is on a single line.


CSV Signature

EVT Signature

If the EMI is one-way between transmitter and receiver

<absolute-location-data xmtr>,
<absolute-location-data rcvr>,
<relative-location-data xmtr->rcvr>,
<relative-location-data rcvr->xmtr>,
Xmtr: <absolute-location-dataxmtr>
Rcvr: <absolute-location-datarcvr>
Xmtr->Rcvr: <relative-location-dataxmtr->rcvr>
Rcvr->Xmtr: <relative-location-datarcvr->xmtr>
XmtrBeam: <beam-dataxmtr>
RcvrBeam: <beam-datarcvr>

If the EMI is one-way between receiver and target

Rcvr: <absolute-location-datarcvr>
Tgt: <absolute-location-datatgt>
Rcvr->Tgt: <relative-location-datarcvr->tgt>
Tgt->Rcvr: <relative-location-datatgt->rcvr>
RcvrBeam: <beam-datarcvr>

If the EMI is bistatic, two-way between transmitter, receiver, and target

Xmtr: <absolute-location-dataxmtr>
Rcvr: <absolute-location-datarcvr>
Tgt: <absolute-location-datatgt>
Xmtr->Tgt: <relative-location-dataxmtr->tgt>
Tgt->Xmtr: <relative-location-datatgt->xmtr>
Rcvr->Tgt: <relative-location-datarcvr->tgt>
Tgt->Rcvr: <relative-location-datatgt->rcvr>
XmtrBeam: <beam-dataxmtr>
RcvrBeam: <beam-datarcvr>

If the EMI is non-bistatic, two-way between transmitter, receiver, and target

Xmtr/Rcvr: <absolute-location-dataxmtr/rcvr>
Tgt: <absolute-location-datatgt>
Xmtr/Rcvr->Tgt: <relative-location-dataxmtr/rcvr->tgt>
Tgt->Xmtr/Rcvr: <relative-location-datatgt->xmtr/rcvr>
XmtrBeam: <beam-dataxmtr/rcvr>
RcvrBeam: <beam-datatgt>

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Signature Elements

Expanded Compound Signature Elements

Compound signature elements encapsulate related signature elements and appear in bold. These are included to improve readability of the documentation.





<platformtype>, <locationLLA>,<locationeci>, <orientation>, <velocityNED>,<velocityECI>, <accelerationNED>,<accelerationECI>

Type: <platformtype> { <locationLLA> | <locationECI> } <orientation> <velocity(NED | ECI)> <acceleration(NED | ECI)>


<rangem>, <brgtrue>,<eltrue>, <brgapparent>,<elapparent>

Range: <rangekm> km (<rangenmi> nm) Brg: <brgtrue> El: <eltrue> Apparent: Brg: <brgapparent> El: <elapparent>


<brgbeam point>,<elbeam point>, <azbeam>,<elbeam>, <azbeam EBS>,<elbeam>,<omegaA>, <gain>

Brg: <brgbeam point> deg El: <elbeam point> deg TgtRel Az: <elbeam> deg El: <elbeam> deg EBS Az: <azbeam EBS> deg El: <elbeam EBS> Omega: <omegaA> deg Gain: <log(gain)> dB



LLA: <latitude> <longitude> <altitude> m



ECI Location: <|L|ECI> * m [ <uLx> <uLy> <uLz> ]



Heading: <heading> Pitch: <pitch> Roll: <roll>



Speed: <|v|NED> m/s * [ <uvN> <uvE> <uvD> ]



Speed: <|v|ECI> m/s * [ <uvx> <uvy> <uvz> ]



Acceleration: <|v|NED> m/s2 * [ <uaN> <uaE> <uaD> ]



Acceleration: <|a|ECI> m/s2 * [ <uax> <uay> <uaz> ]

<other-data> includes a variety of signature elements. It may be further sub-divided in the future.





{ ,<log(signatureradar)>,<signatureradar>,<azradar>,<elradar> | ,,,, } { ,<log(signatureoptical)>,<signatureoptical>,<azoptical>,<eloptical>, { <reflectivityoptical> } | ,,,,, } { ,<signatureinfrared>,<azradar>,<elradar> { ,<IBR>,<ICR>,<FA> | ,,, } | ,,,,,, } { { ,<log(FA)>,<FA> | ,, } { ,<log(F4P)>,<F4P>,<FP> | ,,, },{ <FM> } | ,,,,,, } { ,{ <log(PT)> },{ <log(PR)> },{ <log(PRN)> },{ <log(PC)> },{ <log(PI)> } { <emi-component-power-data> | ,,, },{ <pixel-count> } { ,<log(S/I)>,{ <log(threshold)> } { ,<log(S/N)>,<log(S/(N+C))>,<log(S/(N+C+J))> | ,,, } | ,,,,, } | ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, }, <emi-component-data>,<emi-failures>

{ Radar_Sig: <log(signatureradar)> dBsm (<signatureradar> m^2) Az: <azradar> deg El: <elradar> deg } { Optical_Sig: <log(signatureoptical)> dBsm (<signatureoptical> m^2) Az: <azoptical> deg El: <eloptical> deg Reflectivity: <reflectivityoptical> } { { Infrared_Sig: <signatureinfrared> w/sr Az: <azinfrared> deg El: <elinfrared> deg } { Background_radiant_intensity: <IBR> w/sr Contrast_radiant_intensity: <ICR> w/sr Transmittance: <FA> } } { { Absorption_factor: <log(FA)> dB (<FA>) } { Propagation_factor_F^4: <log(F4P)> dB (<F4P>) F: <FP> } { Masking_Factor: <FM> } } { { Xmtd_Power: <log(PT)> dBw } { Rcvd_Power: <log(PR)> dBw } { Rcvr_Noise: <log(PRN)> dBw } { Clutter_Power: <log(PC)> dBw } { <LabelSNR_Int>: <log(PI)> dBw } { <emi-component-power-data> } { Pixel_Count: <pixel-count> } { S/I: <log(S/I)> dB { Threshold: <log(threshold)> dB } { S/N: <log(S/N)> dB S/(N+C): <log(S/(N+C))> dB <LabelSNR_Int>: <log(S/(N+C+J))> dB } } } <emi-component-data> <emi-failures>

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Conditional Signature Elements






[1]: If the range > 0.0

The distance between the source and destination system (in the specified units, denoted with the subscript).


The direction based off the true unit vector in azimuth/elevation.



[1]: AND If the earth radius scale != 1.0

The direction based off the apparent unit vector in azimuth/elevation.






<brgbeam point>

[1]: If the gain >= 0.0

The direction the beam is pointing in azimuth/elevation.

<elbeam point>


The direction of the target with respect to the beam in azimuth/elevation.



[2]: [1] AND If the gain > 0.0

<brgbeam EBS>

[2] AND If the antenna is in EBS mode

The direction of the beam with respect to the antenna face in azimuth/elevation.

<elbeam EBS>


The solid angle that the antenna beam makes with the antenna face.



The beam gain.








[1] If the radar signature > 0.0





[2] If the optical signature > 0.0





[2] AND If the optical reflectivity > 0.0


[3] If the infrared signature > 0.0




[4] If the signal-to-noise > 0.0




[5] If the absorption factor > 0.0 OR

the propagation factor > 0.0 OR 0.0 <= masking factor < 1.0


[5] AND If the absorption factor > 0.0



[5] AND If the propagation factor > 0.0




[5] AND If 0.0 <= masking factor < 1.0



[6] If the transmitted power > 0.0 OR

the received power > 0.0 OR the pixel count > 0.0 OR the signal-to-noise > 0.0


[6] AND If the transmitted power > 0.0


[6] AND If the received power > 0.0


[6] AND If the receiver noise power > 0.0


[6] AND If the clutter power > 0.0


[6] AND If the interference power > 0.0


[7] For each emi-component

Power data associated with specific components.


Actual output may vary.


[8] If the pixel count > 0.0

The approximate number of pixels the target occupies in the image.


Other data associated with specific components.


Actual output may vary.


[9] If any failure occurred

The failure strings, which can be one or more of the following:

  • Xmtr_Range_Limits_Exceeded

  • Rcvr_Range_Limits_Exceeded

  • Xmtr_Altitude_Limits_Exceeded

  • Rcvr_Altitude_Limits_Exceeded

  • Xmtr_Angle_Limits_Exceeded

  • Rcvr_Angle_Limits_Exceeded

  • Xmtr_Masked_By_Horizon

  • Rcvr_Masked_By_Horizon

  • Xmtr_Masked_By_Terrain

  • Rcvr_Masked_By_Terrain

  • Insufficient_Signal

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