__BUILTIN__ is the script class implementing built in functions. These static methods may be called without specifying __BUILTIN__ explicitly, as in:
write("Hello", " World");
- void write_d(Object obj1, [Object… objn])¶
Each of these methods print to console output a variable length list of objects in the order given with no separator. writeln() and its variants complete the output with a newline character, while write and write_d do not. writeln_d and write_d do the same thing as their counterparts, with the exception that the prints may be disabled with the script_debug_writes command.
The writeln_fatal, writeln_error, writeln_warning, and writeln_developer versions prefix the data with a tag (e.g.
***** ERROR:
) to indicate type. These outputs can be filtered using the console_output command. For filtering purposes, the vanilla writeln version has the “info” type.For example:
writeln("Time=", TIME_NOW, " seconds, Platform", PLATFORM.Name());
The writeln_debug method is simply an alias for writeln_d. It has been added to follow the naming convention of the others.
The output generated by script methods write and write_d is prepended to future write() and writeln() output instead of being written immediately; however, writing a newline character (
) will print the line immediately. This behavior is to facilitate clean interaction with the console_output command and GUI applications when using sequential calls to write().
- string write_str(Object obj1, [Object… objn])¶
The write_str method allows users to concatenate data and return it as a string. For example:
string str = write_str("Time=", TIME_NOW, " seconds, Platform", PLATFORM.Name());
- bool has_attr(Object aObject, string aAttributeName)¶
Returns ‘true’ if the object has an attribute with the given attribute name.:
if (has_attr(plat, "SensorX")) { WsfSensor sensor = plat->SensorX; ... }
- Object get_attr(Object aObject, string aName)¶
Returns the attribute on the object with the name aName.
- string attr_name_at(Object aObject, int aIndex)¶
Returns the name of the aIndex ‘th attribute. aIndex should be in the range [0, attr_count(aObject)]. This method can be used to enumerate all attributes on an object.
- bool has_script(Object aObject, string aScriptName)¶
Returns ‘true’ if the object has a script with the given name.:
if (has_script(plat, "specialScript")) { plat->specialScript(123); }
- void __print_callstack()¶
Outputs information about the script(s) currently executing, including file / line numbers, and variable values. This method is only useful for debugging.
- void assert(bool aBoolExp)¶
- void assert(bool aBoolExp, string aMessage)¶
assert() checks that an expression evaluates to ‘true’. If the expression does not evaluate to ‘true’, a callstack is printed and the application exits immediately. If a second parameter is specified, it will be printed along with the assertion error.
When using the script debugger, the assert acts as a breakpoint and execution may be resumed.
WsfPlatform plat = WsfSimulation.FindPlatform("MyPlatform"); assert(plat, "MyPlatform does not exist!"); plat.TurnToHeading(90);