

Ellipsoid provides a 3D representation of an ellipsoid that can be viewed with WsfDraw (typically, to visualize track covariances [see WsfCovariance.EllipsoidNED]). Class methods provide the three principal semi-axis lengths and the euler angles that transform the ellipsoid into an NED coordinate frame.


double SemiAxisForward()

Return the semi-axis of the ellipsoid along the principal (non-rotated) x-axis.

double SemiAxisSide()

Return the semi-axis of the ellipsoid along the principal (non-rotated) y-axis.

double SemiAxisUp()

Return the semi-axis of the ellipsoid along the principal (non-rotated) z-axis.

double OrientationRoll()

Return the ellipsoid’s NED-referenced roll angle.

double OrientationPitch()

Return the ellipsoid’s NED-referenced pitch angle.

double OrientationHeading()

Return the ellipsoid’s NED-referenced heading angle.