

Moon provides methods for the Earth’s Moon’s radius, directional vectors in WCS and ECI coordinates, and ECI location and velocity.

Static Methods

static double MEAN_RADIUS()

Returns the Moon’s mean (spherical) radius (1.7371e+6 m).


Return the Moon’s gravitational parameter in SI units.

static double Phase(Calendar aCalendar)

Get the phase of the Moon in degrees, where 0 is a new Moon, 180 is full, and the range is 0 - 360.

static double Illumination(Calendar aCalendar)

Get the fraction of the Moon illuminated at the given date and time (0.0 - 1.0).

static Vec3 LocationECI(Calendar aCalendar)

Return the The Earth Centered Inertial System (ECI) vector pointing to the Moon.

static Vec3 LocationWCS(Calendar aCalendar)

Return the The World Coordinate System (WCS) vector pointing to the Moon.

static Array<double> LocationRA_Dec(Calendar aCalendar)

Return the right ascension and declination angles of the Moon.


The right ascension will be the first value of the returned Array; the declination will be the second value.

static Vec3 UnitVecECI(Calendar aCalendar)

Return the The Earth Centered Inertial System (ECI) unit vector pointing to the Moon.

static Vec3 UnitVecWCS(Calendar aCalendar)

Return the WCS unit vector pointing to the Moon.

static Vec3 VelocityECI(Calendar aCalendar)

Return the The Earth Centered Inertial System (ECI) velocity vector of the Moon.

static bool LineOfSight(Calendar aCalendar, Vec3 aLocationECI_1, Vec3 aLocationECI_2)

Returns whether the ECI locations’ line-of-sight with one another is blocked by the Moon.