

Construction: Signal newObj = Signal();
Clone: Signal newObj = Signal(other);

Signal maintains a list of Method to be invoked when a signal is triggered.

Static Methods

static Signal Global(string aSignalName)

Returns a signal with a globally unique name. Creates a new signal if one does not already exist.

static void RemoveGlobal(string aSignalName)

Removes a signal with a globally unique name. Has no effect if no signal has the given name.


void Connect(Method aMethod)

Connects a Method to the signal. The method will be executed when Call is invoked.

void Connect(string aFunctionName)
void Connect(Object aBaseObject, string aMethodName)

First creates a Method given the global function name or an object and a method name. The resulting method is then connected to the signal.

void Disconnect(string aFunctionName)
void Disconnect(Object aBaseObject, string aMethodName)
void Disconnect(Method aMethod)

Disconnects a Method from the signal.

void DisconnectAll()

Disconnects all methods from the signal.

Array<Object> Call()
Array<Object> Call(Array<Object> aParams)

Invokes all connected methods with the specified parameter list. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure method arguments match. Returns a list of return values from each method.

int Size()

Returns the number of methods connected to this signal.

Array<Method> Methods()

Returns an array of all connected methods.


Demonstrates basic usage of Signal:

platform_type plat_type WSF_PLATFORM
   script void report(string aParm)
      writeln(Name(), " says ", aParm);
      Signal sig = Signal.Global("report_status");
      sig.Connect(PLATFORM, "report");
platform plat-1 plat_type    end_platform
platform plat-2 plat_type    end_platform
execute at_time 1 s absolute
   Signal.Global("report_status").Call( {"Hello World"} );


plat-1 says Hello World
plat-2 says Hello World