WsfBallisticPath inherits ObjectConstruction:
WsfBallisticPath newObj = WsfBallisticPath();
Clone:WsfBallisticPath newObj = WsfBallisticPath(other);
WsfBallisticPath provides a representation of a ballistic path that is initialized and updated with tracks and provides extrapolation, trajectory visualization (with WsfDraw), and estimates of impact point and impact time.
- bool Update(WsfTrack aTrack)¶
Update the ballistic path based on the location and velocity contained in the track.
- bool HasData()¶
Return whether the object has valid data.
- bool IsBallisticType(string aTypeName)¶
Return whether the provided type is a ballistic type (registered using the ballistic_types input).
- WsfGeoPoint ImpactPoint()¶
Provide the projected impact point for the object’s computed trajectory.
- double ImpactTime()¶
Return the projected simulation impact time for the object’s computed trajectory.
- WsfGeoPoint PointAtTime(double aSimTime)¶
Provide the projected point along the object’s trajectory at the given simulation time.