
WsfBallisticPath inherits Object

Construction: WsfBallisticPath newObj = WsfBallisticPath();
Clone: WsfBallisticPath newObj = WsfBallisticPath(other);

WsfBallisticPath provides a representation of a ballistic path that is initialized and updated with tracks and provides extrapolation, trajectory visualization (with WsfDraw), and estimates of impact point and impact time.


bool Update(WsfTrack aTrack)

Update the ballistic path based on the location and velocity contained in the track.

bool HasData()

Return whether the object has valid data.

void Draw(WsfDraw aDraw)

Draw the ballistic trajectory using the given WsfDraw object.

bool IsBallisticType(string aTypeName)

Return whether the provided type is a ballistic type (registered using the ballistic_types input).

WsfGeoPoint ImpactPoint()

Provide the projected impact point for the object’s computed trajectory.

double ImpactTime()

Return the projected simulation impact time for the object’s computed trajectory.

WsfGeoPoint PointAtTime(double aSimTime)

Provide the projected point along the object’s trajectory at the given simulation time.