

Construction: WsfBMInterceptCalcResult newObj = WsfBMInterceptCalcResult();
Clone: WsfBMInterceptCalcResult newObj = WsfBMInterceptCalcResult(other);

WsfBMInterceptCalcResult is the script interface for the return type to battle manager’s intercept calculator interface. All intercept calculators are expected to meet the interface shown below. The intercept calculator may be employed on the battle manager processor or on a weapon platform. If there is no top-level intercept calculator on the battle manager processor, each weapon platform will be expected to provide it’s own intercept calculator(with the same interface but on the platform using the weapon). For all battle manager capability, it is important to fill out all data in this structure if the intercept capability is set to true.

# Intercept Calculator Interface Required Signature
script WsfBMInterceptCalcResult can_intercept(WsfWeapon weapon, WsfTrack track)


void SetCantIntercept()

Marks intercept-capability as false(cannot intercept)

void SetCanIntercept()

Marks intercept-capability as true(can intercept)

void SetCanIntercept(bool can_intercept)

Marks intercept-capability as true if parameter is true, otherwise false.

bool GetCanIntercept()

Returns the intercept-capability flag: true if can intercept, otherwise false.

void SetTTI(double time_to_intercept_secs)

Sets the estimated time to execute the intercept in elapsed seconds.

double GetTTI()

Returns the estimated time to execute the intercept in elapsed seconds.

void SetPredPoint(WsfGeoPoint predicted_pt)

Sets the predicted intercept point.

WsfGeoPoint GetPredPoint()

Returns the predicted intercept point.

void SetEstimatedPK(double estimated_pk)

Sets the estimated probability of kill for the intercept.

double GetEstimatedPK()

Returns the estimated probability of kill for the intercept.

void SetWeaponMaxRange(double estimated_pk)

Sets the maximum weapon range for the given intercept geometry.

double GetWeaponMaxRange()

Returns the maximum weapon range for the given intercept geometry.