


The WsfCommGraph represents network states, routing tables, etc. in the comm framework. All graphs consist of WsfCommGraphNode and WsfCommGraphEdge objects, representing the comm interfaces and their ability to communicate. Graph objects are used to store the network truth state via the Network Manager in the simulation, and many protocols on routers use such graphs to store their perception of the network state locally. Such graphs are ultimately used to make determinations on how and where to send messages to reach their destination in an efficient manner.


bool HasNode(WsfAddress aAddress)

Returns true if a node exists on this graph with the indicated address, false otherwise.

bool HasEdge(WsfAddress aSourceAddress, WsfAddress aDestinationAddress)

Returns true if an edge exists on this graph with the indicated source and destination node addresses, false otherwise.

WsfCommGraphNode GetNode(WsfAddress aAddress)

Returns the node with the corresponding address on this graph.

WsfCommGraphEdge GetEdge(WsfAddress aSourceAddress, WsfAddress aDestinationAddress)

Returns the edge with the corresponding source and destination interface addresses on this graph.

Array<WsfAddress> GetNodes()

Returns the addresses of all nodes that exist in this graph at the time of the call.

Array<WsfCommGraphEdge> GetIncomingNodeEdges(WsfAddress aAddress)

Given the node indicated by the address provided, returns all of the edges that are incoming to this node in the graph. Since edges in comm graphs are directional, incoming edges are the edges whose destination is the node specified.

Array<WsfCommGraphEdge> GetOutgoingNodeEdges(WsfAddress aAddress)

Given the node indicated by the address provided, returns all of the edges that are outgoing from this node in the graph. Since edges in comm graphs are directional, outgoing edges are the edges whose source is the node specified.

Array<WsfAddress> FindPath(WsfAddress aSourceAddress, WsfAddress aDestinationAddress)

Attempts to find a path in the graph from the indicated source address node to the destination address node. Finding a path between such members indicates that communications are possible between the two comm interfaces, at least in the context of this graph (this may not be ultimately true given if the graph state doesn’t represent truth, or other limitations due to model implementations, future changes, etc.).

If found, the most optimal path is returned, with the addresses returned indicating each node along the path starting from the source interface to the destination interface, in order.

If a path is not found, the array will not contain any address entries.

bool CreateNode(WsfAddress aAddress)

Creates a node in the graph with the indicated address. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.


This method bypasses the typical comm framework API. It will not cause the creation of events or notification of observers typically provided when such interfaces are created within the comm framework.

bool RemoveNode(WsfAddress aAddress)

Removes a node in the graph with the indicated address. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.


This method bypasses the typical comm framework API. It will not cause the creation of events or notification of observers typically provided when such interfaces are removed within the comm framework.

bool InsertEdge(WsfAddress aSourceAddress, WsfAddress aDestinationAddress)

Creates an edge in the graph with the indicated source and destination address. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.


This method bypasses the typical comm framework API. It will not cause the creation of events or notification of observers typically provided when such connections are created within the comm framework.

bool EraseEdge(WsfAddress aSourceAddress, WsfAddress aDestinationAddress)

Removes an edge in the graph with the indicated source and destination address. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.


This method bypasses the typical comm framework API. It will not cause the creation of events or notification of observers typically provided when such connections are removed within the comm framework.

bool Clear()

Removes all nodes and edges in the graph. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.


This method bypasses the typical comm framework API. It will not cause the creation of events or notification of observers typically provided when such nodes or connections are removed within the comm framework.

bool SetEdgeWeight(WsfAddress aSourceAddress, WsfAddress aDestinationAddress, double aWeight)

Modifies the edge indicated by the provided source and destination address to have the weight provided. Returns true if the weight modification was successful, false otherwise.