
WsfCyberAttackParameters inherits Object

Construction: WsfCyberAttackParameters newObj = WsfCyberAttackParameters();
Clone: WsfCyberAttackParameters newObj = WsfCyberAttackParameters(other);


WsfCyberAttackParameters is a container object consisting of any number of WsfCyberAttackParameterObject. Because this data is essentially auxiliary data, nearly any type of user required data can be held by this container, from primitive types, to formally defined script objects, and even user constructed script objects.

The data provided to this container, either prior to or at the time of a cyber attack, can be used by the effects associated with that attack. The usage of such parameters may be defined by the effect implementation directly (as with WSF_CYBER_WEAPONS_RETARGET_EFFECT) or may be provided within the context of script method overloads to define the behavior of such attacks (as with WSF_CYBER_SCRIPT_EFFECT_ENHANCED).

It is important to note that this container maintains the ordering of the data supplied to it. Because the data can be of any type, in cases where the parameters are exposed to usage in the script context, the user must retrieve the data in a manner appropriate for the type that was originally used. For example, primitive types can be retrieved directly with the auxiliary data API, however, more complex objects must be obtained as generic objects and then cast correctly.

This object supports the usage of any number of effects needing user supplied parameters.

General Methods

Array<string> GetEffectNames()

Returns an array of strings representing the names of effects that this object contains data for.

int GetEffectEntryCount(string aEffectName)

Returns the number of parameters in this container for the effect specified by the string effect name provided.

WsfCyberAttackParameterObject GetEffectEntryByIndex(string aEffectName, int aIndex)

Returns the parameter (auxiliary data container) associated with the effect specified by the string name at the indicated index.

void AddParameter(WsfCyberAttackParameterObject aParameter)

Adds a parameter to this container for subsequent usage by a named effect.

Note that the WsfCyberAttackParameterObject being added must have only a single string attribute, otherwise the parameter will not be utilized. If multiple parameters are required for a single effect, a different WsfCyberAttackParameterObject should be passed to this method call for each required parameter.

The order in which parameters are added to this object is maintained, such that users may be confident in the underlying types of the parameters passed. For example, if two parameters are passed using this method, both with the string name effect-type, and the second parameter was an integer, retrieving the second indexed parameter object (using index 1, since indexing is 0-based) will provide the WsfCyberAttackParameterObject with an integer as the base type.