
WsfEarthMonopoleTerm inherits WsfOrbitalDynamicsTerm


The WsfEarthMonopoleTerm represents the point mass gravitational field of the Earth. See also Earth Monopole.

Static Methods

WsfEarthMonopoleTerm Construct()
WsfEarthMonopoleTerm Construct(double aGravitationalParameter)
WsfEarthMonopoleTerm Construct(string aModel)

Create a term representing Earth’s point mass gravitational field with the given gravitational parameter in SI units. If no gravitational parameter is specified, this term will use the EGM-96 value.

Alternatively, users may select the Earth’s gravitational parameter using the name of a gravity model. Allowed values are ‘wgs84’ and ‘egm96’, which select the WGS-84 and EGM-96 values, respectively.


double GravitationalParameter()

Return the gravitational parameter for this dynamical term.