
WsfEM_Interaction inherits Object

All base WsfEM_Interaction methods are available on both the WsfCommInteraction and the WsfSensorInteraction script objects.

NOTE: A value of -999 indicates a non-valid value. Most methods return this default value if not used in the EM interaction.

General Methods

bool Succeeded()

Returns ‘true’ if the EM interaction ‘succeeded.’ Success indicates that limits have been checked and no failures have occurred.

bool Failed()

Returns ‘true’ if either the limits have NOT been checked or a failure has occurred.

string FailedStatus()

Returns a string containing the reason(s) for the failure. This will be an empty string if no failure occurred.

WsfPlatform XmtrPlatform()

Returns the transmitter WsfPlatform object used in the EM interaction.


Check the returned platform for validity before using.

string XmtrPlatformName()

Returns the name of the transmitter platform.

WsfGeoPoint XmtrLocation()

Returns the location of the transmitter if valid, otherwise the location of the platform is given.

WsfEM_Xmtr Xmtr()

Returns the transmitter WsfEM_Xmtr object used in the EM interaction.


Check the returned transmitter for validity before using.

WsfEM_Rcvr Rcvr()

Returns the receiver WsfEM_Rcvr object used in the EM interaction.


Check the returned receiver for validity before using.

WsfPlatform RcvrPlatform()

Returns the receiver WsfPlatform object used in the EM interaction.


Check the returned platform for validity before using.

string RcvrPlatformName()

Returns the name of the receiver platform.

WsfGeoPoint RcvrLocation()

Returns the location of the receiver if valid, otherwise the location of the platform is given.

WsfPlatform TargetPlatform()

Returns the target WsfPlatform object used in the EM interaction.


Check the returned platform for validity before using.

string TargetPlatformName()

Returns the name of the target platform, if applicable.

WsfGeoPoint TargetLocation()

Returns the location of the target if valid.

Location Methods

double RcvrToTargetRange()

Returns the range from the receiver to the target. (meters)

double RcvrToTargetTrueAzimuth()

Returns the true azimuth from the receiver to the target. (degrees)

double RcvrToTargetTrueElevation()

Returns the true elevation from the receiver to the target. (degrees)

double RcvrToTargetApparentAzimuth()

Returns the apparent azimuth from the receiver to the target. (degrees)

double RcvrToTargetApparentElevation()

Returns the apparent elevation from the receiver to the target. (degrees)

double TargetToRcvrRange()

Returns the range from the target to the receiver. (meters)

double TargetToRcvrTrueAzimuth()

Returns the true azimuth from the target to the receiver. (degrees)

double TargetToRcvrTrueElevation()

Returns the true elevation from the target to the receiver. (degrees)

double TargetToRcvrApparentAzimuth()

Returns the apparent azimuth from the target to the receiver. (degrees)

double TargetToRcvrApparentElevation()

Returns the apparent elevation from the target to the receiver. (degrees)

double XmtrToTargetRange()

Returns the range from the transmitter to the target. (meters)

double XmtrToTargetTrueAzimuth()

Returns the true azimuth from the transmitter to the target. (degrees)

double XmtrToTargetTrueElevation()

Returns the true elevation from the transmitter to the target. (degrees)

double XmtrToTargetApparentAzimuth()

Returns the apparent azimuth from the transmitter to the target. (degrees)

double XmtrToTargetApparentElevation()

Returns the apparent elevation from the transmitter to the target. (degrees)

double TargetToXmtrRange()

Returns the range from the target to the transmitter. (meters)

double TargetToXmtrTrueAzimuth()

Returns the true azimuth from the target to the transmitter. (degrees)

double TargetToXmtrTrueElevation()

Returns the true elevation from the target to the transmitter. (degrees)

double TargetToXmtrApparentAzimuth()

Returns the apparent azimuth from the target to the transmitter. (degrees)

double TargetToXmtrApparentElevation()

Returns the apparent elevation from the target to the transmitter. (degrees)

double XmtrToRcvrRange()

Returns the range from the transmitter to the receiver. (meters)

double XmtrToRcvrTrueAzimuth()

Returns the true azimuth from the transmitter to the receiver. (degrees)

double XmtrToRcvrTrueElevation()

Returns the true elevation from the transmitter to the receiver. (degrees)

double XmtrToRcvrApparentAzimuth()

Returns the apparent azimuth from the transmitter to the receiver. (degrees)

double XmtrToRcvrApparentElevation()

Returns the apparent elevation from the transmitter to the receiver. (degrees)

double RcvrToXmtrRange()

Returns the range from the receiver to the transmitter. (meters)

double RcvrToXmtrTrueAzimuth()

Returns the true azimuth from the receiver to the transmitter. (degrees)

double RcvrToXmtrTrueElevation()

Returns the true elevation from the receiver to the transmitter. (degrees)

double RcvrToXmtrApparentAzimuth()

Returns the apparent azimuth from the receiver to the transmitter. (degrees)

double RcvrToXmtrApparentElevation()

Returns the apparent elevation from the receiver to the transmitter. (degrees)

Beam Methods

double XmtrBeamBearing()

Returns the bearing of the transmitter beam. (degrees)

double XmtrBeamElevation()

Returns the elevation of the transmitter beam. (degrees)

double XmtrBeamTargetRelativeAzimuth()

Returns of the azimuth of the target with respect to the transmitter beam. (degrees)

double XmtrBeamTargetRelativeElevation()

Returns of the elevation of the target with respect to the transmitter beam. (degrees)

double XmtrBeamGain()

Returns the gain at the specified az/el. (dB)

double XmtrBeamEBS_Azimuth()

Returns the azimuth of the beam with respect to the antenna face. (degrees)

double XmtrBeamEBS_Elevation()

Returns the elevation of the beam with respect to the antenna face. (degrees)

double XmtrBeamEBS_Omega()
double RcvrBeamBearing()

Returns the bearing of the receiver beam. (degrees)

double RcvrBeamElevation()

Returns the elevation of the receiver beam. (degrees)

double RcvrBeamTargetRelativeAzimuth()

Returns of the azimuth of the target with respect to the receiver beam. (degrees)

double RcvrBeamTargetRelativeElevation()

Returns of the elevation of the target with respect to the receiver beam. (degrees)

double RcvrBeamGain()

Returns the gain at the specified az/el. (dB)

double RcvrBeamEBS_Azimuth()

Returns the azimuth of the beam with respect to the antenna face. (degrees)

double RcvrBeamEBS_Elevation()

Returns the elevation of the beam with respect to the antenna face. (degrees)

double RcvrBeamEBS_Omega()

Signature Methods

double InfraredSignature()

Returns the infrared signature. (m^2)

double InfraredSignatureAzimuth()

Returns the azimuth used for infrared signature determination. (degrees)

double InfraredSignatureElevation()

Returns the elevation used for infrared signature determination. (degrees)

double RadarSignature()

Returns the radar signature. (m^2)

double RadarSignatureAzimuth()

Returns the azimuth used for radar signature determination. (degrees)

double RadarSignatureElevation()

Returns the elevation used for radar signature determination. (degrees)

double OpticalSignature()

Returns the optical signature. (m^2)

double OpticalSignatureAzimuth()

Returns the azimuth used for optical signature determination. (degrees)

double OpticalSignatureElevation()

Returns the elevation used for optical signature determination. (degrees)

Power Methods

double XmtdPower()

Returns the transmitted power at the antenna face. (dBw)

double RcvdPower()

Returns the received power at the antenna face. (dBw)

double RcvrNoise()

Returns the receiver noise power. (dBw)

double ClutterPower()

Returns the clutter power. (dBw)

Signal Methods

double SignalToInterference()

Returns the signal-to-interference value. (dB)

double SignalToNoise()

Returns the signal-to-noise value. (dB)

double SignalToNoiseClutter()

Returns the signal-to-noise + clutter value. (dB)

Other Methods

double AbsorptionFactor()

Returns the atmospheric absorption factor (typically the atmospheric attenuation or transmittance). (dB)

double MaskingFactor()

Returns the masking factor (in the range [0..1] that accounts for blockage or attenuation by structure. A value of 1 indicates there is no blockage or attenuation by structure while a value of zero indicates blockage or attenuation.


This includes the effects of both the transmitter and receiver sides.

double PropagationFactor()

Returns the pattern propagation factor (typically called ‘F40’) (dB)

double BackgroundRadiantIntensity()

Returns the infrared background radiant intensity. (w/sr)

double ContrastRadiantIntensity()

Returns the contrast radiant intensity. (w/sr)

double DetectionThreshold()

Returns the nominal detection threshold.

double PixelCount()

Returns the approximate number of pixels the target occupies in the image. (For imaging sensors only)

Military Specific

Power Methods

double NoiseJammerPower()

Returns the noise jammer power. (dBw)

double PulseJammerPower()

Returns the pulse jammer power. (dBw)

double CoherentJammerPower()

Returns the coherent jammer power. (dBw)

Signal Methods

double SignalToNoiseClutterJamming()

Returns the signal-to-noise + clutter + jamming value. (dB)

Other Methods

WsfEW_Effects EW_Effects()

Returns the Electronic Warfare Effects associated with this interaction.