

WsfEM_XmtrRcvr is the base script class for WsfEM_Xmtr and WsfEM_Rcvr.


WsfEM_Antenna Antenna()

Returns the antenna part associated with the transmitter or receiver.

WsfArticulatedPart ArticulatedPart()

Returns the articulated part associated with the transmitter or receiver.

WsfEM_Attenuation AttenuationModel()

Returns the attenuation model associated with the transmitter or receiver, if applicable.

WsfEM_Propagation PropagationModel()

Returns the propagation model associated with the transmitter or receiver, if applicable.

double Bandwidth()

Returns the EM operating bandwidth (Hz).

void SetBandwidth(double aBandwidth)

Sets the EM operating bandwidth (Hz).

double Frequency()

Returns the current EM operating frequency (Hz).

void SetFrequency(double aFrequency)

Sets the EM operating frequency (Hz).

double Wavelength()

Returns the current EM operating wavelength (m).

Array<string> PolarizationTypes()

Returns an array containing the string names of polarization types supported by this transmitter or receiver. The potential polarization types available in AFSIM are the following:

  • horizontal

  • vertical

  • slant_45

  • slant_135

  • left_cirular

  • right_circular

  • default

string Polarization()

Returns the current EM operating polarization type.

void SetPolarization(string aPolarizationType)

Sets the current EM operating polarization type.

WsfAntennaPattern AntennaPattern(double aFrequency)
WsfAntennaPattern AntennaPattern(double aFrequency, string aPolarizationType)

Returns the antenna pattern object associated with the provided frequency for this transmitter or receiver. If not specified, the polarization type is assumed to be the default type.

double BeamTilt()

Returns the beam tilt, the elevation angle of the beam center above the horizontal plane. (degrees)

void SetBeamTilt(double aTilt)

Sets the beam tilt, the elevation angle of the beam center above the horizontal plane. (degrees)

double EarthRadiusMultiplier()

Returns the multiplicative factor associated with the earth’s radius used by this transmitter or receiver.

void SetEarthRadiusMultiplier(double aMultiplier)

Sets the multiplicative factor associated with the earth’s radius used by this transmitter or receiver.

bool CheckMasking()

Returns true if terrain and horizon line of sight masking is checked, false otherwise.

void SetCheckMasking(bool aCheck)

When set to true, indicates that the receiver or transmitter will use terrain and horizon line of sight masking checks. When set to false, these checks will not be performed for the transmitter or receiver.

string MaskingMode()

Returns the current terrain masking type.

void SetMaskingMode(string aTerrainMaskingModeType)

Sets the mode or type of masking checks to perform. Valid terrain masking types are the following: (all other values will be ignored)

  • terrain_and_horizon

  • terrain_only

  • horizon_only

double InternalLoss()

Returns the internal loss factor (dB) associated with various losses between the antenna and the receiver or transmitter.

void SetInternalLoss(double aRatio)

Sets the internal loss factor (dB) associated with various losses between the antenna and the receiver or transmitter.

int Index()

Returns the identifying index of this transmitter or receiver.