
WsfEquatorialFieldOfView inherits WsfFieldOfView

Clone: WsfEquatorialFieldOfView newObj = WsfEquatorialFieldOfView(other);

WsfEquatorialFieldOfView defines a equatorial field of view that is used to dynamically change a sensor’s field of view (originally defined using antenna field of view commands) using WsfSensor.SetFOV.

Static Methods

static WsfEquatorialFieldOfView Construct(double aMinEquatorial, double aMaxEquatorial, double aMinPolar, double aMaxPolar)

Returns a new WsfEquatorialFieldOfView object with the specified equatorial and polar extents (in degrees).


Array<double> EquatorialFieldOfView()

Returns the minimum and maximum equatorial field of view extents (in degrees).

Array<double> PolarFieldOfView()

Returns the minimum and maximum polar field of view extents (in degrees).