

Construction: WsfGeoPoint newObj = WsfGeoPoint();
Clone: WsfGeoPoint newObj = WsfGeoPoint(other);

WsfGeoPoint is used to represent a geographic location. It is often a product or an argument of many script methods.


A default-constructed WsfGeoPoint has an LLA (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) location of (0n, 0e, 0 meters).

Static Methods

static WsfGeoPoint Construct(double aLat, double aLon, double aAlt)
static WsfGeoPoint Construct(string aLatitudeLongitude)
static WsfGeoPoint ConstructWCS(double aWCS_X, double aWCS_Y, double aWCS_Z)
static WsfGeoPoint ConstructWCS(Vec3 aLocationVec)

Static methods to create a point using a specified position. Latitude and longitude are in decimal degrees. Altitude and world coordinates are in meters. See Values for the allowed string format of latitude longitude.


WsfGeoPoint p1 = WsfGeoPoint.Construct(40, -90, 10000);
WsfGeoPoint p2 = WsfGeoPoint.Construct("32:00:00n 15.03w");


double Latitude()

Return the geo point’s latitude [-90 .. 90] (decimal degrees)

double Longitude()

Return the geo point’s longitude [-180 .. 180] (decimal degrees)

double Altitude()

Return the geo point’s altitude (meters)

double X()

Return the geo point’s WCS x position. (meters)

double Y()

Return the geo point’s WCS y position. (meters)

double Z()

Return the geo point’s WCS z position. (meters)

Vec3 LocationWCS()

Return the geo point’s WCS position. (meters)

Vec3 LocationECI()

Return the geo point’s ECI position at the current simulation time. (meters)

double HeightAboveEllipsoid()

Returns the height of the point above the ellipsoid (HAE) at the latitude and longitude represented by the point. (meters)


To enable proper calculation (non-zero return) the gravity_model must be defined.

double GeoidHeight()

Returns the height of the Geoid at the latitude and longitude represented by the point. (meters).


To enable proper calculation (non-zero return) the gravity_model must be defined.


Subtract off the gravity correction factor when converting from HAE to MSL.

double altMSL = altHAE - geoPnt.GeoidHeight();

Add on the gravity correction factor when converting from MSL to HAE.

double altHAE = altMSL + geoPnt.GeoidHeight();
double HeightAboveTerrain()

Returns the height of the point above the terrain at the latitude and longitude represented by the point. (meters)

double TerrainHeight()
static double TerrainHeight(double aLat, double aLon)

Returns the height of the terrain above mean sea level (MSL) at the latitude and longitude represented by the point. (meters).

The static form returns the height of the terrain above mean sea level (MSL) at the latitude and longitude specified by the arguments. (decimal degrees). This allows one to get the terrain height without first having to create a WsfGeoPoint object.


The static methods in WsfTerrain should be used in new applications.

void Set(WsfGeoPoint aGeoPoint)
void Set(double aLatitude, double aLongtitude, double aAltitude)
void Set(WsfPlatform aPlatform)
void Set(WsfTrack aTrack)
void Set(WsfWaypoint aWaypoint)
void Set(Vec3 aLocationWCS)

Set the geo point’s position to the specified location.

void SetWCS(Vec3 aLocation)

Set the geo point’s position to the specified location in WCS. This is a synonym for the WsfGeoPoint.Set method above that takes the Vec3 argument.

void SetAltitudeAGL(double aAltitudeAGL)

Sets the geo point’s altitude in above ground level (AGL) meters.

void SetAltitudeHAE(double aAltitudeAGL)

Set the geo point’s altitude in height-above-ellipsoid (HAE) meters.


To enable proper calculation (non-zero return) the gravity_model must be defined.

void Offset(double aHeading, double aDeltaX, double aDeltaY, double aDeltaZ)
void Offset(double aHeading, Vec3 aDeltaXYZ)

Adds an offset to the current location defined by the point. The addition takes place in a local frame whose origin is the current point. The X-Y plane is tangent to the Earth’s surface at the location of the current point, with the X-axis aligned pointed in the direction specified by the first argument. The Z-axis points down and the Y-axis is formed such that the resulting coordinate system is right-handed (i.e., Y = Z cross X).

aHeading is in degrees clockwise from north. aDeltaX, aDeltaY and aDeltaZ are in meters.

void OffsetNED(double aDeltaNorth, double aDeltaEast, double aDeltaDown)
void OffsetNED(Vec3 aDeltaNED)

Adds an offset given in north/east/down form to the current location defined by the point. The addition takes place in a local North-East-Down frame whose origin is the current location defined by the point.

The offsets are in meters.

void OffsetRBE(double aRange, double aBearing, double aElevation)

Adds a offset given in range/bearing/elevation form to the current location defined by the point. The addition takes place in a local North-East-Down frame whose origin is the current location of the point.

aRange is in meters, aBearing and aElevation are in degrees. aBearing is measured clockwise from north.

void OffsetWCS(double aDeltaX, double aDeltaY, double aDeltaZ)
void OffsetWCS(Vec3 aDeltaXYZ)

Adds a WCS vector to the current location of the point.

The offsets are in meters.

void Extrapolate(double aHeading, double aDistance)

Extrapolates the point’s latitude and longitude position along a great circle heading for the specified distance. The altitude is unchanged.

Heading in units of degrees measured clockwise from north; distance in units of meters.

Relative Geometry Methods

double SlantRangeTo(WsfGeoPoint aGeoPoint)
double SlantRangeTo(WsfGeoPoint aGeoPoint, bool aUseSpherical)

Returns the slant range from the current geo point to the specified geo point. If aUseSpherical is true, calculate using spherical coordinates; if it is false or left unspecified, calculate using ellipsoidal coordinates.

double GroundRangeTo(WsfGeoPoint aGeoPoint)

Returns the approximate ground range from the current geo point to the specified geo point.

double TrueBearingTo(WsfGeoPoint aGeoPoint)

Returns the true bearing from the current geo point to the specified geo point. The bearing is relative to due north, clockwise direction being positive.

Other Methods

string ToString()

Return the point formatted as a string suitable for display.

string ToStringMGRS()

Return the point as an MGRS coordinate.

bool WithinZoneOf(WsfPlatform aPlatform, string aZoneName)

Return true if the point is within the zone on the specified platform.

bool WithinZone(string aZoneName)

Return true if the point is within the global zone.

double ApparentTimeNow()

Return the apparent mean solar time of this point in hours since midnight.

double ApparentTime(Calendar aEpoch)

Return the apparent mean solar time of this point at the given aEpoch in hours since midnight.