

Clone: WsfImage newObj = WsfImage(other);

WsfImage is typically contained with a WsfImageMessage or WsfVideoMessage and represents the product of an imaging sensor.

Image Methods

These methods pertain to the image as a whole.

double ImageTime()
double Time()

Returns the time the image was produced.

int ImageNumber()
int Number()

Returns the image number of the image within a stream of images. For an image that represents a frame in a video stream, this would be the frame number within the stream.

void SetImageNumber(int aNumber)
void SetNumber(int aNumber)

Set the image number of the image within a stream of images.

int StreamNumber()

Returns the stream number of the image. For a static image, this number is incremented for each image. For a video stream this number is incremented whenever the sensor is turned on.

void SetStreamNumber(int aNumber)

Set the stream number that contains the image.

WsfPlatform Originator()

Returns the platform containing the originating sensor.


Use with caution. The platform may have been deleted.

int OriginatorIndex()

Returns the platform index of the platform that contained the sensor that produced the image.

WsfGeoPoint OriginatorLocation()

Returns the location of the platform that contained the sensor that produced the image.

string SensorName()

The name of the sensor that produced the image.

string SensorType()

The type of the sensor that produced the image.

string SensorMode()

The mode in which the originating sensor was operating at the time it produced the image.

WsfGeoPoint CenterLocation()

Returns the approximate location of the center of the image.


This may be zero if it is not defined by the sensor implementation.

double Width()
double Height()

Returns the width and height, respectively, of the image in pixels.


This may be zero if it is not defined by the sensor implementation.

double WidthResolution()
double HeightResolution()

Returns the width and height of an image pixel in meters.


These may be zero if it is not defined by the sensor implementation.

double CollectionFactor()

A value of less than 1 indicates that the collection time was not sufficient to achieve the desired resolution, while a value greater than 1 indicates the collection time was greater than that needed to achieve the desired resolution.

The return value will be 1.0 if the sensor did not define a value.


Be sure to allow some tolerance when checking this value for 1.0 as the achieved resolution may differ a slight amount from the requested value due to timing and other numerical issues.

double NoiseLevel()

Returns the noise level of the producing sensor.


This may be zero if it is not defined by the sensor implementation.

double BackgroundLevel()

Returns the signal level of the ‘background.’


This may be zero if it is not defined by the sensor implementation.

double MinimumLevel()

Returns the signal level that corresponds to a PixelIntensity_() of zero.

double MaximumLevel()

Returns the signal level that corresponds to a PixelIntensity_() of one.

int ObjectCount()

Returns the number of objects seen in the image.

Object Methods

These methods are used to obtain information about a specific object in the image.


Unless otherwise noted, the methods take an object index value (aIndex) that represents the object whose information is to be retrieved. This value must be in the range:: 0 <= aIndex < ObjectCount()

WsfGeoPoint Location(int aIndex)

Returns the perceived location of the specified object in the image.

double SignalLevel(int aIndex)

Returns the signal level of the specified object in the image.


This may be zero if it is not defined by the sensor implementation.

double PixelCount(int aIndex)

Returns the approximate number of pixels occupied by the specified object in the image.

double PixelIntensity(int aIndex)

Returns the approximate intensity of the specified object in the image. The return value is in the range [0, 1], where a value of zero corresponds to a signal level of returned by MinimumLevel_() and a value of one corresponds to a signal level returned by MaximumLevel_().

int TruthIndex(int aIndex)

Returns the truth platform index of the specified object in the image.

string TruthName(int aIndex)

Returns the truth platform name of the specified object in the image.

string TruthType(int aIndex)

Returns the truth type of the specified object in the image.

string TruthSide(int aIndex)

Returns the truth side of the specified object in the image.