
WsfOrbitalBlendedCost inherits WsfOrbitalOptimizationCost

WsfOrbitalBlendedCost represents an orbital targeting optimization cost function that is a polynomial that blends together the elapsed time, \Delta t, and the total change in speed, \Delta V. The value of the cost function is set by three constants, A, B, and C as follows:

g(\Delta t, \Delta V) = A \Delta t + B \Delta V + C \Delta t \Delta V.

This cost function is more general than either least time, or least delta-V optimization, but it contains both of those as special cases.

Static Methods

static WsfOrbitalBlendedCost Construct(double aA_Value, double aB_Value, double aC_Value)

Construct a new WsfOrbitalBlendedCost instance with the function’s coefficients set to aA_Value, aB_Value, and aC_Value.

static WsfOrbitalBlendedCost ConstructLeastTime()

Construct a new WsfOrbitalBlendedCost instance with the coefficients set to reproduce least-time optimization (A = 1, B = C = 0).

static WsfOrbitalBlendedCost ConstructLeastDeltaV()

Construct a new WsfOrbitalBlendedCost instance with the coefficients set to reproduce least-delta V optimization (B = 1, A = C = 0).


double A_Value()

Return the value of the A coefficient for this instance.

double B_Value()

Return the value of the B coefficient for this instance.

double C_Value()

Return the value of the C coefficient for this instance.

void SetA_Value(double aA_Value)

Set the A coefficient for this instance to the provided aA_Value.

void SetB_Value(double aB_Value)

Set the B coefficient for this instance to the provided aB_Value.

void SetC_Value(double aC_Value)

Set the C coefficient for this instance to the provided aC_Value.